voyboy wrote:Lurker wrote:This seems like an interesting theory. It would make sense even. Sonia also seems a little different from how she was at the party. She was more bubbly then, I think. She seemed a little stiff in "Sing With Me." Perhaps both of them are trying to play the role of dedicated Hymnites as they think it would look (I think we all have an idea of what someone deluded into following a group like this would act like).
Yes yes! I noticed that Sonia was different from the first HoO video with Bree. At the seminar she was forced smiles robotic. I actually noticed that Carl was robotic as well. When he would erase something from the board he was really machanical about it. It took longer than it should have.
But back to Sonia, she is for sure different than she was at the party. She appeared to be sweet and as you said bubbly, and now...
Sonia's a zombie
Yes, that's it exactly, voyboy: She seemed warm/sweet and bubbly before, but now she's like a zombie.
Before I begin anything else, I want to apologize to Nieriel.Manwathiel, JanaL, voyboy, MintyBeast, hamovbala4ever89 and anyone else not happy about this discussion. Unfortunately, I'm not so sorry that I'm not going to make the attempt to put down asshattery when I see it at work. Forgive me (or not, if you would prefer), but it needs to be said.
spiff5000 wrote:Samara wrote:To which I will flame you to say that's total bullshit. SOme of the most brilliant literature and inventions of our time have some from people suffering from any number of disorders within their manic and/or depressive states. Ever hear of Ludwig van Beethoven?
Are you comparing Alex with Beethoven???
...How did you arrive at that conclusion? Samara didn't even mention Alex.
spiff5000 wrote:I didn't say she wasn't capable of it. It's just not likely. The vast majority of poor souls that have this disorder are just trying to get through one day at a time.
In addition to "missing" (ever so conveniently) my last post to you and several others sent your way, you seem to be overlooking the fact (just as conveniently) that people with bipolar disorder are not constantly fluctuating between two extremes. It doesn't work like that. They experience
episodes, not the Truman Show.
By the way, if you're going to respond with "I didn't reply to you guys because you were being rude to me," then please continue not bothering. That's the same lame cop-out that's always used on the Internet when someone claims to be up on their shit and then gets called out. You've already whined enough as is, even while you've been insulting people left and right.
spiff5000 wrote:Someone with Alex's history would likely be focusing all her ego strength on maintaining an emotional equilibrium.
You're still talking like crappy situations produce bipolar disorder in people, regardless of consideration of whether they have the gene. You don't know much of anything about Alex. None of us do. Jesus Christ.
spiff5000 wrote:Aithne wrote:A wiki quote? Didn't you dispute someone's medical dictionary quote earlier? oh well...
A medical dictionary doesn't cut it on this subject. Period.
Dude, it wasn't describing something all that complicated in the first place. f**k.
It's as simple as "'psychosis' is a general catch-all way of saying that someone has a disorder of some kind." Please don't act like it's something so elaborate that only you, Esteemed Non-Bipolar BA Guy, can handle it.
spiff5000 wrote:Aithne wrote:You seemed to have missed the underlined sections. One cannot "become bipolar" due to a tramatic even or anything else for that matter. Bipolar is in the genes. period.
You are right, Bipolar Disorder is hereditary. And, you are wrong, Bipolar Disorder can be triggered by a traumatic event.
Given how much difficulty you're having with processing all this, you really shouldn't be referring to those with bipolar disorder as individuals incapable of easily making it through each day.
Do you know what you said here? More importantly, do you know what Aithne said? She said that
you don't just magically become bipolar due to a traumatic event. The gene has to be there first. Pay. Attention.
Jesus, you just told her that she's wrong and then turned around and said exactly what she'd already said, as though you'd schooled her. f**k. How does that happen? Seriously?
spiff5000 wrote:And don't call me a f***ing moron. Mind your manners or I'll report you to the mod.
Report the baseless and laughable insults you've been making to them while you're at it.
As long as the matter's actually being discussed instead of you just being flamed, can you not take it like a big boy? Especially since you've been insulting other people with outrageous absuridities since this catastrofuck of a discussion began?
And since you told Juli that she was projecting in your very first response to her (which meant you were calling her bipolar without even knowing her, and saying that she felt a need to defend Alex because she was feeling attacked herself; you're not the only one here to understand what that concept means, jackhole)? By the way, before you even try it, no, I'm not bipolar. You'll have to do better than "You're projecting" with me.
Seriously, you're being hypocritical. And give the mods a break. They've got more important things to do than babysit your ego. If you can't take it, try not dishing it out.
spiff5000 wrote:Some people - despite being predisposed - go there whole life without experiencing a manic or depressive episode. You are not guaranteed to develop the condition just because it runs in the family.
There are different camps on this issue but I tend to believe the condition requires a trigger... like a traumatic situation... like being rejected by a parent... before the onset of the illness.
However, you're not going to randomly gain the gene due to a traumatic event, which is what Aithne has been trying to say for God knows how long, while you continue trying to argue, seemingly just for the sake of trying to save face somehow.
You've also changed you story, by the way. Back toward the beginning,
you said this about Alex:
spiff5000 wrote:Considering the history with her family (abandonment) it should be no surprise should would have a disorder.
You were implying that bipolar disorder could be produced in anyone due to something like abandonment. Now you're mentioning (in a manner that looks almost intentionally like it's trying to forget you ever said what I just quoted) that the gene has to be triggered.
spiff5000 wrote:That is a misunderstanding. My quote... "Considering the history with her family (abandonment) it should be no surprise should would have a disorder.".. is referring to the trauma she suffered when abandoned by her Father (if I remember correctly... I have to watch that vid again). If I am not remembering it correctly, my apologies.
We don't know anything about what became of Alex's father. All we know is that her mother was killed in a car accident and the Hymn of One — either truthfully or deceptively — led her to believe that Jonas' father (Alex's brother) had something to do with it.