Thanks for the Kudos. I know it would be pretty strange having Jules even care what happens to Bree given the fact that Bree kidnapped her and everything. Plus, I think she probably would have signed it Julia. It's just strange that the email was signed "J," and immediately after it was received, Jonas went and started chopping wood.
Rosencrantz: Another curious scientific phenomenon is the fact that the fingernails grow after death, as does the beard.
Guildenstern: What?
Rosencrantz: Beard. . . The toenails, on the other hand, never grow at all.
garnet wrote:Thanks for the Kudos. I know it would be pretty strange having Jules even care what happens to Bree given the fact that Bree kidnapped her and everything. Plus, I think she probably would have signed it Julia. It's just strange that the email was signed "J," and immediately after it was received, Jonas went and started chopping wood.
does it work out at all if the message was signed "J"? it may change another word or something.. but that would make some sense..
I'm too brain-dead to re-visit it right now. If we're still on the right track, I think all of those F's have to spell out fun. That much is certain.
Rosencrantz: Another curious scientific phenomenon is the fact that the fingernails grow after death, as does the beard.
Guildenstern: What?
Rosencrantz: Beard. . . The toenails, on the other hand, never grow at all.
At first I thought it would be wierd if it was a puzzle. Now I wonder if it isn't, it seems like a really really strange coincidence that Garnet can make that message if it isn't a puzzle. Maybe someone should point this out in Taylor chat, if they haven't already? She would probably be the one to jump on the puzzle train if it is one.
The names Julie.
Bree and Jonas Forever! <3
Grand Master of Praise of the SSJF but Shhh about it 'k? XD
My LG15 Vid
oh goodness i hope so. i have to be up and at work in 7 hours..
ETA: I really need to go to bed, can someone PM me if we get ANY news on ANY of this? so i dont have to sort through pages of posts..?
i would really appreciate it..
night everyone!
I think there is something to all the i's. He capitalizes some and keeps others lowercase, at random times, seemingly. And far too many of the sentences begin with I. AND he says "For your EYES only."
Any thoughts?? idk what to make of it..
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3
garnet wrote:I followed the model of using the clear mistakes in the email, plus the four capital letters to create an anagram. Following my hunch (which could still be wrong) that it was actually written by Jules, this is what I got.
I used:
sucks.and who's you nutz cops herselfff one use please sensinavity pne JBII
I found:
I can save Bree. Stock the woodpile. SNY (???) sizes.
- Jules
PS - Fun, fun, fun is a phony
The only thing that doesn't fit is "sny sizes" -- which I think is a little funny. There are no extra letters aside from this, though.
This is cool, major kudos.
And I don't mean to discourage you because you did a really amazing job - but you're missing one of the capital I's. He has I capitalized THREE times instead of just two.
I'm sure you can fit it in somewhere.
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3
The writing seems like a much toned down version of Bree's crazy chat postings last week. Is there any way there is a connection between the two? I mean, Jonas is usually pretty proper in his posts so considering that, why would he suddenly, out of the blue, write like that? Especially since he's sending Taylor (the smart one) an email?
I think maybe Bree wrote it...maybe because she wants to drive a wedge between Jonas and the others so he can join the Order...or so they can be alone..or she doesn't trust S and T?
I don't know, just a thought, but I really think there is something terribly fishy about it all.
Thyme Peace Sanctuary: As if you could kill time without injuring eternity...