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Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:03 am
by girl
hey newbie,
Summer and I put a half-hearted effort the other day into solving the riddle that came with lordgreystroke's encounters. In order to avoid jumping back pages everytime to see it, I copied it as a signature.
But I have to admit, that upon first glance, I was
deeply flattered to be considered "in" on it.
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:30 pm
by lordgreystoke422
S is for Summer wrote:Just got home a little while ago, and have been thinking about this some more. I was thinking about somethiing someone had mentioned in chat a few days ago, gematria ( ), and I was trying to think whether that might have something to do with it. I don't fully understand the gematria thing yet, though.
I was also thinking about ottendorf ciphers, but I think that would be presented differently.
I'm still thinking about it. Be careful out there, Grey. Check in and let us know you're alright now and then, and if you hear or think of anything that might help, let us know. to go with this...I think you are right about gematria..Frank sent me a email...but..I think he just drinks to much..
Drinkmaster(interesting name..hmmmm) sent me this:
the code in verse 76 translates roughly to:
Father (of) Manhood and Sexuality! O King (of) Fortune! Mighty (Beast) 666! The Second (Beast) (is come to) manhood, the youth [or child], the Perfection*, the Fulfillment (of the promise), O King! Master (of the Temple), Anointed One (who hath achieved) Hadith, (long) implored, called upon and invoked, (in the name of) Athoth (shut up in silence**). Tier of this Gordian Knot, the Antichrist, (thy) most Beloved One, the second beast, (thy Sword, the Sword of Horus, is here!)
I think this may be about the birth of a Moonchild..the second coming of Crowley? I dunno..lets put our heads together.
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:43 pm
by DontHaveAClue
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
the code in verse 76 translates roughly to:
Father (of) Manhood and Sexuality! O King (of) Fortune! Mighty (Beast) 666! The Second (Beast) (is come to) manhood, the youth [or child], the Perfection*, the Fulfillment (of the promise), O King! Master (of the Temple), Anointed One (who hath achieved) Hadith, (long) implored, called upon and invoked, (in the name of) Athoth (shut up in silence**). Tier of this Gordian Knot, the Antichrist, (thy) most Beloved One, the second beast, (thy Sword, the Sword of Horus, is here!)
this is what you get when you google
4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L
link on page 2 of this thread.
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:37 pm
by lordgreystoke422
DontHaveAClue wrote:lordgreystoke422 wrote:
the code in verse 76 translates roughly to:
Father (of) Manhood and Sexuality! O King (of) Fortune! Mighty (Beast) 666! The Second (Beast) (is come to) manhood, the youth [or child], the Perfection*, the Fulfillment (of the promise), O King! Master (of the Temple), Anointed One (who hath achieved) Hadith, (long) implored, called upon and invoked, (in the name of) Athoth (shut up in silence**). Tier of this Gordian Knot, the Antichrist, (thy) most Beloved One, the second beast, (thy Sword, the Sword of Horus, is here!)
this is what you get when you google
4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L
link on page 2 of this thread.
Here is the translation broken down..I figured since it was in the book of law it had been figured out..
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:45 pm
by lordgreystoke422
OK..I've had trouble getting the time to post this here..its been rough enough just getting them are some videos which update the last 2 days.
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:50 pm
by lordgreystoke422
more updates:
this was actually done in response to something I said and the fact that Venitian Princess gets a lot of views...Maybe if enough people learn about this they will stop..I need more people to know. Hey...fugatives need fun too.....
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:54 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:07 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Ok..I THINK someone has taken credit for the attacks on me...I respond to that and to allegations that I am behind
I am just someone presenting information and theories.
The Enemy has engaged in a smear campaign to discredit what I have found and brought forward.
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:35 pm
by lordgreystoke422
I have some links to articles that give support to what I say in this video that I may edit and add to pay attention.
Also the multiframe repetition frequency of 8ยท34 Hz and the 2 Hz pulsing in the DTX mode of cellphones lie in the range of the alpha and delta brain-waves, respectively
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:08 pm
by S is for Summer
The remote viewing thing is interesting. If that's the case, none of us are safe.
I looked into Faraday cages just a little. I found this on the wikipedia page about them:
Real-world Faraday cages
Faraday cages are often put to a dual purpose: to block static electric fields, as explained above, and to block electromagnetic radiation. The latter application is known as electromagnetic shielding or RF shielding.
* Airplanes act as Faraday cages, protecting passengers from lightning strikes.
* Cars (except convertibles or cars made of fiberglass) are also Faraday cages and provide protection against lightning strikes. Passengers should not touch metal objects connected to the outside in the event of a lightning strike. [1]
* Mobile phones and radios have no reception inside elevators or similar structures. Some traditional architectural materials act as Faraday shields in practice. These include plaster with metal lath, and rebar reinforced concrete. These affect the use of cordless phones and wireless networks inside buildings and houses.
* The cooking chamber of the microwave oven itself is a Faraday cage enclosure which prevents the microwaves from escaping into the environment.
* RFID passport and credit card shielding sleeves are small, portable Faraday cages.
* Some United States national security buildings are contained in Faraday cages, intended to act as a TEMPEST shield, and possibly also as a mitigation against electromagnetic pulse.
* A teacher in the U.K. has come up with the idea to curb the cheating epidemic in the county building by lining every exam room with a Faraday-like cage.[2]
Some of which may be useful if they're tracking via something technological. But if what I've read is correct, then remote viewing (RV) is not inhibited by a Faraday cage. From
One can also use remote viewing to enter facilities protected by metal Faraday like cages (a metal cage or box which is earthed and shields the user from electromagnetic radiation.) As an experiment, the author built a Faraday cage room from which to carry out RV experiments. It was found to have no negative effect, in fact it seemed to boost RV by blocking out extraneous signals. Russian remote viewers regularly visited US facilities surrounded by steel walls, such as those in Dulce (a miles deep secret base associated with aliens and their technology) and Cheyenne Mountain, home of Strategic Air Command, which were supposed to block out remote viewing. All of these phenomena INDICATE SOMETHING BEYOND THE SIMPLE MENTAL RADIO CONCEPT, WHERE EM IS USED AS THE RADIO WAVE, IS THE CARRIER FOR REMOTE VIEWING. For this to be the case non [conventional] EM fields must be the source of RV.
and from
Electrical shielding:
Faraday-cage screen rooms and underwater shielding have no negative effects on remote viewing. In fact, some viewers very much like to work in an electrically-shielded environment. The well-known psychic Eileen Garrett showed me such a room that she had built for her own use, in her offices at the Parapsychology Foundation, on 57th Street in New York City. Pat Price did his fine description of the Rinconada Park Swimming Pool Complex and several other sites from inside SRI's shielded room. In fact, recent findings from Physicist James Spottiswoode** show that electromagnetic radiation from our milky way galaxy and the electromagnetic effects of solar flares both degrade psychic functioning. Electrical shielding seems to help performance, and so does carrying out experiments when the galactic radiation is at a minimum at your location. When the milky way is below your position of the earth, rather than above your head, you have a two hour window of opportunity. This occurs at 1300 hours sidereal time, but it is still possible to be abundantly psychic any time of the day or night.
In 1978, Hella Hammid and Ingo Swann successfully received messages sent from Palo Alto, while they were inside of a submarine submerged in 500 feet of sea water, 500 miles away.[3] Hella and Ingo each had five file cards to look at later, with a target location description written on one side, and a submarine type of instruction on the other, as a sort of code device. For example, the five targets were a large oak tree, an indoor shopping plaza, etc.; and the messages were the kind of thing you might communicate to a submerged sub that was out of radio contact because of the salt water, such as, "Remain submerged, Return to port, Fire at priority targets," etc. In each case my colleague and I would hide ourselves in Palo Alto at a specified time, and the viewers in the sub would have to describe the location where we were. They would then look at each of the five cards to see which one best matched their remote viewing experience, and the message to be sent was found on the back of the card. Both trials in this experiment were successful. (The statistical significance would be found by multiplying together the two 1-in-5 events, to give a probability of p = 0.04, or less than four times in a hundred occurring by chance, which many would consider a significant result.)
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:11 am
by lordgreystoke422
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:22 am
by lordgreystoke422
a video made on the run and sent from my Treo:
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:47 am
by lordgreystoke422
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:54 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:57 pm
by lordgreystoke422
I talk about my the freaky deakies that are chasing me... ... iate/28541