I agree on both points.curriguy wrote: the sinister-cult-sub-plot is being advanced sooooo very slowly. at the same time, cute quirky videos (ala Grillz, Daniel the Neanderthal, Proving Science Wrong) aren't being posted.
Both of the things I watch these videos for have come to a halt!
However, I haven't lost faith in the LG15 team...they'll pump out some winners in the near future. they've got it in them.
In this video, Bree seems more tired and weak than she believes/keeps saying she is... and it would be the kind of behaviour that would make me worry more for her (if she were a real person).
To address the whole impregnated thing... just, wow. If I got put into a position where I had to have sex for the first time with a bunch of people I never met before, I'd SO not be posting a video like this one next day. She doesn't seem anywhere near as freaked out or extreme in any way to indicate something so traumatic happened to her. To make a video blog like that can take 1-2 hours just to edit, filming aside. After sex for the first time, even if it was really enjoyable, something like that wouldn't be a priority. I would think most girls at this point would still be going over everything in their head, taking it in.