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Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:56 pm
by nancymakuhari
curriguy wrote: the sinister-cult-sub-plot is being advanced sooooo very slowly. at the same time, cute quirky videos (ala Grillz, Daniel the Neanderthal, Proving Science Wrong) aren't being posted.

Both of the things I watch these videos for have come to a halt!

However, I haven't lost faith in the LG15 team...they'll pump out some winners in the near future. they've got it in them.
I agree on both points.

In this video, Bree seems more tired and weak than she believes/keeps saying she is... and it would be the kind of behaviour that would make me worry more for her (if she were a real person).

To address the whole impregnated thing... just, wow. If I got put into a position where I had to have sex for the first time with a bunch of people I never met before, I'd SO not be posting a video like this one next day. She doesn't seem anywhere near as freaked out or extreme in any way to indicate something so traumatic happened to her. To make a video blog like that can take 1-2 hours just to edit, filming aside. After sex for the first time, even if it was really enjoyable, something like that wouldn't be a priority. I would think most girls at this point would still be going over everything in their head, taking it in.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:56 pm
by toadlguy
laurenesque wrote:I thought The Creators have said before that fans heavily influence the story. Like Daniel and Bree weren't supposed to have any kind of love interest in each other, but fans wanted it, so it showed up... So I think it's a combo of the both. They've got some definite plot points, but the fans can sway a little too.
Now after this message from our sponsors . . . Back to the Movie :)

Does it really matter -- I think we still need to save Bree! (not that I havn't expressed my boredom as well :0 - I am a hypocrite)

EDIT: Maybe we need a separate "this is getting lame" thread.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:04 pm
by Alee8386
EDIT: Maybe we need a separate "this is getting lame" thread.

HA! Yes, good idea. Maybe the creators will read THAT thread and GET BUSY!

Sorry, but I'm sooo disappointed. It's like what curriguy said, I wasn't excepting something gorey, but DAMN IT give us something to talk about.

Well, besides how much it SUCKED.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:04 pm
by looking4answers
I know this might seem a little far fetched, but I think Bree knows about Daniel and something occurred that night that she knows about. Going back to her comment about it not being difficult to be disaplined and now she feels like a new person. At first I thought she was made to get rid of Daniel and that's why the video ended so ubruply. But then I thought, well how could the video get posted? But then I thought, maybe someone else posted it. They found it after getting rid of Daniel, edited it down to only "boring" shots and then posted it online. I think there might be some interesting findings in the future from a certain girl we all know and love! Im just playing some wild guessing, but I'm gonna go with it until something else is proven.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:10 pm
by trainer101
Anti-climactic to say the least. I thought after the Daniel video of the ceremony that we were gonna start getting deeper into the mystery. This was more like "HoHum, nothing really happened. Just your standard everyday ceremony."

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:14 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
As Martha Stewart said today, "I am PISSED!" I'm waiting around for one more video and if it sucks as much as this did, I'm out. What the hell are we doing putting all this effort into this whole thing....we get this?! This is total bullshit ':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:16 pm
by Broken Kid
I agree with everyone that this was anticlimactic.

But we have to remember that the creators are telling a story. It's not a Choose Your Own Adventure book (remember those? I loved those!). It's a story, being told in a different medium. So we're forced to wait for them...and just because we expected one thing doesn't mean it's what they have in mind.

That being said, they missed their best opportunity, I think, to send this in a more interesting and climactic direction.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:26 pm
by laurenesque
I definintely get the "there's more to what I'm saying" vibe. The video seems waaaay rushed. She's talking a lot faster than she normally does.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:27 pm
by skellykat
house wrote:Or, the *look at me* shoulder bandage could be from the estrogen/HcG cocktail given to women who've been on a series of fertility shots.
Those are given on a butt cheek, not the shoulder.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:30 pm
by house
skellykat wrote:
house wrote:Or, the *look at me* shoulder bandage could be from the estrogen/HcG cocktail given to women who've been on a series of fertility shots.
Those are given on a butt cheek, not the shoulder.
They can actually be given in any muscle. Obviously, if the creators want people to know about the shots, they can't choose the gluteus muscle (since that would mean Bree would have to show her hip/ass). So, the next best visible place would be the thigh or the upper arm.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:31 pm
by khjq
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

yes I agree with spaciegirl, I am a HUGE LG15 Fan but this vid was LAME.....

This video didn't tell us SHIT

It wasn't entertaining at was rather pointless

YOU(THE CREATORS) said that there would be ARG elements in the vids...but so far there hasn't been...

SO PLEASE I BEG YOU CREATORS....PLEASE don't even consider posting another video unless its 1.Informative, 2.Entertaining, or 3.Moves the Story along

I'm a HUGE FAN, don't get me wrong, and I think you(the creators) are talented people, I have faith in you like CiW would say I'll "WAIT" just a little bit longer.

Re: My Thoughts

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:33 pm
by skellykat
thejyav wrote:This was exactly what I hoped would not happen. My thought was they better not have dan out in the bushes filming and not really see anything and then follow it up with Bree saying "The Cerimony was great mep mep mep"
LMAO, I'm with you on that one. I feel cheated. 23562 hours of watching videos, posting on forums and researching nothingness that I'll never get back. Same goes for good old Cassieland too.

Mep mep mep!

(I actually say that in real life, did you steal it from me?? :wink: )

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:35 pm
by Jengels2002
Say what you will...this still sucks.

We were lead to believe something extraordinary would happen on the 12th. It seems like they ran out of ideas.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:37 pm
by Lv1222
bandage = tattoo? some type of symbol?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:38 pm
by luma
spaciegirl wrote:As Martha Stewart said today, "I am PISSED!" I'm waiting around for one more video and if it sucks as much as this did, I'm out. What the hell are we doing putting all this effort into this whole thing....we get this?! This is total bullshit ':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'':evil:'
Martha Stewart is a LG15 fan? :)