OKAY. Here's what we know and how we discovered it (as I understand it). I wasn't there for all the decoding, so if I get some details wrong, please tell me so (nicely?) and correct me here.
Lad and Luv recovered the following items from the drop: A postcard with a note on the back; another SD card; a book with a post-in note inside. Here we go...
The Postcard Clue:
57 41 49 54 49 4e 47 46 4f 52 2e 2e 2e
This decoded to
We don't know anything about the meaning of this at this time.
The SD Card:
The Sd card contained a 17MB winrar file entitled
54 41 4B 45 20 57 41 52 4E 49 4E 47
which was in hex and decoded to
which is the title of a song by a band called Operation Ivy.
The file was password protected. The password ended up being GPS, which you may remember from other puzzles. Inside the winrar file was a textfile entitled Grigori which contained the anagram
which anagrams to
which is a famous Latin quote from Juvenal's Satires (original quote: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?).
The winrar file also contained five pictures (displayed elsewhere), all of which appear to be Daniel spying on the fake ceremony. Two of the pictures match the two pictures Daniel looks at on Lucy's computer in "Following the Helper," although the pics Daniel looks at may be cropped versions of the ones in the winrar file. The other three pictures are also of Daniel, but they appear nowhere in the "Following the Helper" video.
The file name Grigori appears to be a reference to the mythical Grigori, who are angels that disobeyed God's commands in Genesis by marrying mortal women. Their offspring were the Nephilim. More details are elsewhere.
This is all we know about the SD file at this time.
The Book:
The book was entitled "Nancy Drew's Guide to Life." Within it was a pink post-it note reading:
My father gave me all of these when I was a little girl, but they got left behind when we moved. The knowledge has always served me well, so I thought this might teach you a thing or two.
Certain passages in the book were marked with various kinds of notation. Luv has kindly transcribed all of that here:
http://lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic ... c&start=45
At this time, this is all we know about the book.
I hope this clears things up.
"A step in the right direction? It only turns out to be so if you're willing to step much further."
-Samuel R. Delany