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Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 5:13 pm
by gogo
Lord Balto wrote:
...I can think of half a dozen reasons they might post "fanfic" stuff, including the obvious, "Let's see how this flies and what reaction it gets," trial balloon type stuff...
These are interesting points that I had never really thought of before. However, I have been under the assumption that the people behind lg15 were already tied up with this story, this site, a DVD, trying to make money from this project, nevermind creating spin-offs just to see what reaction they'd get from fans. When Gemma and Jonas were introduced, there were many people who were not happy about them being part of the story. However, those character's remained. I thought this part of the forum was to encourage those who were interested to make their own stories, parodies or videos. I though the revver upload was so fans could also "be rewarded" for their efforts (although I'm sure fans aren't raking in the dough).

Interesting points, Lord Balto.

Although this is not necessarily related to your comment, I still think anyone's creativity should be encouraged. Hence, I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing whether something is canon or not. I think it's of little benefit to make fun of someone's video.

Re: well

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:17 pm
by Languorous Lass
glowe126 wrote:I'm just tired of having that one person who is always suspiciously absent post a message like, "Look this is real, this looks pretty legit, go check it out."

Okay. We get it. You want us to watch your video. I just think it is annoying to keep reading the same message. It looks like someone is creating new forum accounts and posts these messages frequently.

I don't care either way, and i do think they are creative, but I don't want to watch them, and I'm tired of seeing a whole thread dedicated to something because of that one suspiciously absent poster.

Agreed, except for the "I don't want to watch them" part. Sometimes I do want to watch them, if it's somebody who's been on the forum for awhile.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:18 pm
by Lord Balto
Although this is not necessarily related to your comment, I still think anyone's creativity should be encouraged. Hence, I don't think there is anything wrong with discussing whether something is canon or not. I think it's of little benefit to make fun of someone's video.
Agreed. My problem is these folks have created an atmosphere in which folks automatically question the veracity of a poster. I ran into a young woman posting--quite a compelling character actually, though I don't subscribe to her occasional religious excursions--who was describing how she awoke from an epileptic seizure she had at Walmart and thought she was being kidnapped. Quite an informative little piece actually, but, in her next video, she was reduced to showing her Medic Alert bracelet because this whole medium has been so irrevocably "queered" by this LG15 business. Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting experiment in artistic creativity and all that, but we have to look at the side effects as well. Was this woman's pain in having to "prove" herself in this way worth the possibility of the "creators" making it in Hollywood? I'm not so sure it was. One wonders what they will give back to this community if and when they really do make it big. Just my opinion.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:07 pm
by gogo
Yikes. What a shame that the woman you speak of had to prove herself. I hadn't considered that this lg15 experiment was so influential. You have given me something to think about. Thanks.

Re: well

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:01 am
by glowe126
Languorous Lass wrote:
glowe126 wrote:I'm just tired of having that one person who is always suspiciously absent post a message like, "Look this is real, this looks pretty legit, go check it out."

Okay. We get it. You want us to watch your video. I just think it is annoying to keep reading the same message. It looks like someone is creating new forum accounts and posts these messages frequently.

I don't care either way, and i do think they are creative, but I don't want to watch them, and I'm tired of seeing a whole thread dedicated to something because of that one suspiciously absent poster.


Agreed, except for the "I don't want to watch them" part. Sometimes I do want to watch them, if it's somebody who's been on the forum for awhile.
No, I just mean this one poster for itscassie. I think everyone knows who she is, but it seems like she is posting under different accounts to get people to watch them. It's just a little repetitive is what I meant.

not you no!!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:03 am
by glowe126
gogo wrote:glowe126-
I hope you're not referring to me. I'm not suspiciously absent. My picture is posted above. Plus, the only wig I own is a bright red one from my time playing Annie on the community theater stage. (Maybe I'll put up those videos...hmmm)

I just feel bad for people who get made fun of.

And glowe126, I know you are not here to amuse, but I am so used to reading a different tone from you. Where is the bizarre funny? Where is the irreverant irony? Are you, Cassie?
Not you, never Ms. gogo:)

There's been several of these threads started by one suspiciously absent poster that say "I checked this out and it seems legit." It always links to an itscassie video. I don't think she should get made fun of either, but it seems like she is using different names and posting the message with a link to her video.

And irreverant irony and bizarre funny are sleepy right now... I ate chicken fajitas and I'm sleeeeeeeepy:) it will be back , it never goes away

And I love Annie! I won my first talent show when I was four singing tomorrow. I bet you can dance and sing too.

I am a dancer as well. Both of my parents did community theatre, so maybe I will try that as well.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:57 am
by gogo
You rock!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 11:19 am
by ohhhmyyygoddd
acoording to new video she'll be in the lg15 chat december 21st

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:18 pm
by watching_watchers
GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:its actually daniel... guy has he gone off the deep end...
Lmao. That would be rather interesting.
Would make sence too considering Daniel having no idea who Bree was talking about in the swimming video.

I think he killed some Cassie girl...Hehe well, I think it would be an interesting twist. But I don't think anything like that could have happened really because so many younger people watch this and thats kinda creepy for them, isn't it? Heh.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:18 pm
by breakinahabit05
ohhhmyyygoddd wrote:acoording to new video she'll be in the lg15 chat december 21st
ya and she gave us some hints toward the screename she'll b under, does anyone have an idea what it might be?

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:20 pm
by iamcool
yeh it was worked out someone.... i'll have a look

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:20 pm
by watching_watchers
breakinahabit05 wrote:
ohhhmyyygoddd wrote:acoording to new video she'll be in the lg15 chat december 21st
ya and she gave us some hints toward the screename she'll b under, does anyone have an idea what it might be?
I wish I did. :(
I have no idea.
Ehhh. Maybe somebody else knows?

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:20 pm
by watching_watchers
iamcool wrote:yeh it was worked out someone.... i'll have a look
Yay! O.o;; *blinks* hehe.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:20 pm
by iamcool
it will be ....................... dun dun dun...... ODZAMRAN

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:21 pm
by watching_watchers
iamcool wrote:it will be ....................... dun dun dun...... ODZAMRAN
*Scrambles for a pen and paper*