This is awsome!byoung it's not up to jonas to be on the constant lookout for bree's acts. she's responsiblefor her stunts. this girl is an established USER and a takeadvantagerofer. just sayin. look at how she always ignores daniel and then has to many times? blockheaded. then she totes lost the room key. she lies, manupulates, and she's not even that bright...did you see her when she opened up her natty geographic and she was like, "i've never tackled geography!" which is dumb on two levels because that's not what natty g is about and she did prove longitude wrong which is pretty much your geography right there.she's got some surrus learning to do. thiis sounds like i'm judgging her, but i just mean to say that she doesn't know herself very well.
bottom line, stealing a car and money is very, very bree-like. and i hate that name, bree. it's like a noise, not a name.
I agree.