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Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:52 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Cherie_Sotta wrote:my lumps... my lumps.... my lovely earthy lumps.

HAHA. I worked too hard today.

And I hate that song.

Why did I just do that?
...u seem to be one of those people that the more ya watch, the more ya wonder "why" anything! :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:52 pm
by Chartreuse
^ Africa runs into asia, and has madagascar off the edge and all... it's South America that has that shape.

The entire Op forum called this, right down to the title being "Daniel's Missing" or "Daniel disappeared..." I say he went to pick up a nice looking girl and didn't expect that nice looking girl to be Op.

I agree, the cell phone mentions and the globe sightings point to one thing... Daniel's compromised himself. He's the one going against the Order, really. If Daniel hadn't planted doubt in Bree's mind from the get-go, she'd probably be with OpAphid chasing down some other girl.

Next video will find Jonas calling Daniel's cell phone and getting a mysterious voice mail message...

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:53 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
cynicar wrote:
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote:i thought for sure it was on fiji...

i mean that looks more like africa then south america
but africa lumps the other way
Plus, there's only so many lumps on the globe. If you make the wrong one Africa, then you just have the continent of Mystery Lump.

Sorry, I just really love that we're discussing geography in terms of lumps.
:rofl: o crap! i wanted to be famous on the boards, but not like THIS!!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:54 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
aideen wrote:I've always wanted a globe. Why can't I get an unwanted present.

But ... since I want one, it wouldn't be unwanted ...

That's probably why I haven't gotten one :(

I just want to spin it!!
:-D when i was in elementary school, we'd take the globe and spin it, and where we stopped it with our finger is where we'd live when we grew up.

....seems like many people will be buying houseboats....

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:56 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Chartreuse wrote:^ Africa runs into asia, and has madagascar off the edge and all... it's South America that has that shape.

The entire Op forum called this, right down to the title being "Daniel's Missing" or "Daniel disappeared..." I say he went to pick up a nice looking girl and didn't expect that nice looking girl to be Op.

I agree, the cell phone mentions and the globe sightings point to one thing... Daniel's compromised himself. He's the one going against the Order, really. If Daniel hadn't planted doubt in Bree's mind from the get-go, she'd probably be with OpAphid chasing down some other girl.

Next video will find Jonas calling Daniel's cell phone and getting a mysterious voice mail message...

oo! i like that!

then he'll be getting a call from the New York Times conducting a survey on psychic vampires... :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:57 pm
by Cherie_Sotta
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
Cherie_Sotta wrote:my lumps... my lumps.... my lovely earthy lumps.

HAHA. I worked too hard today.

And I hate that song.

Why did I just do that?
...u seem to be one of those people that the more ya watch, the more ya wonder "why" anything! :wink:
Fair assessment. You shoulda been there when I was watching Twin Peaks!!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:57 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Chartreuse wrote: Next video will find Jonas calling Daniel's cell phone and getting a mysterious voice mail message...

oo! i like that!

then he'll be getting a call from the New York Times conducting a survey on psychic vampires... :wink:

edit - to tidy up

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:59 pm
by WonkaNerdsRule
There are several small islands in the South Atlantic. Many of these are part of the St. Helena territory - Ascencion Island, the Tristan da Cunha group/dependency (made up of the main island of the same name, the Nightingale Islands, Inaccessible Island, and Gough Island.) , and the main St. Helena island itself. There are a few that are unrelated to that British territory, such as Trinidade (not to be confused with Trinidad of Trinidad&Tabago fame), as well as many that are close (geographically speaking) to a continent.

Anyway, the globe could be a hint at one of those islands, or it could be something entirely different. No idea at this point.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:59 pm
by LadyBugGirl
Well I'm torn. I'm glad something finally happened (and yes it was predictable). But I'm sad that Daniel is missing. He quickly became my favorite character so I'm going to miss his videos.

And omg Bree finally feels bad! I still think they (they being Daniel and Bree) would make a cute couple!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:02 pm
by aideen
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
aideen wrote:I've always wanted a globe. Why can't I get an unwanted present.

But ... since I want one, it wouldn't be unwanted ...

That's probably why I haven't gotten one :(

I just want to spin it!!
:-D when i was in elementary school, we'd take the globe and spin it, and where we stopped it with our finger is where we'd live when we grew up.

....seems like many people will be buying houseboats....
XDD Houseboats, heehee

I'll have to try and do that sometime at school

Ok, in Truth or Dare they're in Daniels room, making sure he doesn't do a Jimi Hendrix, so! Here is a screenshot of the shelves in Daniels room from T or D


Now, down on the bottom left corner, is a globe. SO

Daniels room from Truth or Dare


Room from Daniels Missing


I think we can safely assume they're both the same room. Unless every room in the house has a globe. Which would be weird o_O

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:02 pm
by bethy
This shoud clear up the Fiji issue:


Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:03 pm
by SapereAudeo
Bree is being a bit 'dog in the manger' in this video. She doesn't want DB, but she's riled up at the idea of some other girl getting him.

Jealous much?

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:05 pm
by Renegade
Oh my god. That is so surprising. I wonder what happened. </underwhelmedVoice>

Maybe it would've been more exciting if the setup hadn't been this obvious.

...then again, that'd be a good reason to just have him bragging about getting laid with that American Idol chick in a video tomorrow.

And Oppy. And Tachyon.
At the same time :smt003

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:05 pm
by Vintage_Angel
aideen wrote:
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
aideen wrote:I've always wanted a globe. Why can't I get an unwanted present.

But ... since I want one, it wouldn't be unwanted ...

That's probably why I haven't gotten one :(

I just want to spin it!!
:-D when i was in elementary school, we'd take the globe and spin it, and where we stopped it with our finger is where we'd live when we grew up.

....seems like many people will be buying houseboats....
XDD Houseboats, heehee

I'll have to try and do that sometime at school

Ok, in Truth or Dare they're in Daniels room, making sure he doesn't do a Jimi Hendrix, so! Here is a screenshot of the shelves in Daniels room


Now, down on the bottom left corner, is a globe. SO

Daniels room from Truth or Dare


Room from Daniels Missing


I think we can safely assume they're both the same room. Unless every room in the house has a globe. Which would be weird o_O
Also, there's those binders and that statue head.

I just think that the Order got him and that one girl from the other video is part of it because Daniel was supposed to meet up with her at Pins and Pints. And now they either have him as a hostage/bait or he's dead... nooo Daniel is cute!!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:05 pm
by Onewen
Anyone think that the Order still wants Bree...and now will use Daniel to get her to "turn herself in"??? :shock:

(what? like you've never had a weird idea??) :P