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Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:17 pm
by ShatterdGlass
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:No I think they definitely captured all three of them.
The arm at the end looks female to me. Maybe it was Alex? I think it's skinnier than Lucy is. Or maybe it is Oppy herself.

Do you think there are any clues in the scenery or anything? I'm watching over and over to check but I can't see any.

Also, I'd like to know why the three of them were all wandering around Vegas separately..? Duhh..
I think they were on their way out of Vegas and just stopping to pick up some gas. You know how people wander at gas stations.

And I def thought the arm at the end was male. It's more muscular than Alex's for sure.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:17 pm
by LadyBugGirl
:shock: Incredible! This is my new favorite video. I love it.

I dont love that they were captured of course in that sense but it was a great video and it was intense!!

I dont think any of them are bad. (At least I hope they are all good..I love Bree and Daniel and even Jonas grew on me these last couple videos) I agree with those who said the order filmed the whole video, knocked all 3 out and drove the car away.

Awesome! I'm so glad I decided to check and see if there was a new video. I can't wait for more!!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:18 pm
by ShardinsKitten
It was a private transmission To the order, yes. (sorry I'm not quoting, this site is going wayyyyyyyyyy to slowwwwwwww)

This was a good video, but to me it felt like it was lacking action. I mean (it had action I know) but it almost felt like a dream, the music was all soft and sleepy like. It just felt like a dream I guess ( I know it wasn't but hopefully I'm making sense).

This should be an interesting turn. I wonder who's going to come save them now...

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:21 pm
by kellylen
OMG! it's elvira! wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:The part when Bree gasped was just plain freaky.

Sorry to sound dumb.. but what is chlorofoam? I tried to look it up but this site is whacked out and it screwed up my computer.

i got this from

1. Also called trichloromethane. Chemistry, Pharmacology. a colorless, volatile, nonflammable, slightly water-soluble, pungent, sweet-tasting liquid, CHCl3, usually derived from acetone, acetaldehyde, or ethyl alcohol by the reaction of chloride of lime: used chiefly in medicine as a solvent and formerly as an anesthetic.
–verb (used with object)
2. to administer chloroform to, esp. in order to anesthetize, make unconscious, or kill.
3. to put chloroform on (a cloth, object, etc.).
I used chloroform last term in chem lab.

it is clear and I don't really know what else to say other than confirming that it is clear XD

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:21 pm
by HisGirl
alright, here's what i got... crummy screencaps and an observation

female voice (sounds like bree) says (possibly)"jonas"
then daniel caught:
female voice (sounds like bree) says (possibly)"jonas"
then bree caught:
female voice (sounds like bree) says (possibly)"jonas"
then, jonas caught:

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:22 pm
by LadyBugGirl
I also think the noise when Daniel was "captured" was him trying to yell.

I thought it was weird how they kept repeating the part where Bree says Jonas too....what was up with that??

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:23 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Any thoughts as to why the camera is fogged out around the edges? Maybe someone isn't holding it.. maybe it's like a mini camera attached to the captor's shirt? That would explain a lot. Maybe they got in the car and took it off and put it down next to them? idk.. I'm so flabbergasted.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:23 pm
by ShardinsKitten

I'm on the fence but there is a screen cap of the arm.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:24 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Any thoughts as to why the camera is fogged out around the edges? Maybe someone isn't holding it.. maybe it's like a mini camera attached to the captor's shirt? That would explain a lot. Maybe they got in the car and took it off and put it down next to them? idk.. I'm so flabbergasted.

When Bree is captured she definitely says Jonas. If you turn it up really loud, it repeats her saying "Jonas" 3 times. It's weird.. why all the focus on Jonas?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:24 pm
by bethy
Well, we saw Daniels back and heard the noise...I called it a wheezing if some sort. That would make sense if someone is trying to chloroform you.

I don't think they chloroformed Bree...they just surprised her.

From Wiki:
As might be expected from its use as an anesthetic, inhaling chloroform vapors depresses the central nervous system. Breathing about 900 parts of chloroform per million parts air (900 parts per million) for a short time can cause dizziness, fatigue, and headache. Chronic chloroform exposure may cause damage to the liver (where chloroform is metabolized to phosgene) and to the kidneys, and some people develop sores when the skin is immersed in chloroform. Approximately 10% of the population has an allergic reaction to chloroform that produces a fever of around 40°C (104°F) upon exposure.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:25 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Any thoughts as to why the camera is fogged out around the edges? Maybe someone isn't holding it.. maybe it's like a mini camera attached to the captor's shirt? That would explain a lot. Maybe they got in the car and took it off and put it down next to them? idk.. I'm so flabbergasted.

When Bree is captured she definitely says Jonas. If you turn it up really loud, it repeats her saying "Jonas" 3 times. It's weird.. why all the focus on Jonas?

And it looks like Daniel gets in the car and then Bree is talking to him through the window? But then randomly Jonas is there and Bree isn't? I am so confused. Are they together? If not, who is Bree talking to? And why did Daniel get in the drivers' seat?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:25 pm
by longlostposter

I thought the last vid was creepy (I got really weirded out by the noise at around 2:06 that sounded like Bree sorta screaming. I mentioned it, but no one responded. Guess what! That noise is in this video.

Wes Cravenish

Requiem for a Dreamish

I'm going to go readish.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:27 pm
by janesalteredstates
ShardinsKitten wrote:Image

I'm on the fence but there is a screen cap of the arm.
That is not a woman's arm.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:29 pm
by kellylen
ok caps for those who are as confused as I am

video starts

we see a helicopter

we see different shots of vegas. Notice the helicopter in the last pic.

heli again ans las vegas blvd

people walking

another shot of vegas

we finally see DB&J

Jonas gets into his car

DB looks around for watchers

Order person gets in their car

drive away

we need gas

jonas being a cutie

DB buying something. Alcohol perhaps?

Bree and her slurpee. That is red right? not orange?


Dbs ear

daniels back. sorry its the best i could do of his attack


Bree gets taken

Jonas in the car

pulling up his pants

chloroformed. jonas.

order person getting in JONAS' car. I took this one since I figure maybe we can see who it is in the reflection

driving away. looks like a male arm to me

cue creepy music

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:32 pm
by Morgan
Ok, I decided to take note of all the readable text in the video, just in case they are clues.

The list I came up with:

Monte Carlo

George Wallace

Caesar's Palace




Las Vegas Blvd

Jockey Club

(Monte Carlo again)

(unreadable street sign)

(Bree has an Icee!!!!!)

4916 S. Paradise

What do you guys think? :shock: