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Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:20 am
by mellie3204
Well! Now I don't know what to think. I still have a strong, strong dislike for Alex, but... I trust Jonas's opinion.
The only things I have to contribute right now is the definition of meridian from Wiktionary:
1. An imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface, passing through the geographic poles.
2. Either half of such a great circle, all points of which have the same longitude.
3. (astronomy) A great circle passing through the poles of the celestial sphere and the zenith for a particular observer.
4. (mathematics) A similar line on any general surface of revolution.
5. Any of the longitudinal pathways on the body along which the acupuncture points are distributed.
6. The highest point or state of conciousness and enlightment achievable by a human.
1. Meridional; relating to a meridian.
2. Relating to noon
I think number 6 above is interesting and not a definition I had heard before?
Off to watch this vid a few more times.
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:29 am
by krmurr87
i predict the next video Alex gets fired from her job and alienated from the fashion community in general..."proving" of course that she is really on their side now, Bree won't buy it though
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:46 am
by wh_pirate
The only thing I could say after I watched it was "Hmmmmmmmmm" the whole time I was opening up the forums. I only have a quick second to get my thoughts out.
If this woman was involved, then why wasn't Alex more involved as well?
Maybe because Alex didn't have that "thing" that Bree has/had and so they really didn't pay much attention to her with their religion.
Who had the fight with the "fruity" step-mom? Was it Jonas's grandfather or dad? I can't remember and I don't have time to rewatch since I have to get ready for work. If it was his dad, then that shows me that he was always against the Order and never had anything to do with it. I think his grandfather might have just been along for the ride so to speak about the religion and never payed attention to what was really going on.
I'll rewatch when I get home.
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:49 am
by Marilee
well, that let us know a lot without letting us know much at all at the same time
If Alex was being told what to say in her evil Alex speech, she was pretty convincing... she just didn't look like someone who was saying it without conviction
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:51 am
by krmurr87
wh_pirate wrote:The only thing I could say after I watched it was "Hmmmmmmmmm" the whole time I was opening up the forums. I only have a quick second to get my thoughts out.
If this woman was involved, then why wasn't Alex more involved as well?
Maybe because Alex didn't have that "thing" that Bree has/had and so they really didn't pay much attention to her with their religion.
Who had the fight with the "fruity" step-mom? Was it Jonas's grandfather or dad? I can't remember and I don't have time to rewatch since I have to get ready for work. If it was his dad, then that shows me that he was always against the Order and never had anything to do with it. I think his grandfather might have just been along for the ride so to speak about the religion and never payed attention to what was really going on.
I'll rewatch when I get home.
I believe it was Jonas's father who had the fight with "fruity" step mom/grandma women
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:52 am
by kellylen
awwwwwwww i hope alex is good.
and yeah that gave us a lot without knowing a lot. it's nice ot know the characters backstories
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:57 am
by imogene2004
I don't know if I've found something here or not, it's really early and I just woke up. But I went Googling for meridian line and here's what I found (it seems pretty significant):
Cygnus, the celestial swan of classical mythology, is perhaps the oldest constellation in the world. Why was this constellation singled out as important by our ancestors? Now new evidence suggests that the arrival of unique cosmic particles from the Cygnus constellation might help explain not only why we gained a strange fascination for this star system, recognised as the cosmic source of life and death, but also why the human race experienced an accelerated evolution in Upper Palaeolithic times.
Ok so that's kinda interesting, but then I saw
In addition to this, THE CYGNUS MYSTERY explores the strange appearance of the Watchers of the Book of Enoch; examines the archaic beliefs of the star-worshipping Sabians and angel-worshipping Yezidi, who each saw the North Star as the direction of cosmic life and death. It shows that the Giza pyramids relate more closely to Cygnus than they do Orion, and reveals for the very first time the previously unrecognized entrance to an underworld domain equated directly with what American psychic Edgar Cayce referred to as the Hall of Records.
from ... _blurb.htm
Well, I could be on to something, or not. I don't know it's too early and I'm still pretty tired and I've gotta get going so I don't have time to get into this more right now.
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:02 am
by Marilee
imogene2004 wrote:Ok so that's kinda interesting, but then I saw
In addition to this, THE CYGNUS MYSTERY explores the strange appearance of the Watchers of the Book of Enoch; examines the archaic beliefs of the star-worshipping Sabians and angel-worshipping Yezidi, who each saw the North Star as the direction of cosmic life and death. It shows that the Giza pyramids relate more closely to Cygnus than they do Orion, and reveals for the very first time the previously unrecognized entrance to an underworld domain equated directly with what American psychic Edgar Cayce referred to as the Hall of Records.
wooooow.... it seems to have it all right?? or are my sleepy eyes lying to me?? star worshippers... pyramids...watchers....
how do you say it... oh yes, jackpot!! haha
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:20 am
by Lurker
Wisi Girl wrote:Lurker: I look forward to your thoughts on this video. Some fantastic insight about the relationships between families and the Order involving Jonas' past! I want to know what you think of it all! And perhaps you could answer some of my questions, too? He he!
I hope I'm as useful as you expect. I'll try to answer your biggest questions as best I understand things (or as best I can guess).
Wisi Girl wrote:So, his grandfather was not apart of the Order but was obviously familiar with it when marrying this rich woman? Oh, and it isn't Alex that is "fruity" but this woman his grandfather married...Or was his grandfather apart of it as well?
There probably wasn't enough information to make a definitive determination (one that couldn't be expanded on later, I mean), but I would personally guess that it was just his father's step-mother who was in the religion. I think Jonas would have probably explained it if his grandfather was in there too. The way he refers to the Hymn of One as "her religion" especially makes me think that.
Wisi Girl wrote:With the little bit that we know, and the little bit of that I am able to comprehend at this time, this is what I am most curious about: Bree= has two fake parents who conditioned her for a ceremony, and clearly raised her in a strict environment which was heavily influenced by their religion. Alex= raised by a mother who was very much involved with the Order but didn't raise her daughter with such an influence? Jonas= had two real parents who fought against the Order but his dad had step-mom and possibly a father who was apart of it? Why is it that only Bree is affected by all of this?
Well, Bree told us that she was one of a few thousand girls selected at birth for some special unidentified quality and then placed in a controlled home. If Alex was never intended for the ceremony, then I guess there must not have been a need for her to have the purity stuff shoved on her quite so hard.
Anyway, I thought this was a good video. It was great for character exploration and advancing the plot, and it was well-written and well-edited (nice little theme there with the back-and-forth; that's the kind of thing that I like them to try: Something simple and not so heavy-handed; it works so much better).
Like kellylen and AM have said, I hope Alex is good, especially for DB's sake. As I said before, I think she works so much better as a conflicted character rather than a heartless one.
That meridian lines thing and a possible relation of them to the human soul ... sounds like it has something to do with ley lines to me. Maybe that's what the really special ceremony girls are about? Girls born at certain points of geographical significance (where certain ley lines cross)?
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:22 am
by Chlowee
I think paying attention to Alex's clothes while she appears on these videos very much exemplifies whether she is being truthful or not.
"Uncle Dan" Video, she wore black
Contents of video: A guy pulls her to the side saying "he's 19 years old!" she gets angry, and knowing people are watching her, throws a drink in his face, and flirts with Daniel all night. Also the pic of her and lucy being discovered.
"Alex is..." Video, she's wearing all black yet again, then she gives that whole speech schpeel.
"Missing Days" video, she wears a black and white spotted dress [white flowers]. I can say fairly, predominantly black.
"Lying bastards" video, she wears an all white shirt, [the camera gazes down at her blouse so u can see] while she's on the phone talking about free will, and it's my nephew, and all that jazz.
"Confrontation" Video, she wears a black shirt, with a white scarf looking thing on her shoulders, While talking about you don't know what its like to be me... I didn't know they would do that... the order would never do that...
Now up to date "Hug it out" she wears all white.
just saying, very symbolic,
i apologize if im repeating this though.
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:29 am
by impulse
Wisi Girl wrote:So, his grandfather was not apart of the Order but was obviously familiar with it when marrying this rich woman? Oh, and it isn't Alex that is "fruity" but this woman his grandfather married...Or was his grandfather apart of it as well?
From what Jonas said in this video, it sounds like his grandfather wasn't in the Order but only his second wife was. It follows a pattern: Bree's mother, Lucy, Alex to some degree, and her mother, all the women in this story are involved in the religious branch of the Order, the Hymn of One. If it wasn't for the Deacon, the Order so far would look like a matriarchal society. As far as we know, Jonas' father was part of the resistance, Bree's father somehow joined the resistance by betraying them and meeting with Bree.
If this woman was involved, then why wasn't Alex more involved as well?
Maybe because daughters and mothers are distinct human beings? This woman might have been deeply involved in the Order and not her daughter, I mean. I don't share the beliefs of my parents, even though they tried to push it down my throat. If children were always following the steps of their parents we would still be in middle ages I guess. On the other hand, It might also be because Alex is not that important for the Order.
Was Jonas' dad, who I assume was partially raised by this woman, aware of this? Wasn't it confirmed that his parents were apart of the resistance? Lurker! Okay, okay...That essay-type document he found in cabin attic....So, this could be why his dad and her had a huge fight! He was fighting against what his step-mom was apart of! It would be nice to know two things: Was his grandfather apart of the religion and how old was his dad when his grandfather remarried? Both would make things much more clear.
To be part of something that fights against the Order, we have to be aware of the existence of the Order. I guess you become aware of it when you're confronted to it, like in your own family for instance. So, yes, I guess he knew and joined or was contacted by the resistance for that very reason.
Why is it that only Bree is affected by all of this? Is her case highly unique within this community? Perhaps she is more than just a girl who is a critical component of the ceremony....She may be a "chosen" individual. She must be very, very, very valuable.
That we've known for a long time.
I mean, Jonas didn't know a blessed thing until Bree came along!
That we don't know. We're not sure what his motivations were exactly when he contacted Bree and offered help in the first place. Even though we can say he didn't know much.
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:38 am
by watermelonhead
I still don't trust Alex and I never will.
But to be fair, I don't trust ANYONE who was involved in a cult.
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:51 am
by PansGirl
Hey there~~I am one of those lurkers who pretty much never posts because someone else usually posts what I am thinking, but I finally may have something useful that no one has brought up yet...? "Meridian lines" are probably more a reference to energy meridians, or Ley lines than actual geographical meridians. If anyone else had said meridians I would assume latitudes/longitudes, but since Jonas went out of his way to describe Alex's mother as being all new agey and stuff, then I would tend to think she would mean energy meridians. My neighbor is an acupuncturist, and he is always referring to the meridians of energy in the body, which is what he sort of maniupulates when he sticks needles into people. ALso I vaguely remember thinking Ley lines when Daniel broke into Lucy's place and found those maps--I think the places he found were near major intersections of Ley lines........I think. That was a while ago now so I could be mistaken. Wiki Ley Lines to spare yourselves from my Soapbox of Doom. :0) Oh and I hope everyone is having a good post-Spring Break Monday (booooo)
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:55 am
by kellylen
Chlowee wrote:I think paying attention to Alex's clothes while she appears on these videos very much exemplifies whether she is being truthful or not.
"Uncle Dan" Video, she wore black
Contents of video: A guy pulls her to the side saying "he's 19 years old!" she gets angry, and knowing people are watching her, throws a drink in his face, and flirts with Daniel all night. Also the pic of her and lucy being discovered.
"Alex is..." Video, she's wearing all black yet again, then she gives that whole speech schpeel.
"Missing Days" video, she wears a black and white spotted dress [white flowers]. I can say fairly, predominantly black.
"Lying bastards" video, she wears an all white shirt, [the camera gazes down at her blouse so u can see] while she's on the phone talking about free will, and it's my nephew, and all that jazz.
"Confrontation" Video, she wears a black shirt, with a white scarf looking thing on her shoulders, While talking about you don't know what its like to be me... I didn't know they would do that... the order would never do that...
Now up to date "Hug it out" she wears all white.
just saying, very symbolic,
i apologize if im repeating this though.
wow good catch!
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:57 am
by HisGirl
Don't have a lot to contribute yet... but did anyone else notice the cross above the door? Wondering if it will be significant later or not?