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Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:20 pm
by lordgreystoke422
curriguy wrote:About a week ago, I was researching "ritual preparation" and Thelema...and I came across a website that discussed "purity" for certain ceremonies.

Purity involved staying immaculately clean, and, among other things, abstaining from all things sexual.

I think the "purity bond" was broken...not by sneaking out...but by the kiss.

I'll see if I can find the site again.
Actually...Bree's parents got a good look at her dirty feet and realized she could never make it... Immaculately clean her foot!..

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:24 pm
by sungurl
roflol @ her parents got a good look at her feet....maybe that's what the ceremony is - cleansing the feet or "cleansing the sole", roflmao

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:26 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Cuddlebunni wrote:
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
NillaWafers wrote:Damn, it'd better not be the last video. What would I do with my spare time? Twiddle my thumbs and hope for a quick death? matter WHAT's COMING!!!! More than likely at least by Oct 12th....maybe with a setup for a movie....then we gotta jones and piss and moan the whole time here...we'll be like rabid packs of dogs pulling at a piece of meat by the time it gets here..
"At 1.3 seconds of XXXXX video Bree blinked 3 times twice...that means..." "NO way!...It can't mean... cause when the DDDDD Video was played in reverse at 1/2 speed you can hear the words FFFFFFFFFFFFF".
Oh'll be great......shakin already....haha[/quote

ha! " you can hear the words ffffffff"... oh man that cracked me up.. i think i even peed a little... lol.... but you are absolutely right..... us lg15 fans are a bit ka-razy!
::note to self:: if cuddlebunni is ever over scotchguard everthing and get out the doggie training pads.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:27 pm
by missthemystery
OK. I DO NOT think this is what's going to happen, but it seems the creators really want us to believe this ceremony involves a virgin sacrfice.

The mystery of her religion is really good. Yes, I'm sure she's occultist. Funny though. Because a purity bond sounds very evangelical Christian (as does homeschooling).

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:28 pm
by Cuddlebunni
okay so after re- watching i noticed that she said shes known daniel for 2 years. forgive me if this is info we already knew... but it stood out to me... kinda falls in with the fact the whole cassie ceremony thing happened 2 years ago... and some have speculated he had something to do with it.... but then him telling bree to choose one or the other wouldnt really flow with that theme.... okay just babbling my thoughts....

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:37 pm
by lordgreystoke422
missthemystery wrote:OK. I DO NOT think this is what's going to happen, but it seems the creators really want us to believe this ceremony involves a virgin sacrfice.

The mystery of her religion is really good. Yes, I'm sure she's occultist. Funny though. Because a purity bond sounds very evangelical Christian (as does homeschooling).

No...Purity is very important within Thelemic rituals I am sure and does not just involve sex. Also...I am certain Bree is planned to make a blood sacrifice of some sort... Hence the reason she is engaged in blood doping(not proven but likely what the bandages and the iron pills or for..i.e Erythropoietin shots.). That however suggests that she is expected to survive this blood's a measure to insure that upon said blood loss she doesn't flat pass out and not finish the ceremony. I'd say based on my readings of Crowley in the last week it very well will also involve some sex majick.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:44 pm
by aleksmakk
The fact that I missed the first purity bond mention leads me to ask - is there anywhere on this board where people are keeping track of the comments she makes on her own videos? Like when she replies to people?

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:53 pm
by katiegirl15
what if this really was the last vlog?

But it went on to TV... Movies... BROADWAY!

Just think...

...Lonelygirl15... The Musical.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:55 pm
by Cuddlebunni
this one is still not on youtube... is that unusual? how long does it usually take once its up to hit youtube? i see she logged in 1 hour ago.. but no video. this comment has no real meaning to it.. im just curious.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:04 pm
by je_danse112
is it possible daniel will post the new park arguement on yt? that would be... nice.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:12 pm
by S is for Summer
je_danse112 wrote:is it possible daniel will post the new park arguement on yt? that would be... nice.
Oh man, I'll second that bigtime.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:19 pm
by katiegirl15
S is for Summer wrote:
je_danse112 wrote:is it possible daniel will post the new park arguement on yt? that would be... nice.
Oh man, I'll second that bigtime.

All in favor say I?!

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:19 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Cuddlebunni wrote:this one is still not on youtube... is that unusual? how long does it usually take once its up to hit youtube? i see she logged in 1 hour ago.. but no video. this comment has no real meaning to it.. im just curious.

They have a deal with Revver.. I bet that Revver has to get a certain number of views before it goes on YouTube..and think about get paid or 1..and dont get paid for the's probably a progressive number of views or each proceeding video..or a longer time frame or something...problem is..I think revver crashed..mwahahaha

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:26 pm
by Cuddlebunni
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
Cuddlebunni wrote:this one is still not on youtube... is that unusual? how long does it usually take once its up to hit youtube? i see she logged in 1 hour ago.. but no video. this comment has no real meaning to it.. im just curious.

They have a deal with Revver.. I bet that Revver has to get a certain number of views before it goes on YouTube..and think about get paid or 1..and dont get paid for the's probably a progressive number of views or each proceeding video..or a longer time frame or something...problem is..I think revver crashed..mwahahaha

ooooh i see. thanks for clearing that up for me...and by the way.. i'll bring my own scotch guard if im ever over, will probably need it since almost all of your comments make me laugh, or at least giggle.... :)

oh, i and i want it to go on youtube cuz im a little anxious to see if any interesting tags get put up with it. maybe give us a little more to work with

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:31 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Cuddlebunni wrote:
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
Cuddlebunni wrote:this one is still not on youtube... is that unusual? how long does it usually take once its up to hit youtube? i see she logged in 1 hour ago.. but no video. this comment has no real meaning to it.. im just curious.

They have a deal with Revver.. I bet that Revver has to get a certain number of views before it goes on YouTube..and think about get paid or 1..and dont get paid for the's probably a progressive number of views or each proceeding video..or a longer time frame or something...problem is..I think revver crashed..mwahahaha

ooooh i see. thanks for clearing that up for me...and by the way.. i'll bring my own scotch guard if im ever over, will probably need it since almost all of your comments make me laugh, or at least giggle.... :)
Just hope I don't ever show you my monkey toes..cause then..You'll pee yoursel in stark terror...where is that damn webcam of I ain't worried..I live in a house half fulla mold(Momma stole my Fema trailer) the are you at house gutting and sheet rocking?