0198 - "Sing With Me" [05/25/07]

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Post by juli87 »

the order symbol is also a musical symbol, isn't it? i think it's the fermata, and you put it over a note to extend its duration. has this already been discussed/could it have any relevance?

EDIT: it's an upside down fermata. probably irrelevant.
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Post by BlogGirl14 »

it was called SING WITH ME
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juli87 wrote:the order symbol is also a musical symbol, isn't it? i think it's the fermata, and you put it over a note to extend its duration. has this already been discussed/could it have any relevance?

EDIT: it's an upside down fermata. probably irrelevant.

The word "fermata" always reminds me of my one of my fav. songs the lyric says"The swelling Fermata as the chord dies.... " the song is" Between" by Vienna Teng,and once you hear her,you love her....

Sorry this was O/T ....
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Post by Renegade »

BlogGirl14 wrote:it was called SING WITH ME
Oh come on...that is so obviously an anagram for "I'm the wings". :roll:

Hehe...overanalyzation ftw. :smt003
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Post by pixxi.is.dizzi »

saralynn wrote:Also, sorry if this has been discussed already -- BUT..

why is it save HER friday and not save ME friday? Is the Hymn of One trying to tell them to save Bree, or is Bree telling them to save.. Julie? Ugh, no, Julie is useless.
Question: Bree being all full of brainwashy goodness, but it's only been what.. not even 2 weeks? Would they really let her edit and post her own vids without some sincere scrutteny?? Possibly someone else in the order is instructing DB/J/T/S et cetera to save her on friday? Someone who is on the inside undercover perhaps?

Also, looking more indepth into the code stuff that was pulled up on page 16 (I think) I noticed some words that weren't bolded previously...

Is a traditional healing clay used by ancient mexican and egyptian civilizations. Healing clays have traditionally been used for internal detoxification ( digestive system and liver ), trauma injuries, skin conditions, organ and elimination system stimulation, and localized immune system stimulation and support

Lo-sheng take hold:

Lo-sheng was mentioned a few times. It's a sanitarium in Taiwan.

brake RC/ police to search results via email:

RC = Radio Contact?

Just some additional thoughts..
Last edited by pixxi.is.dizzi on Sat May 26, 2007 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Carol »

Sorry if this has been said...

But does anyone think, that on the "audition" form thing, if you put the location of where THEY are, (I'm not sure where they are, but I think it might be the place that was circled on the map Daniel and Jonas found) that they might be more compatable and get a higher number/score thing?
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Post by eucebo »

SARAHPHOBIA88 wrote:I am only 47.5% compatible. Uh oh, does that mean I am a fence sitter? Or does it mean, I am completely aware of making my own choices?
hey, I'm 42.5... does that make me better? because I was kinda into the whole "attaine the unattainable" stuff...
So... I guess this is it...
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Post by juli87 »

Carol wrote:Sorry if this has been said...

But does anyone think, that on the "audition" form thing, if you put the location of where THEY are, (I'm not sure where they are, but I think it might be the place that was circled on the map Daniel and Jonas found) that they might be more compatable and get a higher number/score thing?
ooh, that's a possibility.
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Post by Lurker »

juli87 wrote:
Carol wrote:Sorry if this has been said...

But does anyone think, that on the "audition" form thing, if you put the location of where THEY are, (I'm not sure where they are, but I think it might be the place that was circled on the map Daniel and Jonas found) that they might be more compatable and get a higher number/score thing?
ooh, that's a possibility.
The location's not important. How to achieve 100% has been discovered already, actually. You can read about how to do that here.
Last edited by Lurker on Sat May 26, 2007 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by juli87 »

oh, haha, right. i forgot about that.

it really bothers me how the order spelled "pigeon" wrong on their website.
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Post by Haether »

juli87 wrote:oh, haha, right. i forgot about that.

it really bothers me how the order spelled "pigeon" wrong on their website.
I think it might be the British way to spell it

it is spelled DEFINITELY
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Post by zoe vs heart »

Haether wrote:
juli87 wrote:oh, haha, right. i forgot about that.

it really bothers me how the order spelled "pigeon" wrong on their website.
I think it might be the British way to spell it
or just the way it was spelled in the early 20th century
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Haether wrote:
juli87 wrote:oh, haha, right. i forgot about that.

it really bothers me how the order spelled "pigeon" wrong on their website.
I think it might be the British way to spell it

Could it be another reference? But, Crowley did live in Britain for quite sometime. I do not believe it is a mis-spelling, but a direct quote.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Is it possible TCC is an abbreviation of the name of Bree's camp?
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