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Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:05 pm
by Emyr
i only read up to page 22, but did anyone try to figure out what the ceremony/hymn of one is about by analysing the questions? like the questin about the circles clearly cant be random.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 10:39 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
yeah; that it'll involve a beach, circles, maybe the dark, and love (with crowley's track record of sex involved with religion and how much they've borrowed from him, we're thinking it's not out of the relm of possibility to have some sort of ritual sex, but i think the love thing makes DB----)
Bree sure as shizer falls in love easy!!
what is Jonas is somehow part of the ceremony!
but to answer the rest of the q at hand, seems like whatever things you're ok with is what the ceremony is going to involve.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 10:50 pm
by Renegade
Emyr wrote:i only read up to page 22, but did anyone try to figure out what the ceremony/hymn of one is about by analysing the questions? like the questin about the circles clearly cant be random.
can. If you're a Creator with a whole lot of bored fans waiting for stuff to happen, and you need to make up deep and significant sounding questions/statements quickly.
- I like brown grass better.
- Digital media scares me.
- I obey the law.
- Spiders are the pets of Satan.
- Paper is white for a reason.
- The number "6" is of importance to me.
- My favorite song is a ballad.
- Cheerleaders cheer only because they're told to.
- Vodka is the drink of the Gods.
- Gold signals value.
- Silence is a virtue.
- Backups are overrated.
- Death is eternal.
- While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath, there can be no peace.
- Walk softly...and carry a big gun.
- These statements are completely random.
- I enjoy looking at naked women.
- I enjoy looking at Sarah.
- Therefore, Sarah equals naked women.
- That rug really tied the room together.
See? It's just a question of typing random statements. In fact, "Death is eternal" was completely random, but happens to be the exact opposite of what the Hymn Of One wanted you to rate.
So, while I agree it is
probably the questions are hinting at certain religious teachings of the Hymn, I think it's just as possible that they mean nothing at all, and are just there to make us
think they mean something. Kinda like a Scientology personality test...where they'll tell you you're screwed anyway, no matter what you say.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:51 am
by deagol
TOSG wrote:lehcarice9 wrote:well...i plugged in the song notes (C C C C E C C C C E E C E C C A E A C A) to the quiz (3,3,3,3,5,3,3,3,3,5,5,3,5,3,3,1,5,1,3,1) and plugged them into the quiz and got a 95%...
so that doesnt work.
I think you're on to something here.
To get 100% the first note (answer) should be E (strongly agree) instead of a C.
I managed to get 0%
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 12:00 pm
deagol wrote:TOSG wrote:lehcarice9 wrote:well...i plugged in the song notes (C C C C E C C C C E E C E C C A E A C A) to the quiz (3,3,3,3,5,3,3,3,3,5,5,3,5,3,3,1,5,1,3,1) and plugged them into the quiz and got a 95%...
so that doesnt work.
I think you're on to something here.
To get 100% the first note (answer) should be E (strongly agree) instead of a C.
I managed to get 0%
Is the first note actually a C, though? (I'm tone deaf)
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 12:43 pm
by deagol
TOSG wrote:
Is the first note actually a C, though? (I'm tone deaf)
These are not the notes heard in the video. The original poster's
idea was a little different than what QtheC was suggesting, actually kind of the opposite. They tried to take the answers needed for a score of 100 and somehow turn them into notes to play some song (e.g. A=strongly disagree, C=neutral, E=strongly agree). The problem is that the very first time that the right answers were determined, the first one wasn't identified correctly and it was confusing because you would still get the 99% image (badge100.gif) with a score of 95. This got perpetuated in the lg15 blog and lgpedia (both places have the right answer now).
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:23 pm
by lehcarice9
so ive basically been a loser and have listend really closley to this video a few times. i highly doubt that this makes a difference, but i thought that it was worth noting:
1. There is the whole, 5-3-4-2-3-1 thing going on in the beginning of the film, where the ending notes (which are held out a little longer than the regular notes) go from about like...a C to a C sharp or something. Im no musician or anything, but i can definetley notice a small difference. What is interesting about this is that this progression stops after Bree says "learn the verse to your soul..." or whatever.
2. Then, she says the whole "heaven, eternity..." shpeel, and the whole thing seems to go up a few octives or something. i dont know if this means that there is some significance of these lines...but i thought it was kinda improtant. None of these um...sets of notes has an end note like the ones in the beginning, it just kind of flows.
3. When bree says the word 'promises' and 'the oneness of a universal melody' the notes seem to go up even higher, but then stop as the camera fades and goes to Carl.
4. The music doesnt start up again until the camera goes to the other girl (blanking on her name) where it plays the same the same series of notes (including the C end note) as in the beginning of the video.
5. Curiously enough, immediatley after bree speaks, the notes go really high up again, and play the same series as they did after she says "promises" and such.
6. When Bree does her little recruting speech, there is no music until she says 'sisters', where there is the same melody as in the beginning again.
7. When the video shows the whole..."" thing, there is no music, but a lot of white noise, especially compared to the rest of the video. I find this REALLY strange and I really hope some one will try and play this backwards or something...
8. I cant believe i just did all of this... if it helps any of you, im glad. Im not sure if there is any importance of this, but I have learned in the past tha teven the slightest of things can make all the i hope you all can learn from this!
alright. im gonna go study for finals.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:38 pm
by lehcarice9
Im sorry. I just re read that and I kinda thought that it was incomprehensible. i'll try to simplify it:
Have you at anytime in your life been truly free? Ever wonder why you are here on this planet? Lend your verse to the Hymn of One. Play the song of your soul.
Music is in a lower progression than in the rest of the video. The endings of the different collections of notes go from about a C to a C sharp or something...
*note: after her lines, the same collection of notes plays, only without the lower ending notes, so it is kind of a circle-like sound, repeitive (this continues on her lines below)
Heaven? Eternity? Refuse those empty promises. Find the Oneness of our Universal Melody.
Right after promises, the notes go up really high, and play a differnet progression.
Reach out to the lyrics that lead to the true you.
I found my song. Do you know yours?
Same series of notes as in the beginning of the video.
Attain what you always felt was unattainable. You can sing the Hymn of One.
high notes again, like when she says the whole "find the oneness of our universal melody"
The Hymn of One is delighted to announce that we are now accepting applications for new brothers and sisters. Contact the Hymn of One to begin your path towards Happiness and freedom from fear and insecurities.
there is NO MUSIC when she says this sentence, although after she says sisters, the botes begin to play again, like the beginning (only the end notes arent as prominent).
Come sing with me at
NO MUSIC, but a LOT of white noise...which kinda makes me curios. I really wish someone would look into that...i dont know how.
okay. now that i wasted all this time, I REALLY need to get back to work! tell me if this is actually helpful!
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:53 pm
by Lurker
I don't understand any of that at all, lehcarice9, but I'm sure someone familiar with musical notes (which I'm not) will get something out of it. Thanks for taking the time and effort. Good luck with your finals.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:58 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I took piano lessons for 8 years and I'm still pretty confused as to how the music notes became code for the answers to the quiz.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:59 pm
by kittenishtrance
Does anyone think it's weird that TFW posted a video saying "She's awake" then Bree put out that Hymn of One video followed by another from TFW saying "her eyes are closed?"
Also, if Daniel and Jonas are able to get to Bree, how are they going to deprogram her?
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:13 pm
by lehcarice9
Lurker wrote:I don't understand any of that at all, lehcarice9, but I'm sure someone familiar with musical notes (which I'm not) will get something out of it. Thanks for taking the time and effort. Good luck with your finals.
welcome to my life.
thank you. i thought it was a little crazy too...i think im just procrastinating.
good luck guys!
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:13 pm
by amarullis
5,3,3,3,5,3,3,3,3,5,5,3,5,3,3,1,5,1,3,1 100%
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 3:03 pm
kittenishtrance wrote:Does anyone think it's weird that TFW posted a video saying "She's awake" then Bree put out that Hymn of One video followed by another from TFW saying "her eyes are closed?"
Also, if Daniel and Jonas are able to get to Bree, how are they going to deprogram her?
Hmmm....looks like I need to talk with my Father. Not going to say too much, but he knows about deprogramming.
Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 4:06 pm
by deagol
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I took piano lessons for 8 years and I'm still pretty confused as to how the music notes became code for the answers to the quiz.
The answers to get a score of 100 have nothing to do with the music on the video. The right answers were obtained through trial and error. These are the ones posted above by amarullis, and they've been in the lg15today blog and the lgpedia since Friday.
Independently, or maybe after that, QtheC suggested analysing the music on the video (the repeating pattern of notes which he describes as something like 5-3-4-2-3-1) and try to derive answers for the audition, given all the musical references in both. I haven't seen anyone come up with a truthful transcript of the pattern. I took a shot at it but can't really make them out distinctively.
After that, someone suggested doing the opposite idea. Since we already had the right answers, why not try them as notes (as if they were multiple choice questions with A, B, C, D, E answers) and see if they played out a recognizable song or something. This was then made into an .mp3 file. But that transcription included a mistake in the first answer, they used a C note, which would be a "neutral" answer, when the right one is "strongly agree," which translates to the note E. This is the C C C C E... pattern that's been quoted in the last few pages, but which should be E C C C E... etc.
Hope I'm helping.