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Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:29 pm
by Marbella
OOC~ NOPE!! Sorry if you changed your schedule for this!

Ms. Divine~ Alright, class is dismissed early this evening! Have a good weekend everyone!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:31 pm
by Marbella
Cloud_ax wrote:ooc - im sorry im not here fully, im trying
OOC~ It's cool, Cloud. I'm glad you've been trying! I just can't do class for just 2 people. Everyone's out doing other things. At least they all PM'd to let me know. Still, I was expecting Zane and Chelsey, and Madison is on the board right now!

Go figure.

We'll just try again on Monday!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:32 pm
by watching_watchers
OOC - Cya Monday Marbella. :]

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:34 pm
by watching_watchers
Autumn - [Leaves class muttering under her breath "That was fucking pointless" she goes to her dorm and lays on her bed and writes in her notebook;

"Today sucked. Yesterday sucked. Everyday sucks her at The Hell Hold Boarding School. I think someone really needs to take action or something. Maybe that someone will be me? But I'm always getting hurt."

[She stops writing for a second and sighs; then she continues;]

"Whatever, I can try, I need to be strong."

[She puts down her pen and lays down and slowly drifts off to sleep.]

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:24 pm
by bree_is_awesome
Marbella wrote: Madison is on the board right now!
OOC- Sorry, i forgot to sign but i wasn't here

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:32 pm
by Marbella
bree_is_awesome wrote:
Marbella wrote: Madison is on the board right now!
OOC- Sorry, i forgot to sign but i wasn't here
It's OK Madison! No worries. It was just disappointing that no one showed, that's all. It makes me worry about next week when I'm gone. I hope things keep moving as strongly along as they were!

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:02 am
by watching_watchers
OOC - Dude..Shouldn't Chantal [Noodles] be back soon or already? It feels like its been forever, I miss her! =[

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:32 am
by Marbella
OOC~ She said 2 wks and I think only 1 or a and a half have passed I can check on her.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:36 am
by Marbella
OOC~ Chantal's last post was July 1, so yeah, she could be back on over the weekend or Monday, I hope!!

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:29 pm
by Spades
Jason:[Rolls out of his bed, grabs a notebook that has "Clues" scribbled on the front. He had picked up this notebook, which had been previously unused, the day of the spin art fiasco. He had stayed up all night, completely out of his mind, and he could not remember a thing that he did. He didn't know what kind of information was in the book. He hadn't read it yet, and he wonders what help it could possibly be.]

["Well, the guy who figured out the double helix for DNA was nuts on LSD."]

[He opens the book and reads it, or more looks at the strange amount of random words and lines connecting them, which cover two pages. He is utterly speechless, not only because he had figured out the obvious thing to find all four helpers (which was simply to find out who had which access card; this was of course before grades were handed out), but he found a very dangerous connection. "No, I'm just being paranoid. There is no way to prove that." He puts the notebook away where no one could find it and readies himself for the day. He walks to the door, but looks back. He pauses there for a moment, before walking out with a sigh.]

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:42 pm
by watching_watchers
OOC - Oh, yay! Thanks Marbella.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:50 pm
by watching_watchers
Autumn - [Waking up she sighs; "Why do I even have to get up? This all sucks. I want out." reluctantly she gets up anyway, and goes to the bathroom and showers. After she gets out of the shower she blow drys her hair and straightens it, she puts a red skull clip on the left side of her hair, and then she applys her makeup, today after puting on her foundation, she makes her eyes stick out by applying lots of black eyeliner and mascara with red eyeshadow to match her hair clip. Then she brushes and flosses her teeth and gets dressed into a red leather mini skirt and a tight black tank top that shows a lot of cleavage. She smiles and thinks to herself; "Nothing is going to f**k up today, and its going to be great for me and Jason" She grabs a picnic basket that she had prepared the night before with candles, a blanket, a lighter (to light the candles) a bottle of expensive champaign and some sandwiches she had bought from the deli at a local grocery store. After making sure she had everything, she puts on her black heels and heads over to Jason's dorm]

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:00 pm
by watching_watchers
Autumn - [Knocking on the door; and getting no response she sighs and thinks to self; "Yeah..Nothing can ruin my day except that." she puts the food back into the cooler in her room after walking back there, and sits down and pulls out her notebook; writing into it;

"When are things going to look up?

Up, up, up. Instead of; Down, down, down."] [Then she puts her notebook away and throws the pen across the room in frustration and just sits there thinking]

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:03 pm
by Spades
Jason:[Walks outside and instinctively reaches for his cigarettes, before realizing they are long gone. He sighs, and starts to slowly wander, but he is still close to the building]

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:07 pm
by Spades
Jason:["I wonder what Autumn's up to. I should really check up on her." He starts heading off to her dorm.]