OOC: I'm pretty sure I just go ahead and post this here, but if I'm wrong, just lemme know.
Status: Student
Name: Jake DeMarte
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Faction: Undecided.
Hair: Jake has medium length, curvy hair that's somewhere between brown and blonde in color.
Eyes: Jake's eyes are his most unique feature. They're an unusually light shade of blue, similar to those of someone suffering from a cataracts, however, Jake's vision is completely normal. While the coloring of his eyes themselves tend not to effect people, Jake's tendency to glare at people often causes them to feel uncomfortable.
Skin: Jake is of Caucasian decent, and has skin that if fairly tanned.
Other physical characteristics: Jake is roughly 6 feet tall and weighs around 170 pounds. His body is kept fairly trim and in good shape, mostly due to Jake's time playing soccer. He's somewhat on the skinny side, muscle-wise, because he doesn't care enough about his appearance to work out in a gym formally.
Clothing Style: Jake can almost always be seen wearing blue jeans, often accompanied by a pair of Adidas Sombas. As far as shirts go, Jake mostly wears shirts that are one solid color, with no print on them. If that differs, he usually wears a jersey from one of his favorite sports teams, instead.
Important Misc. Info: Other than his eyes, the only notable thing about Jake is that he is
always wearing a ring on the middle finger of his left hand. The ring is plain silver with no stone, and has an inscription along the outside that's too faded to read. If one were to move the ring, they'd be able to see what is a
very distinct tan line, where the ring hasn't been removed at all for several years.
Personality: Jake's not a typical teenager. His openly displays a devil-may-care, nonchalant attitude about the events in his life. He's generally very distrusting of other people's motives, and has no desire to make friends. He isn't anti-social, by any means, but he doesn't really see the point, and prefers to keep to himself. Since he was young, he's always been one to focus on the bigger picture, which has alienated him from his peers because he doesn't understand why they think their problems (Including but not limited to, sports, relationships, and grades.) are so important. Jake further set himself apart from his peers by adopting very strict Straight Edge beliefs (The fundamentals of these beliefs are not drinking alcohol, not doing any type of drugs, and not smoking. Jake has adopted a few additional rules of his own). Jake can also be described as some-what narcissistic, due to his tendency to focus on himself and his needs before even beginning to consider the ramifications his actions have on others.
History (if any, optional): Jake was born out of wedlock to parents who were still in high school. He never met his father, but his mother married while he was still fairly young. Her mother's husband, his step-father, was a few years old than his mother, and more ready to accept the burden of parenthood. As Jake grew up, his step-father taught him to think for himself and introduced Jake to advanced philosophical readings at an early age, inadvertently leading to his step-son's lack of social interactivity with people his own age, whom Jake often felt were too materialistic and narrow-minded. Jake's train of thought caused him to talk with adults far more often than other teens, and under the influence of the many adults he talked to, Jake very quickly became politically active. His viewpoints were were not necessarily his own, and considered somewhat radical (He dabbled in several things, but mostly promoted Anarchism), and eventually lead to numerous conflicts with his step-father. Jake, having no desire to back down just to please his step-father, continued to support what he claimed to believe and rebelled against the little authority his step-father still held over him. Eventually fed up and unsure of how to handle the situation with Jake, his step-father turned to their neighbors for help. The DeMarte's neighbors had been plagued with somewhat similar problems from their daughter several years earlier, and suggested that they handle Jake the same way they'd handled their daughter. Jake's step-father agreed, and the next thing Jake knew, he was en route to boarding school. Although originally displeased by this, Jake read up on the school and decided to keep an open mind about their unique teachings, thinking he might possibly find something to honestly believe in.
OOC: Yup. That was kinda in depth. I like to have a very solid foundation to build on with characters.