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Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:24 pm
by khjq
What would be awesome is if the creators got another girl to play Cassie, and she starts posting videos on Youtube on her own channel, her first video could be like telling us what freaked her out, she could reveal something sinister about Bree's religion that we nor Daniel know about, then Cassie and Daniel could team up together and save Bree from being sacrificed or whatever. :)

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:27 pm
by twjaniak
khjq wrote:What would be awesome is if the creators got another girl to play Cassie, and she starts posting videos on Youtube on her own channel, her first video could be like telling us what freaked her out, she could reveal something sinister about Bree's religion that we nor Daniel know about, then Cassie and Daniel could team up together and save Bree from being sacrificed or whatever. :)
This would pretty much bring an end to CiW.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:27 pm
by PinkRanger
it's interesting too see that second of the old testament talks about non-believers and believers being together, much like daniel and bree...that seems to be the biggest issue right now between the characters after all...hmmm food for thought!

**wow I can't spell....I mean it's interesting to see that SECTION haha

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:33 pm
by khjq
twjaniak wrote:
khjq wrote:What would be awesome is if the creators got another girl to play Cassie, and she starts posting videos on Youtube on her own channel, her first video could be like telling us what freaked her out, she could reveal something sinister about Bree's religion that we nor Daniel know about, then Cassie and Daniel could team up together and save Bree from being sacrificed or whatever. :)
This would pretty much bring an end to CiW.
yeah.....but the creators might want that, but I don't. I enjoy the CiW stuff, but if the creators of the LG story want to distance themselves from CiW, that means that future LG vids might not coincide with everything CiW is telling us, if it does however, then that would give me reason to believe that the creators are in on the whole CiW thing after all.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:34 pm
by Jengels2002
I love the thought of our discussions are helping to steer the story line.

It just seems too coincidental that Bree brought up Cassie. :roll:

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:35 pm
by DeepBlueRug
khjq wrote:What would be awesome is if the creators got another girl to play Cassie, and she starts posting videos on Youtube on her own channel, her first video could be like telling us what freaked her out, she could reveal something sinister about Bree's religion that we nor Daniel know about, then Cassie and Daniel could team up together and save Bree from being sacrificed or whatever. :)
No, it would be cool if Cassieiswatching spoke on a crazy, spooky Vblog. That would be awsome!

cassie and bree

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:17 pm
by hastebraider06
why is it that bree didn't know what cassie looked like when daniel asked her about cassie. yet she was her onlye "girl" friend that would come over?

Re: cassie and bree

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:28 pm
by lordgreystoke422
hastebraider06 wrote:why is it that bree didn't know what cassie looked like when daniel asked her about cassie. yet she was her only "girl" friend that would come over?
I think this was for casting convenience. So that IF and when they added a Cassie..they could do it based on personality and not a certain hair color and look. If they did cast a cassie way back at the start...what did they have to hold her? She wasn't being paid..and she wasn't even getting any exposure. So anyone they cast very well could hit it big and I don't think Bree not knowing was plot related..I think they just played it like Bree asked about her..Daniel didn't know and got frustrated for bringing it up because she was reminded about her friend going POOF on her.

This Brings me to another thing... I THINK Cassieiswatching is Cannon. The DAMN near ONLY time Bree Mentions ANYONE by name just happens to be outside in a DAMN hard to find place and someone FINDS it and puts together a KICK ass video concept complete with Clues,etc...
Cassieiswatching may get BURNED by the creators..but that may have been their intention all SOW confusion.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:38 pm
by vertigo
Ok, so you KNOW you are addicted whrn you wake up, find out there's a new video and it feels like Christmas morning. *facepalm*

If a Bree video got me all happy, I wonder how I'll feel if we get another Cassie video!!!

On topic now..... this video + all the Bible related clues make me believe that Cassie was not from the same religion as Bree.... not even a "stray"..... she could be a devout catholic how freaked her shit out because of her friend's "strange" religion, and that is why she is trying to "save" Bree from it....

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:40 pm
by sparrow
Nah, not Catholic, but I could buy one of the Protestant denominations.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:44 pm
by kittygrl010101
where is this video at?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:46 pm
by vertigo
sparrow wrote:Nah, not Catholic, but I could buy one of the Protestant denominations.
My bad, EVERYONE in Brazil is (or was at some point) catholic, so I tend to associate the Bible with catholicism! :oops:

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:52 pm
by lordgreystoke422
vertigo wrote:
sparrow wrote:Nah, not Catholic, but I could buy one of the Protestant denominations.
My bad, EVERYONE in Brazil is (or was at some point) catholic, so I tend to associate the Bible with catholicism! :oops:

That's ok... we are all Ethnocentric...that's one of the great things about this endeavor...we are ALL expanding our knowledge base. Even if adamantly against all that we assume Bree stands for.. You're gaining more perspective.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:07 am
by alexisme
khjq wrote:What would be awesome is if the creators got another girl to play Cassie, and she starts posting videos on Youtube on her own channel, her first video could be like telling us what freaked her out, she could reveal something sinister about Bree's religion that we nor Daniel know about, then Cassie and Daniel could team up together and save Bree from being sacrificed or whatever. :)
i actually dislike this idea...

I like CiW as Cassie. It makes the story much more interesting. If a different Cassie is introduced into the lg15 world... that would fnck things up.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:14 am
by vertigo
If that actually happens, the game is over.

Cassie saying everything?

No more clues, no more hunts..... we would just watch. No more mystery.

Isn't that the point of this whole thing?