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Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:14 am
by trunbuns video!

It's always such a relief to see a Bree and Daniel video after a Gemma one (not that I dislike Gemma, it's just that Bree vid's are just....better)

Anyway I think this is just to answer a few questions we had, and keep things ticking over.

So Daniel does have a laptop and Bree does have her 'Furry Friends' (lol Broken Kid will be pleased!)

I think the main thing to take from this is the police situation. I can fully understand her viewpoint on this. Firstly there's no evidence her parent's have been kidnapped (in fact the video would only show them going under their own accord, and the fact that they left money for her). Secondly, if she has seen police and stuff at her home with 'The Order' then I can understand her mistrust of them. I have a mistrust of the police without being involved in a secret society. I just see them as an old boy's club, almost a secret society of their own (in the U.K it seems like that anyway, getting off with speeding offenses thing like that) Also most of the police I know didn't join to 'protect and serve', rather they fell into the career after other avenues closed for them, and they're lured in by the pension and stuff. I personally only get in contact with them through neccesity i.e. getting a crime number for insurance purposes.

Also, I'm not sure the 'Alaska' thing was a clue, rather a joke, but I could be wrong.

ooh I've just read S for Summers post and perhaps it is a clue...

Edited because of some top sluething on S for Summer's part

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:58 am
by Reb
Having read this thread and watched the video I have to agree that Bree is acting strangely. It is almost like she has regressed slightly which I suppose might be as a result of the stressful situation that she is in but it is still very strange.

The main thing that I started thinking about having watched this video is can daniel swim? he wasn't swiming in the video where he and bree went up to the lake/pond/creek place and bree seemed like she might be hinting that he couldn't when she wad cut off. Is just a thought. If he can't swim then that could deffinately come into play later maybe in the climax to the series which I assume will be some sort of face off between Bree and Daniel and the order.

Having done some more research on the town of Adak I really don't know what is significant about it (other than that section posted before with reference to something happening in 1998). All I have been able to find is that it is a tiny comunity of naval origin with only 316 people in living there. It was described in one thing I read as being like a ghost town. It is very isolated which I suppose could make it a good place for something to go on that you didn't want other people to know about. It is also as you are probably aware a very cold and very hostile environment.

Well that I all that I could find other than a load of pictures maps, weather reports, class lists etc etc etc

Sucks really.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:22 am
by iamcool
no1 gives there jacket up unless they want to get into someones pants

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:34 am
by Reb
iamcool wrote:no1 gives there jacket up unless they want to get into someones pants
Thats a bit cynical maybe he is just being a gentleman, I have had male friend who have given me their coat and trust me the relationship there is purely plutonic.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:38 am
by iamcool
Reb wrote:
iamcool wrote:no1 gives there jacket up unless they want to get into someones pants
Thats a bit cynical maybe he is just being a gentleman, I have had male friend who have given me thier coat and trus me the relationship there is purely plutonic.
thats what u think, if u said "oh hey, wanna bang me?" they'd be in ur bed faster than u can say "is it in yet?" :P

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:05 am
by DavetheAvatar
Several points here:

1. The animals - From what we know about Bree and her sheltered lifestyle it makes perfect sense she would want to be with all her friends (i.e. Daniel, P. Monkey, Thor and Owen) at a time when really her whole life, not just her beliefs, has been shattered.

2. Daniel's mood - I think Daniel is starting to lose his patience. He clearly cares a lot for Bree but he's not as naive or sheltered as she is. He has a life and whilst his wanting to protect Bree keeps him with her, he is angry that he can't go to the police, that he can't see his other friends, that the Order is after him, that his life has been taken away because of her. Oh, and you're right, he SO wants to get into her pants.

3. Clues? - There is always the chance that we have underestimated Bree and realising the Order could be monitoring her videos, she is dropping hints for us. Clue working has never been my strong point but things that spring to mind: Alaska (location to find?), 1998 (Something happened involving the Order in 1998?), Swimming (clues in the swimming video or something at the place they were swimming?). Of course it's rather more likely that she was simply being Bree and that Daniel can't swim.

4. Daniel Can't Swim - If he can't, who's willing to bet that at some point, Bree and Daniel will have to swim for freedom from the Order and Daniel gets caught? This could also explain point 2. He could just have been embarrassed.

5. The Order's Influence - Unusually smart thinking for Bree. She's avoiding places where the Order may have influence such as the police etc. I find it odd that Bree and Daniel seem to have swapped roles here. Bree is the one being paranoid about the Order and Daniel being oddly naive. Perhaps Daniel just never realised how far the Order goes whereas Bree who was basically raised by them, knows all too well.

6. Why are the Order after her? - If Bree were just some girl to them then they would have given up long ago but I think we can all agree there's something special about her. Despite not being a religion per se, they do have religious undertones with the weird ceremonies and the likes so that opens up a whole number of options: 1. Bree has been decided upon and the rituals started around her and there is no going back, 2. Bree has been injected with whatever it was and they only have enough for one person, 3. Bree is a threat to the Order, she knows their secrets and is not shy with revealing things acros the internet.

7. Gemma - How long are the Order going to allow Gemma to tells us the secrets? She's in danger of being "silenced" or maybe she's working with them? It's rather coincidental that as soon as the Order had problems with Bree, and old friend shows up. I'm thinking that she was called in to stop Bree or convince her to trust her by seeming opposed to the order e.g "They Disapeared."

So there, just a few thoughts I had. I'm not really an active member of the boards so feel free to criticise.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:19 am
by Lurker
spaciegirl wrote:I do still think she's acting weird too. I also think it's weird (and yes, annoying) that she'd take all of her stuffed animals with her.
I think she's acting fairly depressed myself. Also, given her personality and background, taking the stuffed animals with her makes sense.

Besides, Owen and Thor only showed up in this video as fanservice. An unbelievable number of posts asking about their fate showed up after the "On the Run" video. Fanservice, guys. They just worked it around Bree's personality, and it fits well.

Really, the majority of the video was fanservice, or answering questions that the fans have been asking. Look at what we got:

1) Revelation about the stuffed animals
2) Cute moment with Daniel (we all love those, right? I know I do)
3) Explanation about how the videos are getting uploaded
4) Explanation about why the kids haven't gone to the authorities

All that being the case, I think this was a really good video.
xrockette19x wrote:my point is that there have to be some police, or upper echelons of lawmakers/enforcers who watch out for corrupt cops. There must be some police Bree can go to, maybe in another county or something (where The Order isn't so prominent, I get the feeling they sort of gravitate towards each other), they are on the road after all. and yes, maybe some of those policemen who are also part of The Order actually do have consciences.
There's a few practical problems with what you suggest:
*Who's to know the difference between the corrupt cops and the ones that aren't?
*If there's a department for investigating corruption, who's to say that there aren't any members of the Order in there?
*Even if there is a department for investigating corruption, and none of the members of the Order are in there, unless some of the police force's officers are under suspicion for displaying corruption previously, it's unlikely that they're going to be able to make any kind of determination about which ones are untrustworthy. That also brings up the question of how likely cops who are in the Order are to have displayed corruption previously. Just because their loyalty might ultimately be to the Order, that doesn't mean they've ever done anything suspicious before
*If you went to a department like this, you'd better have something for them to go on. "My parents got kidnapped but look like they're going entirely of their own free will, and, no, I don't have any evidence that they were taken against their will but my word... and, no, I don't have any evidence that some of your cops might be untrustwrothy but my word..." isn't going to fly very well. They'd have you dragged outside for wasting their time
*The Creators obviously don't want to take this in the police direction anyway. Probably the biggest reason why it doesn't work. Any number of explanations could be conceived to keep them out if the Creators don't want them in
xrockette19x wrote:true...creepy...i guess that's the point. i guess just in my opinion, bree and daniel are fighting a losing battle. i don't know how much money her parents left for her, but it can't last forever. sooner or later, the deacons are going to find them, and do they have a plan? it doesn't seem like bree and daniel are the most stealth or crafty people out there. daniel has issues with leaving evidence everywhere he goes, and bree can't even sneak out of her house to go to a party without getting caught. i think the only option is for bree to not be 'eligible' for the ceremony anymore. her and daniel will just have to have some sleazy motel room sex. not really. unless, you know, that is what needs to be done. classy.
That would be the most simple thing. I think it would be pretty ironic -- and sensible, really -- if that's the way it ends up going.

It would also leave the Creators with a believable, yet interesting way to end this. Instead of Bree and Daniel having some climactic showdown with the Order that defies logic and the style of the series, the Order just gives up when they find out what happened and they don't want her anymore.

Instead of two teenagers going against all odds and reason to successfully defeat an organization that might be ancient and have thousands of members, some of which are in high public offices, they just get left alone. They don't take the Order down. Really, how realistic would that be? They just get to be left alone, and the Order goes on. I think it would allow the series to end on a high point, but also a realistic bittersweet one.

For those with a personal investment in Bree and Daniel's characters, they don't have to be disappointed. At the same time, the series ends in a realistic fashion, while making a point about how difficult it would be to change something like the Order. Will it ever be brought down? Maybe. But Bree and Daniel won't be the ones to do it. For them, it's just enough that they get to be left alone.

Of course, it has to be explained why the Order's gone to all this trouble over her, but once that's done, it would be simple enough to have her and Daniel undo that purity vow thing.
shockshock wrote:It's been annoying me that bree was just about to say something before she said 'grumpy'

"daniel doesn't want to go swimming because...."
then he leaves and she says grumpy, i don't think thats what she was about to say.

maybe he just can't swim.
Before she stopped, she said "because he was...." "Can't swim" wouldn't follow that. "Unable to swim" wouldn't either. I think she intended to say "grumpy" and just paused because there he was displaying that grumpiness, and it made her feel uncomfortable.

DavetheAvatar wrote:4. Daniel Can't Swim - If he can't, who's willing to bet that at some point, Bree and Daniel will have to swim for freedom from the Order and Daniel gets caught? This could also explain point 2. He could just have been embarrassed.
Point 2 (Daniel being grumpy) was explained by the fact that he's annoyed they can't go to the police.

DavetheAvatar wrote:7. Gemma - How long are the Order going to allow Gemma to tells us the secrets? She's in danger of being "silenced" or maybe she's working with them? It's rather coincidental that as soon as the Order had problems with Bree, and old friend shows up. I'm thinking that she was called in to stop Bree or convince her to trust her by seeming opposed to the order e.g "They Disapeared."
How could it have possibly helped the Order to have someone that Bree might believe practically tell her to run away from them as fast as she could? It's not like Gemma's close enough to affect Bree with anything but words, and so far all of those words would have been harmful to the Order if Bree listened.

But it is a good question about how long they're going to let Gemma keep undermining them. Even if they don't have any influence where she lives (which would make sense; why move away from them to a city where they have influence?), you'd think they could send someone to find her.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:23 am
by TheFatLady
I went to college in Fairbanks, Alaska, and I remember that every year the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics were held there. I've searched a little to find out if anything special happened there in 1998, and so far the only thing I can find is that that year, for the first time, women competed in the ear pull (as I recall, this involves hanging heavier and heavier weights from the ears, and the person who can tolerate the most weight wins), and ended up winning the top three places in that competition.

Can't think how this is relevant, but it was all I could find.

Incidentally, no form of swimming is involved in those olympics.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:11 am
by omegawoman
When Bree says "Police and judges, people high up in the community" I wonder, is she talking about the community where she lives, or the community of her "religion"?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:36 am
by Hmmmm
Okay, haven't posted in a while, but here's what they need to do (not necessarily in this order):

-draft a letter to the police explaining the situation as rationally as possible. Won't give away their location if they just send it from a random city mailbox; might get the police's attention, and will serve as some sort of validation later should they *have* to go to the police or if something really bad happens.

-get in touch with Gemma, not by means of a viewable to all vlog -- is there some way to privately message her on youtube (not a big youtube person)? -- so that they can pump her for information on WHY (as someone else pointed out) Bree is so important. I guess it would be hard to advance the story this way and have us see what's going on, though :? .

My $.02.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:44 am
by Broken Kid
Well, I'm sure relieved. Owen's ok, and so is Thor, and they were likely hiding in the car when we got the shot showing P. Monkey. *whew* I was about to call the police to find the animals if not Bree and Daniel! :)

I do agree that, if nothing else, Bree doesn't seem as worried as we all feel she should be. I can't help but assume that's because she isn't too worried. I think she doesn't expect to be in physical danger, or she's not sure about it. I mean, she's been a part of this "religion" her whole life, so it's a hard transition to feel they're out to "get" her. And her parents were led away, but not exactly in the dark of night unconscious and handcuffed. I suspect she's a little more upbeat because she's nervous but doesn't feel her life's in danger. Yet...

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:52 am
by Steph1636
awww I thought that was a cute video! Daniel giving Bree his jacket was really sweet! But why can't she go to the police? Can the order even influence government officials?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:57 am
by Flautapantera
Steph1636 wrote:awww I thought that was a cute video! Daniel giving Bree his jacket was really sweet! But why can't she go to the police? Can the order even influence government officials?
Heh, why not? It's all about conspiracy.
Someone in the police department can always be multi-tasking by providing information to the Order. They could either be paid to feed this information directly or provide it for some form of compensation.

I'm not saying this is true. I simply agree with Bree's stance at the moment.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:10 am
by CriticalThinking
I don't remember where I heard it, but it was somewhere in the forums (most likely in this very thread) but someone said that maybe to be chosen, you had to have the "right" DNA. I liked that theory. Then maybe instead of a religion, this "society" is really a "society" of scientists. Perhaps creating a new race? I don't know...

The other theory I liked was that maybe Bree's parents aren't really her parents.

(I didn't come up with those theories!)

As for Daniel's mood, how would your mood be if you were in Daniel's position? Think about it. And as for Bree's? Like the person said above me, this is probably a hard transition for her. She's split between what she's been raised to know and what she's just finding out now. And she doesn't have her parents to help guide her through.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:10 am
by omegawoman
Daniel needs to get all James Bond on the Order.