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Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:26 pm
by Aithne
I am not sure of the time line (as far as when Bree's mom was at the University of Edinburgh), but Ronald W. Hepburn was the chair of moral philosophy from 1975 to 1996. He wrote an essay on 'the concept of wonder' titled Wonder and Other Essays: Eight Studies in Aesthetics.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:35 pm
by robtomorrow
I doubt if it is relevant, but someone mentioned Goethe's Faust, and how it ends with the hymn of one.

Here is a link to the entire play.

the last lines are.

The Mystic Choir

All of the transient,

Is parable, only:

The insufficient,

Here, grows to reality:

The indescribable,

Here, is done:

Woman, eternal,

Beckons us on.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:37 pm
by bethy
The Order seems to have a lot of characters with connections to Universities in the UK:

Bree's Mother

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:53 pm
by Aithne
A Ronald W. Hepburn also wrote an essay in a book. The book title is Metaphysical Beliefs. It is composed of three essays Ronald's contribution to the book is an essay tittled Poetry and Religious Beliefs. He talks about how religions have many similarities in events that are not taken seriously despite the fact that many religions share these similarities and not having any contact with one another. My brain is fried for the night, and it takes a measure of focus to be able to read the essay, so I'm going to save the rest for tomorrow. I just can't read it anymore tonight.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:02 am
by consideration
Oh wow.
She said it.
She said the name of her religion.

I swear, this can't possibly be happening.
This must be a delusion caused by the fact that I'm still awake at 1:00 in the morning.

Btw, excellent research, guys.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:03 am
by Sappho
Antissa Pompeii wrote:So, after read things on Faust (WHICH I LOOOOVE!!!!) I saw that the 'Hymn of One' was this, a sort of philosophy almost,"Jungfrau, Mutter, Königin, Göttin, bleibe gnädig." This translates into, "Virgin, mother, queen, goddess, remains benevolent."

That basically supports all the feminine shit that her religeon's about.
Your German quote is very similar to the English witchcraft, or Wiccan, "Maiden, Mother and Crone" Triple Goddess. Crowley wasn't Wiccan but he knew the founder of Wicca and may have been in the same coven as the founder, but very briefly. Craft legend has it that Crowley was kicked out by the High Priestess for being a little creep.

Strange as it may seem, there are male chauvinist pig Goddess worshippers. Crowley purported to worship Isis and other Goddesses and a High Priestess was a key figure in his ceremonies. Yet in real life he treated women like garbage, including his favorite priestess/lover.

As someone who never liked Crowley, it makes me laugh to think that he will forever after be associated with a soap opera.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:08 am
by xentis
OT: I can see all these sites its like


poor poor folks

of course this goes for every time a LG15 video comes out

OT:i got nothing

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:09 am
by Sappho
EEVEE wrote: Funny thing, I was walking through Barnes & Noble around the 'spirituality' section, and saw some book with Aleister Crowley.
And for that second I thought, "Hey..LG15".......
I don't know I guess that's not really funny.
:lol: D'oh
I think it's hysterically funny. My husband cracked up when I told him. Crowley's rolling in his grave, the egomaniac.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:09 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Juli, I was actually the one to share GoodSearch with you and a few others on a thread.

Thanks for reminding everyone.
It's free and produces the same results as google. PLEASE. :)

Anyways, I'm really starting to like Bree again, and that makes me happy. But it annoyed me that she goes "Oh I had a dream about my mom, but first I should tell you a back story about her.. blah blah blah me me my my I I I me" wtf was the dream? GOSH.

Anyway, I'm glad we have a name for the religion. Also, this is a public video. So we can share it with others right? I'm going to ask Tachyon about "Hymn Of One."

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:13 am
by Mvidrine
HyeMew wrote:I liked the Meshiness-feel the script had in this one.

I was disappointed by Bree's description of her getting along so well with her dad but not her mom because it flew totally in the face of the sneaking-out-with-Daniel era episodes, in which her dad was extremely strict and Bree would go to her mom who understood a little bit better to try and prevail upon him. Bree's dad was the bad guy back then, and her mom the voice of semi-reason who sometimes was able to help things out a bit for Bree. Then again, this is because there was no long term plan or character development. When those earlier episodes were written there was no plan for Bree's Mom to turn out to be the evil leader of the Order or whatever and Bree's dad to get shot in protest and all...
I totally agree with this, I think somehow we sliped into an alternate universe where bree's mom and dad are different people and cars that you lose appear right next to you once you go outside. Seriously the lack of a cohesive storyline, and this sort of sloppiness where you're changing the personality of charicters without any explaination is very annoying and not very professional. As for the hymn of one, I am on two minds about this. One thing is that I do remember the creators saying that "crowley does matter" so perhaps they have thought this up before hand. The other this is, this is just a distraction away from the fact that we won't fear the acronym OPAphid used again in a video and the ARG as we know it will be left to wither and forgotten, perhaps replaced by another offical ARG perhaps not. What I wish they would do is inform their fans of progress in reviving the ARG or tell us that they must start over again

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:22 am
by ericski
maybe bree is seeing the ways things were before through wiser eyes and realizing some of her perceptions of her folks had changed or never were that way in reality. perhaps she was in denial before.
but the story of how her parents met DID include a fiesty mom as i recall.
nice vid tho.
maybe the best acting by jessica so far.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:23 am
by sarahbear
so does anyone else have that r.e.m. song stuck in their heads now?

*singing to myself* that's me in the corner. that's me in the spot. light. losing my religion.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:28 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
maybe bree's stories conflict with each other because her parents told her lies. i know there was some speculation as to whether her parents were actually married/a couple or if they were just assigned to look after bree. this seems to confirm that A) they were a normal romantic couple; B) they weren't, and tell Bree conflicting stories about their fake romantic lives; C) the Creators sometimes twist and warp facts from earlier in the series to fit their new plot visions, so deal. :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:29 am
by jill2009
Wow, finally a question was actually answered.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:29 am
by impulse
Hey the title of the vid is totally a shout out to voyboy!!! voyboy is canon!!! :shock: :D :D Way to go bud! :lol: