How Could You? [9/23/06]

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Post by HyeMew »

I don't like the peer-pressure daniel is now exerting. I liked the happy-go-lucky relationship... or more like happy-go-sit-on-the-bed one that they had during their Proving Science Wrong days.
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Post by sungurl »

I'm with you HyeMew....I miss Daniel being over and the silly antics and the bugging him with the boa......
I understand that they are trying to build up the tension for the park scene.....but bring the Daniel-Bree combo we know and loved!!!!
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Post by JacksAndDouches »

sungurl wrote:I'm with you HyeMew....I miss Daniel being over and the silly antics and the bugging him with the boa......
I understand that they are trying to build up the tension for the park scene.....but bring the Daniel-Bree combo we know and loved!!!!
hey she hada video "should I or shouldn't I" and everyone said she should...thats why they cant hang no its YOUR FAULT...Personally I am hoping the second girl casted will start chilling in her room, and that its that amy girl from the blogspot photos HOLLA
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Post by lordgreystoke422 »

TheNunOwnedGoat wrote:
katiegirl15 wrote:
I agree. They need better communication skills. (aka, not telling things to eachother over the internet via youtube...)

but I guess thats part of the plot.
Heh heh. I was thinking about that too. Apparently, neither of them have heard of an email account.
Ya know...this is actually stupid..but realistic.. I have watched COUNTLESS people that are VERY close(i.e. have real life dealings) hold conversations on MYSPACE comments...about personal stuff...So... ya know..the Creators really aren't that off base..I can't speak for youtube being a TubeNoob.. but I have said to myself countless times "why didn't that dipstick just mail them that?" on myspace..
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Post by sungurl »

yeah, and the last two arguements they have had they made sure to tape and post, they obviously enjoy sharing the tension, roflmao...

the first fight/discussion, Daniel didn't want the camera on; the second argument, Daniel made a point to put the camera down so we could watch.....

nothing major, just my observation
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Post by Jeet_DM »

Didnt The Equinox already happen? So we should see the next park video pretty soon.
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Post by Truth-in-Science »

Daniel was upset that Bree dissed him. Understandable- he likes her. He probably went through some serious effort to plan a special dinner together so he could express his feelings to her.

Since he is upset, he is "making fun" about her religion by saying, ..."before you put on your robes.." Immature, but understandable- they're teenagers after all..

I think Bree does wear robes in the ceremony. I think it is quite literal, and it makes sense from the background research of the occult-like ceremonies we have been reading about.
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Post by space girl lost »

yup. the dude likes her. kissed her. argued with her about her religion which he knows is important to her. probably felt bad about that. HOWEVER, the fact that he isn't being told anything about it, or more importantly, SUPER SECRET SPOOKY CEREMONY, is probably wigging him out. he's a boy. he's a teen. he probably wants to feel like he's important to her and her skipping out to do equinox thingy is like a slap to his little budding ego. so... makes sense.

i gotta admit though. less soap opera and more mystery please. otherwise my attention is about to go elsewhere. :?
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Post by sparklenvy »

I think that Daniel was mad because he told her about the dinner and she waited awhile to inform him (via youtube) that she wasn't going.

Seeing how it's her favorite ceremony of the year, she would ahve known about the date in advance.
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Post by sethimage »

so does anyone else think that daniel may be in on this?? like ok, what if in the end, weve been rooting for the bad guy, and Bree's parents are the ones that are actually good?? I dunno, watching the video, i have seen a little hint of a darker side with daniel..and of course, his screen name is Danielbeast...

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Post by lordgreystoke422 »

vertigo wrote:
Cuddlebunni wrote:gonna have to start an LG15s anonymous...

Count me in.....
What are we all gonna do once this thing ends? haha... COLD FUGGIN turkey baby!!!... We are gonna have some DTs..... has anyone else like me read ALL KINDS of CRAP in the last few days/weeks.... I think my head is gonna EXPLODE it's so overfull with stuff....I read a 36 page article on the Zodiac Killer cause someone said a Cassie was involved with finding him...I kinda new better..But there was that new york copycat zodiac killer...there's another article to least it's stuff I am interested in...then there are all the fights with Cheryl Schuman and her threats of's great fun...
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Post by S is for Summer »

Aw, Daniel. I'm enjoying my crush on you. Please don't overreact like this; it ruins my crushbuzz.

He seems, thus far, to ramp up to Mad!Daniel awfully quickly. I'm not sure it's designed into the character, though. Hmmm.
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Post by vertigo »

lordgreystoke422 wrote:What are we all gonna do once this thing ends? haha... COLD FUGGIN turkey baby!!!... We are gonna have some DTs..... has anyone else like me read ALL KINDS of CRAP in the last few days/weeks.... I think my head is gonna EXPLODE it's so overfull with stuff....I read a 36 page article on the Zodiac Killer cause someone said a Cassie was involved with finding him...I kinda new better..But there was that new york copycat zodiac killer...there's another article to least it's stuff I am interested in...then there are all the fights with Cheryl Schuman and her threats of's great fun...
When this ends.... WE ARE SCREWED! :wink:

I read that Zodiac article too..... just because it was posted here and maybe related to all the "mess"!
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Post by Way2Curious »

Does it seem to anyone else like maybe Daniel had been planning the dinner for a long time and Bree knew about it for a while? Why wouldn't she have mentioned the Equinox and then he could have scheduled around it? Seems like that might be why he's so mad. Obviously she was excited about the Equinox, why wouldn't she have mentioned it sooner?
I think part of the anger/frustration could also be attributed to the fact that Bree is so "sheltered" and so involved with a religion that Daniel doesn't understand and that she might not either. Not to mention that what he does know he thinks is creepy..........

I think he knows a little about her religion, he said before that he'd been to the camp with her, and this last time they asked him to "come back". So I'm betting that the "robes" remark was literal.
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Post by 900degrees »

Hm I don't think that him mentioning robes has any significance. I mean, what's the first picture that comes to your mind when thinking about an obscure religious ceremony? For me it probably would be people wearing robes. Besides he seems pretty pissed, so that could just be sarcasm.

On the other hand, it's a straw... :D
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