Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:49 pm
Chelsey!!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelsey!!!!!!! CheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelseyChelseyrl wrote:Kassia! We're going to Candy Mountain Kassia!
We're on a bridge!!!!
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Chelsey!!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelsey!!!!!!! CheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelseyChelseyrl wrote:Kassia! We're going to Candy Mountain Kassia!
Sim7lizard wrote:Chelsey!!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelsey!!!!!!! CheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelseyChelseyrl wrote:Kassia! We're going to Candy Mountain Kassia!
We're on a bridge!!!!
*evil glare*Chelseyrl wrote:It is here too, but not to Cloud.Jo_16_2 wrote:i suck at math, but that's pretty basic (at least here)
pwnage.Chelseyrl wrote:It is here too, but not to Cloud.Jo_16_2 wrote:i suck at math, but that's pretty basic (at least here)
i never said that i smoked weed, i just asked you something and you assumed that i did.Chelseyrl wrote:KNEW IT.Jo_16_2 wrote:i don't smoke weed, you're the one that makes me high. btw, you should log on AIM
Actually, you assumed first of all that I already knew you didn't and then in turn trying to confuse me you played with some words and then put the assumption of assuming on me.Jo_16_2 wrote:i never said that i smoke weed, i just asked you something and you assumed that i did.
Chelseyrl wrote:
I carry mace.
Chelseyrl wrote:Actually, you assumed first of all that I already knew you didn't and then in turn trying to confuse me you played with some words and then put the assumption of assuming on me.Jo_16_2 wrote:i never said that i smoke weed, i just asked you something and you assumed that i did.
that's the important part. my job is to confuse people.Chelseyrl wrote:Actually, you assumed first of all that I already knew you didn't and then in turn trying to confuse me you played with some words and then put the assumption of assuming on me.Jo_16_2 wrote:i never said that i smoke weed, i just asked you something and you assumed that i did.
Actually, it was a PWN.Cloud_ax wrote:Chelseyrl wrote:Actually, you assumed first of all that I already knew you didn't and then in turn trying to confuse me you played with some words and then put the assumption of assuming on me.Jo_16_2 wrote:i never said that i smoke weed, i just asked you something and you assumed that i did.
wow i must be tired, that made no sense to me
Jo + 1 confusion point.Jo_16_2 wrote: that's the important part. my job is to confuse people.
i know a good way to answer to that but... PG-13.Chelseyrl wrote:Sim7lizard wrote:Chelsey!!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelsey!!!!!!! CheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelseyChelseyrl wrote:Kassia! We're going to Candy Mountain Kassia!
We're on a bridge!!!!
I carry mace.