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Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:42 am
by consideration
YES! Ugh.

Ever dye your hair a crazy color?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:27 am
by thoughtssopoetic
yup, purple.

ever gotten bored in the middle of the night and decided to dye your hair, just because?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:37 am
by watching_watchers
Lol once but I was planning on doing it sooner or later anyway so yeah.

Ever dye part of your hair purple?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:02 am
by colbertnationgirl

Ever gone out of the house with no make-up 'cause you really couldn't care less at the moment? :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:17 am
by watching_watchers
Yep. Lol. But as soon as I get somewhere and see someone I know I freak out. lmao.

Ever have people say you look better without makeup? I HATE that. Lol i know I don't

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:52 pm
by Laurin_B
Yeah, I don't really wear makeup and I get compliments on the way my skin looks without it.

Ever wanted to run your hand against someone's cheek when you knew they had too much make-up?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:48 pm
by charliebrown

Ever spent practically the whole day on the Lg15 forums?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:50 pm
by thoughtssopoetic
pretty much

ever fly in a dream?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:51 pm
by charliebrown

Ever done your hair perfect one day and never be able to do it again?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:55 pm
by thoughtssopoetic
yes, I hate that.

ever gotten bored while at home and played around with hairstyles only to do your hair perfectly on the one day you weren't going out?

edit: i love how ridiculously specific that is.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:24 am
by Les_128

ever wanted to shave off all your hair because it wasn't cooperating with you?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:48 am
by betz28
nope but wanted to

have you ever ran out of gas on the highway?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:01 pm
by Cloud_ax
nope, but i almost did once :lol:

ever have your heart shatered in a millon pieces?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:04 pm
by Ixlikexchalk
yes, but I somehow manage to duct tape it all back together. =)

Ever think you're life was like the Trueman Show and everyone is just observing you?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:40 pm
by Laurin_B
No, I wish.

Ever wish someone else was observing your life?