First thing I want to say is congrats to Apo and impulse for getting the shout-outs. Well deserved.
Secondly: Yes, Sarahs' back! Thank God!!!!
I loved her here, as always. Her attitude (and fashion sense) is so freakin' awesome.
And is this some advancement I see in the romance sector with her and the Beast? Is it?! I heartily invoke fellow members of the Sarah Fan Club and the Daniel-Sarah Romance Promotion Force (see my signature) to continue the good fight! Our voices can be heard!
Great humor in here as well. Also liked Jonas referring to Daniel as "DB." Can't remember if he's done there before off the top of my head.
I loved this vid. Yeah, it would have been nice if we got to see the contents of the box, but I've gotten accustomed to that not happening in the discovery vid.
saralynn wrote:So Sarah runs away from home to be a useless hobag, she doesn't care about Bree -- she cares about getting into DB's pants. Lame.
Sarah's totally helpful. She's not only going to help DB relieve all that tension at last, but she also found the box. Go Sarah!
Smelltheflowers wrote:Daniel doesn't exactly have the best track record for choosing the right women, I wouldn't put it past him to be interested in Sarah
I certainly hope so. I'd be very disappointed in him otherwise.
kittenishtrance wrote:I still don't like her.
This will be Lurker's favorite video ever.
It's definitely one of them.
Aponi wrote:And I kinda love Sarah's obviously sexual character, it's something the show needs/needed and it gives us a laugh.
I agree completely. Her attitude and bold speech have been such a breath of fresh air.
Aponi wrote:And I totally thought she was gonna pull DB in for a kiss instead of whispering in his ear
Haha, I did at first too. I think it worked even better like this, though.
Aponi wrote:Edit to add: Does anyone think that somehow either Sarah was mislabled as emo by her sister/DBJ or that the Creators intended her to be emo but kinda missed the mark...? Cause her clothes do not display 'emo' at all. Her personaility, maybe.
There's actually been quite a bit of discussion on that. All we know for sure is that not everyone has the same definition of "emo." People's definitions seem to be related to where they live, what media exposure they've had, and a number of other factors. All I can say is that where I grew up, Sarah's definitely emo.
Renegade wrote:Breasts....legs...ass...
How much do I have to pay for a vid of that shower?
Seconded. God, she was hot here. I especially loved that shot of her laying on the small bridge in front of Daniel when he stood up.
je_sais_cequisetrame wrote:"Oh, wait, maybe it's under this blade of grass that will be yet another secret clue..."
Sometimes, that's how I feel, lol.
I got the feeling that this line was meant as a reference to how random clues pop up. I think they've noticed the frustrations many viewers have had with that.
je_sais_cequisetrame wrote:How come we can't ever find out what's in a box during the video it's found. Grrrr. Folders either... except we NEVER found out what was in that.
We did find out that Jules' address was in that folder. Granted, we didn't see exactly what it was on in there, but maybe the rest of the stuff was unimportant. She was coming from school after all. I assume there was probably a message like "If found lost, please return to Julia Anderson at [address]" in there.
TommyIsCancer wrote:Sarah isn't completely unlikeable. Heck, I like her more everytime I see her. I love her attitude. It's a great contrast to everyone else's super seriousness. For anyone else to act like this is would take a looooot of booze.
Rock on, Sarah.
Right on. The way she just sort of strolls through a sitiuation in such a mellow way is awesome to me. It's so different and so cool.
Of course there will come a time she needs to be serious, but so far it's worked great in my opinion.
cynicar wrote:Was that bridge the same one that Nikki found her box under?
Nah, that was in Topanga Canyon. That bridge D&J were near in "Oh, The Places You'll Go" is actually the bridge where Nikki found that box.
Wow, managed to get lucky and edit quoting mistakes in this thing three times before anyone made a new post.