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Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:47 am
by annie
longlostposter wrote:Am I the only woman in this whole frickin' forum who had sex on the first date?
Let's go back to the days of corsettes, shall we?
Yeah, I have and probably will again but I don't brag about and I don't think it makes me particularly special.
Anyone with functioning genitals can manage that one.
This video seems like filler... it's like: Okay Sarah, we got it. You like sex and you think Jonas is whiney... and??
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:49 am
by longlostposter
*Asks Apo for a light*
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:50 am
by longlostposter
annie wrote:longlostposter wrote:Am I the only woman in this whole frickin' forum who had sex on the first date?
Let's go back to the days of corsettes, shall we?
Yeah, I have and probably will again but I don't brag about and I don't think it makes me particularly special.
Anyone with functioning genitals can manage that one.
This video seems like filler... it's like: Okay Sarah, we got it. You like sex and you think Jonas is whiney... and??
I didn't say it made me special, annie.
Apparently you are having trouble understanding what I was trying to convey.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:55 am
by annie
longlostposter wrote:
I didn't say it made me special, annie.
HIGH FIVE, longposter!
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:57 am
by longlostposter
annie wrote:longlostposter wrote:
I didn't say it made me special, annie.
HIGH FIVE, longposter!
Pfft, not worth my time.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:00 am
by annie
longlostposter wrote:Pfft, not worth my time.
I think we're on the same page on that one!!
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:00 am
by ApotheosisAZ
longlostposter wrote:*Asks Apo for a light*
You got it.
*lights Juli's smoke*
Sarah's attitude in this video confirms my initial impression of her. I don't think she actually gives a damn about Bree's whereabouts. She just wants to get a rise out of Jonas. (pun intended)
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:04 am
by longlostposter
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:09 am
by alysaface
voyboy wrote:who said being skanky is a bad thing? i'm skanky..
That made me laugh out loud so hard that i spooked Cosmo (my cat) from his sleep- he got up, shook his head and looked at me like
"WTF is your problem?"
LOL!! Glad to be of service =)
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:10 am
by Charles Phoenix
as interesting as this was... and as much as i love sarah more... i kinda am getting tired of these videos that have low plot significance besides dropping subtle hints ( the mom line)... and more character development( the rest of the damn thing)..
theyre pretty much filler... i want some serious plot movement.. or at least after seeing this... more "Darah movement"...
but the " alone on the washer" line makes the " best Sarah lines list
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:11 am
by alysaface
katiej88 wrote:first-ever forum post! yay!
loobylou wrote:So, is Bree actually underage? Over here in the UK, the age of consent for girls is 16 but I know it can vary from state to state over there, right?
ok... i don't know if the laws apply for the state you're currently VISITING or the state you're FROM. but the age of consent in california is 18, nevada is 16, arizona is 18, new mexico is 17, colorado is 17, texas is 18, oklahola is 16. so depending on what state they're hiding out in, it looks lke the may or may not have broken the law. big help, right?
yay! forum!
Texas is 17..
welcome to the forums
edited for snarkyness since she posted a source
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:18 am
by Charles Phoenix
ApotheosisAZ wrote:
Sarah's attitude in this video confirms my initial impression of her. I don't think she actually gives a damn about Bree's whereabouts. She just wants to get a rise out of Jonas. (pun intended)
i actually think she actually cares about DBJ... she is just trying to clear jonas' head in a very blunt way... you can directly hear and see her demeanor change at 1:53 to directly caring for teh whole movement...
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:36 am
by Lurker
Charles Phoenix wrote:ApotheosisAZ wrote:
Sarah's attitude in this video confirms my initial impression of her. I don't think she actually gives a damn about Bree's whereabouts. She just wants to get a rise out of Jonas. (pun intended)
i actually think she actually cares about DBJ... she is just trying to clear jonas' head in a very blunt way... you can directly hear and see her demeanor change at 1:53 to directly caring for teh whole movement...
Yeah, there's definitely some cracking in her voice there, and her tone is more serious. She cares. She just wishes she didn't and tries to pretend she doesn't.
And, really, if she didn't care, why make this vid and say those things about him getting himself straightened out so he can be more useful in finding Bree (she says it in both the vid description and the vid itself)?
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:36 am
by Sarah of the Dead
Awwww. I liked this. And actually, considering how repetitive the 'action' has been, bring on the 'filler'!
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:46 am
by immortal1
Anyone remember when Buffy slept with Angel and he turned into Angelus and the morning after he's just really cruel and harsh.
What if Bree is evil Bree now and she makes a video saying being with Jonas was a let down, she only used him and she needs a real man?
That would mix things up wouldn't it?