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Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:01 am
by katz31
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
EmilyElle wrote:
morrighana wrote:CODES IN SERAPIS - has anything been posted about this? I'm sorry, but I haven't had much time to catch up today.

These are the first letters of each of the paragraphs in Franks first post.
Anyways, I did a search on the word SERAPIS in these forums and came up with a lot of matches, but well...let's just say I'm not searching through 50 pages of posts in one topic alone to find the word SERAPIS.

At any rate, does CODES IN SERAPIS mean anything? Likely no, but I'm tryin' yo?
Thanks all!
I think it means Cassie does not RIP..

I forget...its close to that at's cassies key for us to say this is a morse code anagram puzzle

You guys don't think it means there are anagrams in Frank's posts, do you? I can't even imagine how long that would take!

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:02 am
by martha
bubbajay424 wrote:
morrighana wrote:CODES IN SERAPIS - has anything been posted about this? I'm sorry, but I haven't had much time to catch up today.

These are the first letters of each of the paragraphs in Franks first post.
Anyways, I did a search on the word SERAPIS in these forums and came up with a lot of matches, but well...let's just say I'm not searching through 50 pages of posts in one topic alone to find the word SERAPIS.

At any rate, does CODES IN SERAPIS mean anything? Likely no, but I'm tryin' yo?
Thanks all!
I don't think ANYONE caught that. Good eye.
You certainly are a friendly bunch, aren't you?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:35 am
by morrighana
Holy crap...I saw something that others didn't? HAHA!
Okay, so I will see if there is anything else that I can find in Franks posts.
I'll let you know what I find out!


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:40 am
by sc
Morri, you can officially chalk yourself up as one of the few who's made a huge contribution- not that everyone doesn't contribute somehow, but, really, this is a biggie.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:03 am
by morrighana
Thank you! That makes me feel really good! :D
I do think though, that everyone on these forums are all making a huge contribution by being able to work together and try to solve these clues. It's nice that noone is getting pig headed and demanding that their way is the right way.
Everyone here seems to be open to suggestions, and that's why we've all gotten so far.

I just happened to luck out cause that's usually what I look for in things like this...patterns and hidden words. *grin*
Okay...that's my mush moment for the day. HAHA!

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:10 am
by Mordrack
But does that mean, that something is hidden in his Blog or should it only show us, that we have found the right Blog?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:12 am
by sc
I'm pretty damn sure it means "don't worry, this is part of CIW, don't go calling the police over someone pretending to be a nutter."

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:29 am
by Mordrack
That's what I thought.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:19 am
by morrighana
Agreed. There are a few things on the blog that lead us to really "know" that is was part of CiW. I think this is one of those things.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:31 pm
by mLe
With this whole stay in character thing.... I was reading Frank's comments, this isn't really you guys (ravesngrace, twjaniak) is it?

ravensgrace said...

OMGZ! Beware Frank! The group is forming field ops teams to get you! It's posted on that website!

They are headhunters! They will follow you, devour your soul, and steal things from you!

I'm warning you because I'm the resident nice guy.

twjaniak said...

Have you seen my videos? I'm ugly, and I'm losing my hair! What's a loser to do? Play ARG's that's what1!!

Nilla is fat, but I'd do her.

Shut up Shaggy. You're jealous.

Gaystroke, now that's funny!

Edit: Just discovered this.
lordgreystoke422 wrote:
bubbajay424 wrote:Ok, so those people that post comments on Frank's blogspot must be part of the game, but why are they all being assholes over there? cassie came up with a great way to communicate with us, but she will never truly use it because Frank is going to get fed up with all those stupid comments.

Basically what I'm saying...why are there people following this game just to be assholes?

I'd say the vast majority of the BS being put on Frank's website is being perpetuated by Jersey Johnny. I am particularly referring to the use of personas such as TW's and Ravens..along with others..and the use of mocking names such as the ones obviously directed at me. The posting fits his particular style and the word choices are ones that I have seen him use in his insulting of people. I'd like to encourage the Mods to pay particular close attention to Johnny's posting as it is consistently abusive. I'd at this point encourage everyone from getting into a flame fest with Johnny. Just take the high road and let him burn himself.
That means 'no' it's not those guys right?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:36 pm
by sc
lol! we sure it's JJ? i've had issues with him before