Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:32 pm
I just happen to have the perfect Mean Girls icon thingy for ya, then.
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Oh how did you know that I was just about to shave my back after I got off the internet...thanks for reminding me. LOL!Kasdeja wrote:I just happen to have the perfect Mean Girls icon thingy for ya, then.
Good point about the modesty guidelines. Sure, some Mormons do wear tank tops, but those who are really into the church keep themselves covered. Bree is really into her religion, so if she were LDS, she wouldn't be vlogging in clothing that reveals her shoulders and she definitely wouldn't be outside in nothing but a sports bra.tallchicka wrote:She is not mormon, mormons have very strict modesty guidelines and she has worn several sleeveless shirts, modesty guidelines within the mormon church must be at least short sleeved.
Mormons are not creepy, cult-ish, or any other negative thing, most are wonderful people who want nothing more that to do good. Please do not disrespect a religion that many of you probably do not know much about and who's members have done nothing to you.
So what? Half of my people, over 1.5 million, were exterminated for being Christians in 1917. But you don't find our Church leaders making statements against Islam, even though those who killed us were muslims. Brigham Young and the other Mormon leaders who made such nasty statements about Christians made it clear that they are not part of Christianity and don't want to be part of Christianity.Penny wrote:What you say is true...christians have been treated horribly for thousands of years. The thing is, all of the things that happened to the members of the LDS church happened in the United States and not that long ago. Christians are supposed to be Christlike. There is nothing Christlike about ordering the extermination of people because of their beliefs.JerseyJohnny wrote: Actually, my culture has been the victim of that for the last 2000 years, since Christ's apostles brought the Gospel to our nation. We have been persecuted and slaughtered for our beliefs and have been outcasts in that region for centuries.
I never said "millions of different gods" - you just said that now. I said you worship THREE gods. You mentioned you worship two - "Heavenly Father" and "Jesus Christ". So you're twisting what I'm saying. Do you believe there are many, many other gods other than the 2 or 3 you worship? And, if you DO want to be called LDS then why are you also insisting on being called "Christian"??? Why would it bother you for me or anyone to specify that you're not Christian, but instead that you're "LDS"??? Why do you want to be categorized as "Christian"?? Your leaders made it clear that they do NOT want to be categorized with Christianity, they call Christianity a pack of lies, hatched in hell, from the devil, and Christians who believe it are as ignorant as the brute beast. Why would you want to be in the same category??? You're right, I don't understand it. But I know I don't understand it. I don't think you understand it at all and that's why you can't explain it.Penny wrote:You are right, you just don't understand. We don't worship millions of different Gods. We worship God (Heavenly father - same God from the Bible) and we worship Jesus Christ. THAT IS IT. We do want to be called LDS or actually The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday saints. I suppose the whole not being categorized as christian is what gets me. Whatever, its fine...I am over it.JerseyJohnny wrote: That was my point all along. I'm still unsure why you hate being called "not Christian" when "Jesus Christ" is not your god, but one of your gods, and your gods are only 3 of many, many gods (i.e. the council of gods) that your religion believes in. So I just don't understand it, I guess.
I don't suppose I know "everything", I suppose I know that which I know. And if I'm wrong, I'm open to someone correcting me, but if you're going to correct me I will need some logic and some evidence. That shouldn't be too much to ask for. I provide evidence and logic to back up what I suppose I know, so I expect the same if I'm going to be corrected by anyone. And I'm not "schooling" anyone, I'm stating what I know. If I'm wrong, you're free to correct me. But disagreeing with me isn't going to convince me or anyone that the facts I provide are wrong.Penny wrote:Disagreement isn't an attack, I totally agree. The thing is, you post stuff supposing that you know everything about a religion because you read stuff on the internet. Some of the stuff you say is totally wrong. I mean really wrong. I don't think you should be schooling people about the LDS church.JerseyJohnny wrote: First off, I thought I made it clear that my "attack" on Thelema was in jest. Anyway, I don't worship anyone's right to worship anything. Disagreement is not attack. Dialogue is not attack. I don't see why you think it's OK for you to say that you disagree with Thelema and that's not an attack, but my disagreement with any belief is an attack. That's a double standard.
Penny wrote:Okay, yeah polygamy is part of my churches history. Not a secret. We don't practice it anymore. If a member of our church tries to live a polygamist lifestyle they are excommunicated. I don't like polygamy but we don't practice it anymore, END OF STORY. As far as these men marrying young girls, that wasn't abnormal back then (The abnormal thing was polygamy). We have a problem with Warren Jeffs for the same reason everyone else does. I don't think I need to explain myself here.JerseyJohnny wrote: The LDS Church doesn't practice it, but it did. And the founder of the LDS Church, Joseph Smith, started the practice. And Brigham Young continued it. And both men married girls who were 14. So I'm never sure why today's LDS seem to have a problem with Warren Jeffs. The only problem I can see that the LDS have with Warren Jeffs is that he is not part of the official LDS Church, but part of a splinter LDS group. But as far as his polygamy, it's not any different from what Joseph Smith and Brigham Young did, and both those men are held in very high regard in the Traditional LDS Church. Heck, the LDS Church named their university after Brigham Young - BYU!!! Maybe one day there will be a WJU - Warren Jeffs University - founded by the FLDS???
If it is not secret then why isn't it shared with the outside world? Occult religions, like thelema, freemasonry, witchcraft, etc. all have secret (hidden, or occult) information which they will only share with those they deem "worthy" with which to share the information. That is the same situation with the Mormon rites and information. They don't want to share it. So you are LIKE the other occult groups in that respect. In Christianity, there is NOTHING that is off limits to the outside world. You can go into any Christian Church, Roman Catholic to Baptist to Orthodox, whatever, and nothing is kept hidden or secret from you. Nobody is considered more "worthy" than another. All people are sinners, all people are equally covered by God's Grace. That's Christianity. That's not how it is in Mormonism, though.Penny wrote:I know you never said that we worship satan or have sexual ceremonies. I just put it there in case anyone was wondering if that is what we do. I know where our ceremonies come from. I know what the symbols mean. We can talk about whatever we want in the Temple. There are no secrets. IT is Sacred.JerseyJohnny wrote: I never said you worship satan or have sexual ceremonies, although you do have rituals that are copied from Freemasonry. And your symbolism, again, is masonic and occultic. For example, right now you probably have on special underwear that has a compass and square on it - those are masonic symbols. And they have sexual meanings within Masonry. The compass is the male principle and the square is the female principle (use your imagination and it will make sense why they arrange them the way they do). In any case, I believe that the Mormon church practices just as the Masons do in revealing only so much at a time to people about what all the symbols really mean. But that's just what I believe based on what I've researched, I could be wrong.
Thanks for finding that. It proves that I didn't call anyone a "liar". It's a shame you accused me of calling mormons "liars" when in fact I hadn't.Penny wrote:So I was too lazy to go back and copy what you actually said and put it in my last post. Here it is:JerseyJohnny wrote: Those would be fighting words, but I don't recall calling you (mormons) liars. But if I did, then I apologize for that and it was wrong of me. In any case, I hope you have reached a new understanding based on all this dialog, as I have.
JerseyJohnny wrote: When a religion is deceitful and misleading as the Mormon Church is, it's time to stop respecting that religion, so that's the point I'm at with them. Sorry if that rubs you the wrong way. You really ought to start examining things with a more open mind regarding your Mormon religion.
I don't "recognize that orthodox actually the mutation." I'm sorry your comprehension skills are so poor.Sfonzarelli wrote:Whatever, as long as you recognize thant orthdox Christianity, from Baptism, to Catholicism, to Orthodox, to Methodism, is actually the mutation.JerseyJohnny wrote:These are not atypical for a Christian organization, in fact they are actually heretical. These are what separate non-Christians from Christians, and that is agreed upon throughout orthodox Christianity, from Baptists to Catholics to Orthodox to Methodists. The whole point is that Mormons are not "Christian", their founders and leaders make it clear that they are against "Christianity", and it is a recent phenomena that the Mormons consider themselves "Christian" at all.
The X-gene.Kasdeja wrote:I've been wondering that...mutation of WHAT exactly?
You obviously either know little about Christianity, or were taught with a Western/Catholic bias. To say that "Orthodoxy didn't exist until the split in the Roman Empire" is like saying that England didn't exist until the split from the colonies. Furthermore, you misuse the term "Catholicism". I'm presuming, based on the context of what you wrote, that you are referring to Roman Catholicism. "Catholicism" and "Roman Catholicism" are different things, although typically they are used interchangeably in common parlance. But when you are making declarations about the history of Christianity, you need to be more specific. Orthodoxy and Catholicism are the same. Roman Catholicism is a schism from traditional Catholicsm, which is more commonly called Orthodoxy.Hannahbee wrote: i think sfonzarelli meant that the Orthodox Christian religion didn't come first in Christianity either. first, there was Jesus's direct teaching, which developed over decades after his death into Catholicism, and the Orthodox branch didn't really exist until the split in the Roman Empire, after Catholicism was already established. then we got all the protestant religions after that breaking off from Catholicism. he was probably just saying that JJ's own religion also does its own share of twisting the actual teachings of Jesus- hence the "mutation" thing. just my reading of it.
More ignorance on your part. First of all, the Crusades is a very poor example on many counts. The main contention I have with you on that is your assertion that "any Christian today" would consider the Crusades wrong. Is that why Christians have revival meetings called "Crusade"? And Christian and Catholic schools name their sports teams the "Crusaders"??? Is that why a movement for a cause which is considered noble or righteous is called a "Crusade" (i.e. "the crusade against drugs, the crusade against crime", etc.)? Furthermore, there were more than one or two Crusades. Each one had its own merits, whether good, bad, or a mixture of both. They were wars. They were waged by part of the Christian world, not by all of Christianity. And they each have to be looked at on their own. Would you look at the Vietnam War and say "All American wars have been evil"??? Or would you look only at World War II, or the Revolutionary war, and say "All American wars have been good"??? No, you look at each war on its own merits. Some are good (as good as a war can be, anyway), some are bad, some are both.Hannahbee wrote: JJ- you said "So I think you do need to explain why you have a problem with Warren Jeffs doing basically what was done by your own prophet Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, the man your religion named its University after. Looks to me like Warren Jeffs is simply following in the tradition of what your two most respected Mormon leaders did. Funny how you apply the double standard that it's OK for JS and BY but not for Warren Jeffs."
there are plenty of things in the history of Christianity that honored people did that would be considered wrong by any Christian today- hello, Crusades?
Yeah, sure you could. And if I had wings growing out of my back I could fly. Anyway, do your homework, keep studying, and one day when you have an education, then maybe you can speak intelligently on these things.Hannahbee wrote: i could give lots of well-researched examples if i had the time, but i'm actually supposed to be doing homework right now.
First of all, what are you responding to here, because we're not talking about "mistakes" being made by any religion. I'm talking about the double standard applied by people like Penny to the practice of polygamy, and how it is accepted that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young can be great men of God and be polygamists, but when Warren Jeffs does the same exact thing it is sick and wrong.Hannahbee wrote: this statement just really rubbed me the wrong way because there are mistakes and problems in the history and DOCTRINE of every religion (not to mention country), ESPECIALLY Christianity. please don't try and say "well yes, but i'm not Catholic..." because i'm not either, i'm Presbyterian, and saying that you're not connected with the past mistakes of the Catholic Church is a cop-out. at some point, every denomination's history merges with Catholic history.
That's quite a statement. "shit happens". Wow, you are a genius, how could I not listen to you? Seriously, the level of ignorance in your post is scary, and it is an affront to me that you would posit your opinion to me as some sort of irrefutable fact when you have no factual statements or evidence to back it up. In other words, stop trying to pass off your opinion as fact. You are only responding out of emotion, as you admitted that what I said "rubbed [you] the wrong way".Hannahbee wrote: standards change, science advances, shit happens that changes people's points of view and the doctrine changes to fit it. that's DEFINITELY not something unique to LDS.