I doubt the other ceremony's girl would have been Gemma's sister. It would just be too much that doesn't mesh well for the creators to go that route. There'd be the letters issue, the dog issue, the fact that Gemma's family is still supposed to be involved with the commune even while this other girl's family supposedly disappeared, and then there's the fact that Gemma had to sit there and think about what age she was when this happened. If it were something that big, one would think she'd know at all times.shirble wrote:Yeah, like Creative somewhat said, I think we should pay attention to the age emphasis. I seem to remember gemma explicitly saying that The other girl was around Bree's age, 10-15 years ago, and that Gemma herself was 8.
So that theory seems a bit off, to me. I like the sister idea, though. It'd seem slightly odd to me that everyone in this story happens to be an only child.
I think the only age related thing that's really supposed to stand out is that this other girl was about the age Bree is now.