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Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:37 am
by ericski
maybe this whole jonas thing is an indication that the saga is going to last a much longer time and settle into a "Dark Shadows" type soap. trainer makes a good point (again) about plot possibilities. i guess it's like when you're watching a horror flick and you're thinking, "don't go into that room!! there is no way a reasonable person would go into THAT room!", but if they didn't, there'd be no movie. difference here is, we do get to voice that and it is heard, it just has to be ignored.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:59 am
by iamcool
i'm dying for the next video to be "bum fighting" and they are fighting for a jam sandwich or something

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:18 am
by gogo
iamcool wrote:
i'm dying for the next video to be "bum fighting" and they are fighting for a jam sandwich or something.
Clever idea (regardless of the cruelty), Josh.

Perhaps Jonas' scruffy looks imply that he's been under pressure from someone to work harder to get Bree and Daniel to his place. Perhaps whoever Jonas is in cohoots with assumed his good-looks and Bree-like personality would attract Bree and Daniel to him.

I'm sure they'll go to Jonas' house. But how? When?

It would be cool if Daniel placed a call to a friend (like Paul, for instance), but that friend was unable to help (it would be realistic that older teens might not understand the gravity of their situation or not have the money to lend them).

I guess we'll just wait for Gemma to give us her take on this situation. (Maybe she'll give us a tour of her flat...)

(p.s. I think they should take the shirtless, homeless man with them to Jonas' house. You know, serve the community and help those less fortunate. Perhaps he could become Jonas' roommate. Maybe people will see Jonas in a new generous light. Or perhaps it could be a spin-off series or television sitcom...Sorry :roll: ...rambling...)

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:34 am
by josie4
Did anyone else notice the noise right after Jonas said that nobody was allowed into his parents' room because it was too personal?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:36 am
by Broken Kid
Hmmm...I'm starting to trust Jonas. I don't think he's evil. I just think he's kinda a putz.

To the whole "Bree's downstairs" thing, he's giving her a bedroom and private bath. You have to figure, if this is like most houses (and not mansions, which I have no experience with), the parents' room has a private bath, Jonas and Daniel would have a shared bathroom off the hallway, and there's another suite (maybe the Nanny's old suite) downstairs with its own bath. Nothing too unusual there.

I had two thoughts in reading everyone's comments:
1) Wouldn't it be interesting if Jonas wasn't part of the Order but was still a bad guy? There's a lot of people watching LG15. What if he's made out to be a scary fan who is so alone and dysfunctional that he invites them there to become a part of the story? That would be an interesting storyline...

2) The idea of Lucy as Nanny is interesting. I doubt it, but what if the house is used by the Order? Maybe he doesn't even know of the Order's involvement in his life. Maybe Nanny is a part of the Order, or his friends, or others, and he would bring B&D there with the best intentions but they'll still be going into a trap. That would help explain why Oppy wants them to go there, apparently.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:49 am
by iamcool
josie4 wrote:Did anyone else notice the noise right after Jonas said that nobody was allowed into his parents' room because it was too personal?
:o i didnt notive it at first but theres a definite clunk, and he heard it too coz u can see him flinch when it happens

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:50 am
by iamcool
well his eyes go down when he hears it lol

good idea

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:52 am
by gogo
Broken Kid wrote:
What if he's made out to be a scary fan who is so alone and dysfunctional that he invites them there to become a part of the story? That would be an interesting storyline...
The crazy fan idea would be pretty interesting: lonely, desperate for attention, his craziness putting a wrench into everyone else's (Watchers, Order, Oppy, etc.) plans.

In addition, Broken Kid also wrote:
I don't think he's evil. I just think he's kinda a putz.
After some consideration, I would agree. He evokes pity in me. I still tend to think of him as being involved (or being a puppet - no offense to our puppet friends) in someone else's evil plan.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:13 am
by heybitch
Yer. That noise is DEFINATLY there.
At first, just reading about it, i thought it could possible just be a sound which mistakenly made its way into final product.

But Hearing it.. it does kinda distinctly sound like a Foley Effect..

But.. what the heck is it meant to be?
I suppose just knowledge that there IS somebody there with him!

Re: homeless watcher waxes his chest

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:16 am
by Lurker
glowe126 wrote:Anyways, what is so wrong with Jonas. Clearly he listened to us and quit moving his hands and wearing hats, etc. Come on, he's probably on here going oh no, what did I do this time to upset the masses? He's cute, and Bree and Daniel can live there safely.
Someone's appearance is hardly ever a good reason to trust them. The guy couldn't come off more shady-looking if he wasn't cute. Like I've said so many times before, if he was truly concerned for their situation and considerate of their fear for trusting a stranger, he'd leave them some money in a public place or he'd send it to them somehow. He wouldn't be insisting that they let their guard down and walk into what could easily be a trap (either of his making or someone else's).

In fact, his appearance only makes him look more suspicious in my opinion. As though he or someone he might be working with assumed that would help him sway Bree. And considering how quickly she was ready to go to his place, it probably worked.

Now, aside from Jonas' inconsiderate nature, there's his insistence that they come to his house. He just won't let it go. He won't even offer them anything unless they come. That's another warning sign. If he didn't have some shady motives, and really was so worried about them, why doesn't he just offer to send them money? No, they have to go there or they get nothing.

That's not even getting into how suspicious it is that he showed us nothing more than a hallway on what was supposedly a grand tour of a mansion.

Seriously, the question isn't "What's so wrong with Jonas?" The question is "What isn't wrong with Jonas?" So far, I've got nothing to answer that one.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:18 am
by Kasdeja
I wonder if they used the same creator's one room was "Bree's" and one was "Daniel's" that we see in the vids...

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:22 am
by Languorous Lass
heybitch wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote: Okay, I did a small bit of research, and what Jonas says in this new vid is definitely inconsistent with what he's said before. This time he says that he's over 18, and that his nanny raised him from when his parents disappeared, which he says was when he was a little kid. "Happy Thanksgiving" vid, he says his parents disappeared "six years ago." If he's over 18, that means that six years ago he was at least 13, and possibly older. So that whole "I grew up at my old nanny's wrinkled knee" stuff is complete crap.
Um.. ACUTALLY, he says "After my parents disappeared... MY nanny was appointed my Guardian"
Meaning that she was ALREADY his nanny...
Otherwise the sentence would have gone a little more like this.
After my Parents dissappeared I was appointed a nanny as a guardian.

Its not odd that he would have had a nanny before hand, and that she would become his legal guardian.. as she probably spent more time with him as a kid than his parents anyhow. (rich folk. Gawsh) lol jokes.
Makes sense.

Never having been rich, I don't have a lot of experience in Life With Nannies. Mary Poppins was about it.
alysaface wrote:that clown = pennywise. duh! comeon peopleeeeeeeeeee get with your classic horror films.
Oh, honey, "It" was so far from being a classic, I can't tell you. You need some education in horror films.
kalli182 wrote:I definately think he is keeping Daniel close for a reason, maybe because he has a crush on bree ?
Or maybe he has a crush on Daniel. :)
ericski wrote:maybe this whole jonas thing is an indication that the saga is going to last a much longer time and settle into a "Dark Shadows" type soap.
Ugh. I loved "Dark Shadows" . . . when I was in sixth grade. :roll: I'm expecting a bit more quality from LG15.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:36 am
by Plurp
Plurp wrote:So let's see if I'm following the plot so far. Bree and Daniel are roaming around LA, first in a car, now on foot, without food or money or means of support, living in abandoned buildings and dumpster diving for food. The only alternatives they are considering are:

(1) Go back to Bree's house, which is undoubtedly under surveillance, and from which her parents were taken by apparent cultists, never to be seen again, or

(2) Go live with Jonas, a videoblogger they know nothing about, who lives alone in a house in the middle of nowhere, whose parent's room no one can go in because <spooky reason here> and whose aunt left mysteriously.

They are limited to these unfortunate alternatives because:

(1) Neither Bree nor Daniel have any friends that they could stay with, and

(2) Daniel has no family and no relatives that they could stay with.

Okay! I hereby offer The Creators my services as a writer 'cause, after 91 episodes, it looks like you guys really, really need one. I am not cheap, but I promise you that what I write will make sense, which might be refreshing.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:40 am
by Beautiful Nightmare
O.M.G. Someone just DO SOMETHING



Argh, I need potato chips.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:58 am
by stuborn
Hi everyone... long time lurker - first time poster... I had a few ideas that i wanted to share i didn't see mentioned so forgive me if this was already covered.

Based on what we have seen of Jonas, I would be supprised if te story moved along like so...

Perhaps Jonas' parents were apart of the order and either Jonas never exactly knew or is hiding that detail in the videos as not to reveal who he is to the order in order to find out what really happened to his parents.

The story could play out that, Bree and Daniel finally cave in and turn to Jonas for help. When they get there either something happens to Bree requring Jonas and Daniel to go in search for her, or possibly the order shows up and all 3 takes flight.

Jonas being involved here would provide Bree and Daniel resources that they hadn't otherwise had... like money to travel. Once on the run again either Jonas and Daniel or all three of them start to visit the places that Lucy had maps of on her computer in order to try and find out what they are dealing with and where either Bree's parents or Bree and her parent's are (again up to what happened to make them flee Jonas' house).

While traveling to these places Jonas may find out(if h didn't alredy know) that his parent's disapperance are somehow related or caused by the order, or why they disappeared if he already knew the connetion.

I think Jonas knowing about the connection to the order would explain why he wants them to come stay with him so much.

Well those are my ideas, just thought i would share them