Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:56 am
And he told her all that crap...I dunno. Seems fishy.
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
And because you are scared to talk to strangers, this scenario is not believable? You would not believe what's going on out there while you're stuck in front of your computer buddy! I said that already on this forum, you guys are killing me, but I really don't see what's soextraordinary about that. I don't know... when I was in college, it was like everyday life. Idon't get it. You all live in fear of your neighbors or what?Beckers wrote: That whole senario was bad. It was not believable and there was a lot of awkwardness.
I would definitley not go anywhere with 2 strangers and like someone else mentioned.....why wasn't she drinking at all? She was totally sober. I don't know about anyone else, but I cannot stand to be around people who are drinking when I'm not. People are annoying drunk unless you are as
TOTALLY!nobackspacebutton wrote: Most people would have just handed him off to his friend and left.
Good question kayokosaeki, I'd like to know too.kayokosaeki wrote:just curious:
to everyone saying they'd never get in a car with a drunk guy and his friend.....where do you live? is it considered a city, a suburb, or a small country town?
oh no, there was teabagging... it was suppose to say "Jonas' bag was here" but Bree thought it crude and inappropriate.kellylen wrote:and to show to us that jonas didnt really teabag him
I'm not sure when, or where, you went to college, but it all depends on that. When I was in college ('94-98) in Jacksonville, Florida we drank life little fishies swimming in the St. John's river. But, we also had a Sober Susy or Stanley at every party. And we sure as hell didn't take off with complete strangers. That was right when all the date-rape drugs were getting very popular with the scumbags, so leaving with anyone who you didn't come with was not even something you considered. And if you did consider it, your sober friend wouldn't let you. Being scared to talk to strangers isn't the issue here. The reality of what has happened with our society is. It isn't safe or smart for a young woman to leave anywhere with two men that she just met. And maybe its because I'm a little on the old side here, but it just doesn't make any sense. And before anyone starts saying I must have had no life, yadda-yadda-yadda, even when I was on the prowl for a bit of "fun", so to speak, I never went home to my apartment alone. My young, fun, single, male neighbor and I had worked out a code with our door hangers to signify when one of us was getting some extracurricular fun. And a phone call would have to be made by a certain time the next day in order to insure your door wouldn't be broken down.impulse wrote:And because you are scared to talk to strangers, this scenario is not believable? You would not believe what's going on out there while you're stuck in front of your computer buddy! I said that already on this forum, you guys are killing me, but I really don't see what's soextraordinary about that. I don't know... when I was in college, it was like everyday life. Idon't get it. You all live in fear of your neighbors or what?Beckers wrote: That whole senario was bad. It was not believable and there was a lot of awkwardness.
I would definitley not go anywhere with 2 strangers and like someone else mentioned.....why wasn't she drinking at all? She was totally sober. I don't know about anyone else, but I cannot stand to be around people who are drinking when I'm not. People are annoying drunk unless you are as
What idiot female goes to someones house in the middle of the night with 2 males she doesn't know or has never meant before...not to mention she sais he was going on about crazy shit. Plus they had a video camera? Like come on! Anything could have happened to her...rape, murder.....or a lot worse.impulse wrote:And because you are scared to talk to strangers, this scenario is not believable? You would not believe what's going on out there while you're stuck in front of your computer buddy! I said that already on this forum, you guys are killing me, but I really don't see what's soextraordinary about that. I don't know... when I was in college, it was like everyday life. Idon't get it. You all live in fear of your neighbors or what?Beckers wrote: That whole senario was bad. It was not believable and there was a lot of awkwardness.
I would definitley not go anywhere with 2 strangers and like someone else mentioned.....why wasn't she drinking at all? She was totally sober. I don't know about anyone else, but I cannot stand to be around people who are drinking when I'm not. People are annoying drunk unless you are as
You bore me.impulse wrote:Really poor defense strategy. Lots of people die behind the wheel too.saralynn wrote:Oh please, lots of people have fakes.
Baam! 2 years probation!
It not cause your old girl! Your proably not even old, lol...I AM in University now and there are security booths, drives home at night, or a walk home from a security officer if you need it. Everyone always goes out in groups. We will have parties in the dorms that are 4 floors big...every floor has thier own special drink. You pay ten bucks and you can drink as mush as you want. There is always tonnes of it and it's organized by students and security. Especially at the bars no one I have ever known throughout my many school years that would even go off by themselves in a bar if there was the slightest chance they would be seperated from thier friend/s.Ziola wrote:
Being scared to talk to strangers isn't the issue here. The reality of what has happened with our society is. It isn't safe or smart for a young woman to leave anywhere with two men that she just met. And maybe its because I'm a little on the old side here, but it just doesn't make any sense.
because it still has his picture, and it was his possession. just because it isn't valid identification doesn't mean they can't profile suspects that look like daniel. it was daniel's property, and his property was found at a crime scene.Ziola wrote:Unfortunately, your theory doesn't really hold any water because its a fake ID. If it was his actual drivers license, then that would be one thing, but because it isn't a real ID, how much trouble can a fictional person be in. And since the police will be able to tell that it isn't a real license, why bother planting it at a crime scene?