Flame Wars

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Post by itsreallyreal »

Another thing...

I bet.. No I am SURE that half the people that put on their E-Muscles and set out to "Flame" or "Banter" or whatever it is they think they're doing that they would NEVER act that way in the "Real World" when interacting with people or strangers for that matter...

I mean honestly... Why can;t everyone just get over themselves and get allong... What is the NEED to be right, or superior, or more informed or inteligent or any of thpse things???

Can't we all just agre that we're all people abd get allong with our differences??? Interesting how many people may already be thinking how stupid that sounds when it is clearly the simplest solution to the whole thng...

What I feel really needs to happen? Mods need to crack the whip and start doing temp suspensions/bans...

In the vein of progress... maybe somehting like this...

Per offense...

1 - Warning
2 - PM warning
3 - Short Term Ban
4 - Permanent Ban

Did you know that the MAJORITY of forums that discuss ADULT CONTENT like polatics and other ADULT hobbies already have these rules??? :?
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Post by itsreallyreal »

Taig wrote:I am going to quote myself here from a post I just placed in another thread becasue it is my confession and my opinion.

It is from a short thread where a newbie asked for a little help

I have got to laugh at all of us...you know what "tehy" have been saying is very ture. This Forum i filled with ontentious opinionated troublemakers with atitudes.

A newbie comes in and asks a perfectly legitimate question and we all jump, in like a bunch of starving pirahana.. 17 different posts to one simple question and 17 different opinions. Hardly any of them helpful to anyone except the posters themselves.

Meanwhile the newbie has beat it outta here like a scared rabbit aboout 14 posts ago.

I am humbled and embarrassed and I have learned my lesson.

I think this post deserves the most respect in this entire thread...
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Post by Killthesmiley »

Did you know that the MAJORITY of forums that discuss ADULT CONTENT like polatics and other ADULT hobbies already have these rules??? Confused
most of the forums I've commited my time to have zero tolerance rules. You harrass people you're suspended. Do it again, your banned

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Post by Killthesmiley »

itsreallyreal wrote:
Taig wrote:I am going to quote myself here from a post I just placed in another thread becasue it is my confession and my opinion.

It is from a short thread where a newbie asked for a little help

I have got to laugh at all of us...you know what "tehy" have been saying is very ture. This Forum i filled with ontentious opinionated troublemakers with atitudes.

A newbie comes in and asks a perfectly legitimate question and we all jump, in like a bunch of starving pirahana.. 17 different posts to one simple question and 17 different opinions. Hardly any of them helpful to anyone except the posters themselves.

Meanwhile the newbie has beat it outta here like a scared rabbit aboout 14 posts ago.

I am humbled and embarrassed and I have learned my lesson.

I think this post deserves the most respect in this entire thread...

I too think that people need to note that post.

Well said Taig (or taiq....i can never tell what your freaking name is....ok back on topic)

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ME: I think I'm you, only better.

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Post by Luminous »

Kasdeja wrote:As a forum...er...slut? I dunno, you said forum virgin...ahem.
Ok . . . well . . . I guess my virgin days are over heh? :evil:
Kasdeja wrote: well, I think an ignore feature would be useful. On another site I moderated for, if the people in question kept up their tirade and refused to take it to PMs or put each other on ignore, they could put the users on each other's ignore lists, too. I often did this to avoid banning people. I dont' think people get banned from here, often...and frankly I'd hate to see that sort of thing happen.
I agree. I'm happy to see that banning is not the rule of thumb here.

Personally, I probably would not use and ignore feature, but if it helped if people could ignore people who irritate them instead of jumping down their throat, I can see where that could be a good thing. That might tame the "Performance Artists" down a bit as they would have no excuse to harass people.
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Post by Kasdeja »

Shoot, I used to use the ignore feature on people who didn't even flame or insult me...they just annoyed me, haha. But, really, I know each of us could think of someone who, if there was an option, they would LOVE to NOT SEE their posts, haha. I think it could benefit everyone, lol.
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Post by Luminous »

Killthesmiley wrote:
itsreallyreal wrote:
Taig wrote:I am going to quote myself here from a post I just placed in another thread becasue it is my confession and my opinion.

It is from a short thread where a newbie asked for a little help

I have got to laugh at all of us...you know what "tehy" have been saying is very ture. This Forum i filled with ontentious opinionated troublemakers with atitudes.

A newbie comes in and asks a perfectly legitimate question and we all jump, in like a bunch of starving pirahana.. 17 different posts to one simple question and 17 different opinions. Hardly any of them helpful to anyone except the posters themselves.

Meanwhile the newbie has beat it outta here like a scared rabbit aboout 14 posts ago.

I am humbled and embarrassed and I have learned my lesson.

I think this post deserves the most respect in this entire thread...

I too think that people need to note that post.

Well said Taig (or taiq....i can never tell what your freaking name is....ok back on topic)
Taig, kudos! That takes guts.
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Post by iamcool »

what :?

people are always helping people on here so how is taigs quote true?
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Post by bethy »

IRC...I completely gree with your points.

I am "tiptoeing" here because I don't want people to think I'm attacking any one person. It's not my intent. I will use examples, though, because it does illustrate specifics of the overall problem that people are perceiving. However, in my most recent case...it kind of falls in line with what BK referred to as "other heated issues" --- so I have to be really careful.

Shastacat...I actually don't like PMs. I think that they are useless and non-productive. They foster a form 'telephone game' and too many people use it as an excuse to gossip rather than actually solve problems. Some people use them to say even more hurtful things than they would dare say in public, or threaten things they have no business threatening.

I had a mod tell me recently if I had something to suggest, to send it via PM. So I did...and the response in return was, well....just the non-reponsive "yeah....and?" environment we're talking about. I felt that it was a complete waste of my time and left me even morefrustrated than before. I'm not going into specifics because I don't want to incite riots again. But if PMs are useless (and to me they pretty much are) than what other outlet do we have?

Now...IRC brought up the roles of moderators in "flame wars" so I'm going to be as...clinical and sterile as I can here.

I was posting in a thread that got "bloated" and the moderator was getting upset. This particular moderator openly admitted to being frustrated about other issues, and was not understanding why people were getting upset with her. Even though I only had a handful posts and others were truly responsible for the "bloat" ... anyway, the moderator was very specific and said to take the issue out of the thread and, I quote:

Now, if you guys REALLY want to discuss this, make a thread in the Gen. Dis. Flame me all you want there. But in ten minutes I will be moving all of these posts out of this thread so the people who actually want to play the game don't have to go through all this bullshit.

Note the bolded part? This was the moderator's directive and an open invitation. So, I did just that. I took the issue out of the thread and posted a thread where she directed, and I addressed the issues.

This moderator's first reaction to it?
OMFG, You're such a drama queen.

She's the one who slung first...ironically enough. From there, it totally disintegrated...and into what I fully believe was (and documented with the admins) an abuse of moderator power. I've addressed this with the admins, so there's no need to go into any of the details of that, really...because I don't want BK mad at me. :wink:

The point being? As IRC mentioned, the route of flames and attacks...which I personally equate to being different things... should be directed by moderators without an agenda. If a moderator is resorting to personal attacks, there's a deeper issue that the admins need to look at, and there needs to be some kind of "process" in place for handling heated situations. Sometimes, I honestly think it's best to just let the flames burn in a contained thread...

One of the biggest issues is that "premature lockulation" is rampant on these forums. It's an issue with the moderators...and how they handle situations.

In the case I mentioned above...if a moderator doesn't want to get flamed, then why in the hell openly invite it? It's is especially perplexing that said moderator would then immediately turn it into a personal attack first, even though she publically invited it. Poor desicion on the mod's part? Yes...but that shouldn't mean other posters get punished (or villified) for her poor decisions. Even though, I fully regret taking her up on her offer...I won't allow myself to be blamed for it. If that makes any sense.

The biggest complaint I see from people who post (and who don't post here) is that the moderators (and specific groups) aren't effective and don't listen. They don't seem to have a clear process in place to handle situations...or when to simply let things go on their own. It is especially difficult when moderators behave badly...because they have the power that regular posters do not. Without a process in places, regular forum visitors see a high degree of disregard and lack of courtesy.

I know how difficult moderating can be. I do it on another, very large and busy community elsewhere. It's an often thanksless job and opens yourself up to all kinds of heat. It's not a job for everybody. They need to be consistent and able to withstand a level of berating...and to let that beratement wash off their backs. Sometimes, people just need a sounding board.

Could it be, instead of complaining about the result, it is more important to realize the cause?
I'm trying to be very mature here, sphinx. But could it be that sometimes, people refuse to actually see the result because they are in denial that they might be the cause? What on group sees as a perfectly happy community with a few mosquitos may be in total denial that they actually live in a tent on a swamp in Ozarks. Subconsiouly, they all know the last thing they want to do is open the tent to let anyone in.

In my line of work, I do a lot of usability testing. When a group of people are unhappy about something...over 90% of them won't ever speak up. Up to about 30% of that 90% will actually say something positive in order to avoid making anyone upset...even though they're lying. The vast majority, though will never say a single word. That's a huge disservice when spmebody wants to make their product or service the best it can be. If I get a negative comment or a suggestion on something I'm testing, I need to pay a lot of attention to it and address it with others. In fact, I often have to directly ask.

Example: I've got a software program, and we're testin gthe user's manual. Most of the comments are completel yuseless...because nobody wants make waves. Yet, I've got two or three of the user's who aren't afraid to say things like, "My, God, the heading font you're using is annoying the shit out of me". (That was a real comment, btw!)

So, in a later review, I asked specifically about the heading font...and 70% of them agreed that it was difficult for them to read and annoyed them. How would I have known that if it weren't for that one person bringing it to my attention? It seems like a small issue...and in reality is was...but if it effects the overall perception of the product, it needs to be fixed.

If people don't speak up...we assume there is no problem. We live in our happy tent and swat or ingore those few mosquitos thinking them of no importance, wen there's this big reality out there. Some people are just more willing to voice their concerns than others. Clearly, I'm one of those people...as are many other here.

But, ignoring the voices of a few and passing them off as the "cause" is really treading on dangerous ground. to me, not listening to everyone makes you as much of the probelm as anybody else. And on these forums especially, a lot of posters and lurkers feel that dismissive attitude.

Bringing up concerns is not an attack, and I really think that there is a group (or a couple of groups) of people who can't differentiate between good, productive discussion (even if heated) and outright personal attacks. Honestly, some of the moderators are parts of those groups. There are other moderators that seem to be far more levelheaded and consistent...I may not agree with them sometimes...but at least they're consistent and seemingly without agenda.

I'm old school, where one takes responsibility for one's own actions.
sphinx, I'm totally with you there. Thing is...not everybody else is.

My only bottom line is that I am a part of 5 other forum communities and NEVER do any of those communities have any of these problems...
Same here. I'm part of at least 4 other communities and never see this kind of stuff go on because the forums are run far more effectively, from the admins and mods on down. Yes, they have rules...but the rules are enforced equally, across the board. I see plenty of flames and heated discussions, but personal attacks and people feeling unwelcome? Never.

There are rules here...yes. although in some places I think the rules fully aren't understood and are poorly applied or enforced.

Case in point. I called somebody an idiot. Granted...not the best thing to do, and I'm the first to admit it. My post? Deleted and rightfully so. Yet, other posts calling me (and a few other posters) bad names were left. I pointed this out to a moderator via PM. No response, no action. They can leave them there for all I care, but I'm not going to say I'm not annoyed that the ones with the power are inconsistent in their running of the boards here...

...which I think is the biggest issue. I'm not harping on any particular mod or admin here. But I (and others) see a huge inconisistency in the application of rules and behavior. Because of that, posters are a bit confused as to what they can and can't do, which is the perfect free-for-all environment that foster personal attacks.

I think a lot of the flaming comes from people who are, quite frankly, very intelligent, quick, and witty. I might even go so far as to say genius in their own quirky ways.
That's actually been my experience as well. Good, productive flames come from the most intelligent people...who really are an asset to any online community. There are a LOT of very inteeligent people on the LG15 forums. There are also a few I really wonder about. :lol: But, also, the most intelligent people are also often prone to seriously odd behavior. Frankly, that makes it fun.
Last edited by bethy on Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ziola »

Killthesmiley wrote:What I suggest is that the moderators solidify a policy that states if you make such a remark that is offensive and slanderous in the public forum, you are asked to have a "time out" (a week or so). If the offender does not comply, then a "time out" will be placed. If it has to be told to the offender several times, over and over again, then that said member is up for review, where their posts and rodutivity is reviewed and see if that this is a continuing problem.
Seems like a lot of work, but as a temporary solution I think we can all benift from this.
And when i say temporary, I mean temporary, just until people get the point. Slanderous comments are not tolerated.
There is one problem that I have with that, how can you quantify what is offensive? Things that are offensive to you are not offensive to me and vice versa. You are offended by being called a "superfan" and I'm offended by the use of the word retarded. Does that mean that all posters who use those words get some sort of warning, or "write-up" so they know that can't use that kind of language again?
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Post by Luminous »

itsreallyreal wrote: I bet.. No I am SURE that half the people that put on their E-Muscles and set out to "Flame" or "Banter" or whatever it is they think they're doing that they would NEVER act that way in the "Real World" when interacting with people or strangers for that matter...
There are many "real world" arenas where this kind of behavior is not only desired, it is cultivated - politics, law, entertainment, the lions share of corporate cultures. Been there, done that. I suspect many of the people who engage in these tactics come from realms where this is the required standard of behavior to keep your job. What surprises me is that it has found it's way into this sheltered little world where so many of us are just here for kicks. (no pun intended ;) )
itsreallyreal wrote: What I feel really needs to happen? Mods need to crack the whip and start doing temp suspensions/bans...

In the vein of progress... maybe somehting like this...

Per offense...

1 - Warning
2 - PM warning
3 - Short Term Ban
4 - Permanent Ban

Did you know that the MAJORITY of forums that discuss ADULT CONTENT like polatics and other ADULT hobbies already have these rules??? :?
Seems reasonable, but there must be a standard criteria for when to issue these warnings. That's where I imagine it can get sticky. Any suggestions on that?
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Post by Kasdeja »

It looks like the bottom line, here, is consistency.
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Post by sphinx »

Kasdeja wrote:Right. Hmm. Well, I've gotten along quite well in this society for some time and still am not one of those you claim all people who agree with the complaint are. So, I think the logic is flawed, to put it politely. I was never aware that being constantly beligerant or to constantly flame others was a norm in this society that was accepted. I think I must be glad there are different neighborhoods in this society.
My logic applies coming from the perspective of one of those neighbourhoods, the OpAphid forums, where I have also gotten along quite well for some time. Although I have dipped a toe in other sections, that is where my interests are. It might be that this discussion has absolutely nothing to do with the forum I frequent; however, it is very hard to dismiss the coincidence of timing and the identities of the members initiating these posts with recent problems on that board that continue over here. There has been so many threads started regarding all of this recently that it is hard to know the perspective of the original poster, especially when certain threads are locked and people are directed to others.

Coming from an OpAphid perspective, there are rules and norms, it is it's own society, and when rules and norms are not respected, a negative reaction from it's members is the result.

I am ancient, have been online since 1989 and have participated in BBSs and various subsequent online communities for a long time. As far as the complaints being raised, I have seen nothing new or unique to this forum. I admit my ignorance when it comes to the rest of the boards, but I will say that on the OpAphid forum I can think of not one member who is constantly belligerent or flaming others. I can, however, think of a hand-full that constantly show no respect for the rules and norms of the forum. And, when I re-read this thread, maybe I am mistaken, but I am not seeing that this is the complaint at all, but rather, that some individuals feel they are being constantly flamed by many. It's really not clear.

Which leads me once again to suggest that the constant in the situations may need to take the time to think about the cause, as opposed to complaining about the effect.

Agree to disagree in logic processes I guess. Ever so politely of course.
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Post by Broken Kid »

Please be aware that the moderators have guidelines we are expected to follow. I feel confidant that people are doing a good job and not over-moderating the forum. I'm not sure how this turned into a discussion of that issue, but if you have concerns, please raise them with me. Thanks.
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Post by Ziola »

sphinx wrote: Agree to disagree in logic processes I guess. Ever so politely of course.
Only logical thing I think I've seen, including what I've said. :D
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