dumpdorrell.com wrote:this was a real girl and boy and their real story. Now they are trying to make it seem as it was all planned. That is whats fake here.
Now THAT's an interesting theory. I haven't heard that one before.
I don't get why come out as this. I don't know if this site is fake or Bree is fake, or both are fake and unafiliated, or both fake and working together or what, but this site claimed to be real and now is claiming to be fake in the lamest way possible (with a post from someone without even moderator rights)
I think Bree is fake, and it's pretty obvious as it has always been, but I find it awfully fun and interesting. I keep wishing it becomes a full fledged ARG (google that up if you don't know). So far I haven't catched any proof that it is, and the lame move of this site just gets me confused.
a really (really really really really) good friend of mine looks almost excatly like the girl that plays bree. the crazy thing is that our relationship is a lot like brees and daniels. we're a little older and dont live with our parents and all that teenager business but when we had a beer last night i looked at her and it was fucking awsome: i thought bree was smiling at me. (gosh i should throw my computer out the window)
wierd shit, i'm telling you guys. it's kinda like my own version of that lg15 thing. and i am not even kidding. i hope my life isn't fake too.
There are people screaming in here about everyone else being f***ing stupid and retarted.
What is really stupid and retarted is the fact that many of you people have resorted to name calling and have become so worked up over the fact that someone else doesn't agree with your opinion on whether she is real or not.
I personally don't know either way whether she is real or not but for the time being it is still entertaining to watch. What does it matter whether it is real or not? Obviously we are all very entertained (even the very angry ones in this forum). If you weren't enthused and entertained about lonelygirl15 you would not waist your time posting here.
I am sure the real creators of lonelygirl15 (if they exist) will have a plot and the story will go somewhere eventually and we will all know with certainty what she is all about.
[quote="jankvb"]a really (really really really really) good friend of mine looks almost excatly like the girl that plays bree. the crazy thing is that our relationship is a lot like brees and daniels. we're a little older and dont live with our parents and all that teenager business but when we had a beer last night i looked at her and it was fucking awsome: i thought bree was smiling at me. (gosh i should throw my computer out the window)
wierd shit, i'm telling you guys. it's kinda like my own version of that lg15 thing. and i am not even kidding. i hope my life isn't fake too.[/quote]
Dude goes out, has a beer and is pleased by a brief dissociation between his reality and his entertainment. OK. This is exactly why LG15 and a lot of other entertainment sticks. Sometimes my GF can make herself up to look like Scarlett Johanson and boy does that spice things up. Except now we're even more intrigued by LG15 because suddenly there's a potential mystery to solve, a "real" story to uncover.
I don't think it's major news to say that people enjoy having their sense of reality shaken (pleasantly or otherwise--watch 'Loose Change' for an entirely different feel). We're tittillated by the fact that some clever people have gone to a lot of trouble to entertain us without trying to sell us anything (yet -- that's part of the mystery). What others find questionable about the LG15 creators' timing of the annoucement that it was all a play I actually see as a pretty well executed maneouver to boost LG15's popularity and importance. I wouldn't be suprised if the numbers of fans grew even faster than before. The guarded, carefully-worded letter has charged many people to think and write about (and thus promote) LG15. Even if the letter turns out to be unaffiliated trickery and LG15 is still fundamentally two persons' unscripted, unplanned vlogs, LG15 is no longer only a teenage love story writ large; it's now also the talk of cogniscenti at dinner parties (and web-based forums).
Must something fake be inherently less enjoyable?
Is YouTube radically different from reality television?
Is our attachment to associating internet content with reality as naive a position as that of those in the early 1900's who ran out of the first screenings of films where trains rolled towards the camera?
Is Bree today's Charlotte Bronte or Jane Austen?
Would we be able to recognize the new Charlotte Bronte if she came up and bit us on the ass?
As the lady says, "Discuss amongst yourselves." I'm going out now to see a live show. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be staged, but there's plenty of beer to help me surf the crest between reality and fantasy.
So far as I understand, three persons sussed Bree already, through a fake MySpace URL with a geolocation script I believe; this granted, I'm mystified as to why the producers here are being held, by some, in disrepute because of the way by which they chose to disclose Bree is scripted. Again so far as I understand, there are two objections to the revelation, and if I'm not mistaken they follow thusly:
i) the lonelygirl15 series has moulted its mystique because disbelief could have been suspended / the production believed veracious, and
ii) the revelation could have been more histrionic, and less drab, in its character.
I'd like to point out, with regard to the former point, the presupposition that this mystique wasn't already moulted; it was moulted the moment someone discovered (with a whois lookup I believe) the lonelygirl15 domain name predated the lonelygirl15 celebrity, or perhaps even her inception. Subjectively and to some it may have been moulted before, but certainly I doubt few could ever maintain faith lonelygirl15 is a real person after the MySpace geolocation (?) trickery. Were this forum a federal court the traceroute trickery would be considered proof not only on the balance of probabilities but beyond a reasonable doubt Bree is not, well, Bree. The fact this was, by all but the most ludicrously lofty standards, sussed prior to the OP's post renders suspension of disbelief no greater or lesser in the merits it was premised upon then than it is posterior to said post. That is to say, no mystique was moulted here, for by reasonable standards, the situation both prior and posterior to the OP's post warranted an equal amount of suspension of disbelief. Nothing was ruined or spoiled here.
I'd moreover like to point out, with regard to the latter point, a point I had mentioned in my former point; the situation was sussed. This seems to me like a "darned if you do, darned if you don't" scenario; had the producers, for example, continued, well, producing, without addressing at all the suss, a legion of recently enlightened but rather uncouth YouTubers I'd imagine would bombard with criticism the comments box, claiming the producers of the series are impudent and don't know when to call it quits. That is, I am making the point the producers would be traduced for their perseveration. To continue the series as if nothing had happened would fly in the face of the enormous amount of evidence to the contrary and would accomplish nothing, save perhaps the instigation of thousands of raging YouTubers who would perceive the perseveration as audacity. Atop that, I would think news stories may surface claiming the series jumped the shark or whatnot when the producers failed to own up after Bree was already proven to be an actress. The well-crafted original post's revelation spreading around the Internet as opposed to the three sussers' information provides better news as well. If persons claim a better method of revelation exists, but don't go any lengths towards specifying what exactly that idea is, I don't so much view that as constructive criticism; surely there may have been a better way by which the producers could have chose to disclose Bree is scripted. If so, it should be that way that is posted, not what is to me a more formal version of "that post sucked."
All in all, I mean absolutely no offence to any parties here; I just feel that the Bree fora (and this goes for some news sources, too) should cut the directors / producers some slack. As an alternative to bashing the OP for a lack of originality or preclusion of the suspension of disbelief, I feel Bree fans should instead applaud and acclaim the creators of the video blog some of us have watched religiously (though perhaps not necessarily in an Alistair Crowley way!) for a fantastic production and, to me at least, new art form. Through a different paradigm, we could view the actress behind Bree as even more talented than we had thought her before; the performance was teeming with such virtuosity as to befool millions, and largely it was immaculately congruent with our expectations. Few if any clues were given away by the Bree actress; most were provided either through the script / plotline or the setup (e.g. professional camerawork, lighting and equipment). Personally, instead of crying "fake," I admire the Bree actress moreso than I did when I believed the productions veracious, regardless of the brevity of the time interval, on account of the creators' professionalism and expertise, over which that belief was sustained. Even the naysayers, I imagine, would acknowledge the past can't be changed, and everything is already on the table; I petition us Bree fans not to have a food fight with the host but instead make the most out of the feast.
* Irrespective of my vocal defence of the OP, and regardless of what may seem likely to the forum, I am not, in any way, shape or form, the OP, nor am I some sort of paid underling of the OP nor am I affiliated with the OP. The views expressed herein are exclusively my own. I'm genuinely of the opinion the producers / directors of the series we've all watched hadn't mucked nor mired up in their disclosure nor in the contents thereof.
Okay, so it was obvious by watching 20 seconds or so of a single video that this was, in fact, some sort of new ARG.
What bothers me a little is that you guys, the creators, broke character ahead of time. Typically with this sort of thing you wait until the story's reached its conclusion before taking credit.
Soup4Brains wrote:Okay, so it was obvious by watching 20 seconds or so of a single video that this was, in fact, some sort of new ARG.
What bothers me a little is that you guys, the creators, broke character ahead of time. Typically with this sort of thing you wait until the story's reached its conclusion before taking credit.
except thats not really them, just another hoax
still obviously doesn't take away form the fact that its still all fake and setup but thats been obvious for a while
Thank you so much for enjoying our show so far. We are amazed by the overwhelmingly positive response to our videos; it has exceeded our wildest expectations. With your help we believe we are witnessing the birth of a new art form. Our intention from the outset has been to tell a story-- A story that could only be told using the medium of video blogs and the distribution power of the internet. A story that is interactive and constantly evolving with the audience.
Right now, the biggest mystery of Lonelygirl15 is "who is she?" We think this is an oversimplification. Lonelygirl15 is a reflection of everyone. She is no more real or fictitious than the portions of our personalities that we choose to show (or hide) when we interact with the people around us. Regardless, there are deeper mysteries buried within the plot, dialogue, and background of the Lonelygirl15 videos, and many of our tireless and dedicated fans have unearthed some of these. There are many more to come.
To enhance the community experience of Lonelygirl15, which you have already helped to create, we are in the process of building a website centered around video and interactivity. This website will allow everyone to enjoy the full potential of this new medium. Unfortunately, we aren't programmers. We are filmmakers. We are working furiously to complete the website, and hope to have it up and running shortly.
So, sit tight. You are the only reason for our success, and we appreciate your devotion. We want you to know that we aren't a big corporation. We are just like you. A few people who love good stories. We hope that you will join us in the continuing story of Lonelygirl15, and help us usher in an era of interactive storytelling where the line between "fan" and "star" has been removed, and dedicated fans like yourselves are paid for their efforts. This is an incredible time for the creator inside all of us.
I find this denial that "The Creators" have anything to do with LG to be very interesting. Despite all odds, such as the fact that admins have logged into this site quite a few times and are obviously aware of this "hacker" exposing them as fake, despite the fact they don't want it to be known they are fake and yet have allowed this "hacker's" message to remain up here the only time, despite the fact The Creators have the same IP as the admin, people continue to deny that such a revelation is indeed truthful.
Craziest thing of all though, it's not because of denial that it's actually false, they all seem to admit that, they just don't think that THIS confession of denial is the truth one. Now this is some sort of strange phenomenon. I guess they're waiting for the next, more explosion denial before they believe it?
HyeMew wrote:Despite all odds, such as the fact that admins have logged into this site quite a few times and are obviously aware of this "hacker" exposing them as fake, despite the fact they don't want it to be known they are fake and yet have allowed this "hacker's" message to remain up here the only time, despite the fact The Creators have the same IP as the admin, people continue to deny that such a revelation is indeed truthful.
If one can hack a site, one can certainly use spoofed IP's.