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Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:47 am
by aideen
kellylen wrote:the D/J vids everyone is like yay boys

then bree puts out a vid and everyone goes BITCHHH
Heehee. It's funny coz it's true

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:49 am
by losthoughts
i'm surprised no body has mentioned this with all this speculating about jonas working for the order. last time daniel went to the bowling alley, he got really drunk and "randomgirl" aka katherine mcphee called jonas to say that he needed to come pick db up. perhaps jonas is just ensuring that db has his cell phone so that he can reach him if a similar occurance happens. makes sense to me. i would do that for a friend if i was in the same situation.

and the reason why jonas isn't going to the bowling alley is because he used to all the time and there are some people he would rather not see. he said that in the video, and you guys are supposed to be all observant and finding random references and white flowers.

anyways, maybe jonas is working for the order, but really i just think he's avoiding a situation he'd rather not have to face, and just looking out for db. at the same time, it was definitely mentioned on camera on purpose.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:49 am
by autumneternal
kellylen wrote:the D/J vids everyone is like yay boys

then bree puts out a vid and everyone goes BITCHHH
I don't want to go calling people names here...I just don't think that her videos have been very entertaining lately...and that's all I'm saying. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:51 am
by Missa ChoCho
kellylen wrote:the D/J vids everyone is like yay boys

then bree puts out a vid and everyone goes BITCHHH
They should start making Team Bree and Team Daniel shirts

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:52 am
by autumneternal
losthoughts wrote:i'm surprised no body has mentioned this with all this speculating about jonas working for the order. last time daniel went to the bowling alley, he got really drunk and "randomgirl" aka katherine mcphee called jonas to say that he needed to come pick db up. perhaps jonas is just ensuring that db has his cell phone so that he can reach him if a similar occurance happens. makes sense to me. i would do that for a friend if i was in the same situation.
I thought that was implied when I said that I think Jonas is just making sure Daniel has his cell phone so that he has a way to get in touch with Jonas when he's ready to come home. Besides, how is Daniel going to drink when he no longer has possession of his fake ID?

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:53 am
by kellylen

I should make a tshirt that says that :D one with DB and one with LG and on the back have it say

haha :D

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:57 am
by Missa ChoCho
autumneternal wrote: Besides, how is Daniel going to drink when he no longer has possession of his fake ID?
I lost my fake ID a while ago and the people at the bar that i usually go to remeber me so they just dont ask anymore..

Or Maybe Daniel is just not going to drink maybe he is just going to see if he can get some ass

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:04 am
by autumneternal
Missa ChoCho wrote:I lost my fake ID a while ago and the people at the bar that i usually go to remeber me so they just dont ask anymore..

Or Maybe Daniel is just not going to drink maybe he is just going to see if he can get some ass
I used to do the same thing with my "regulars" who came in for cigarettes when I worked in a convenience store, (not carding them). However, Daniel has only been to this bowling alley once, that we know of and I doubt that, with so many other regulars, they'd remember him and not card him this time around. Who knows though?

I really think he's just going there to get some tail, (as per his video description, where he says he's going to try to find 'that girl' from last week's bowling alley trip).

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:09 am
by nakita
:smt041 :smt026 :smt041

This was AWESOME!
Daniel is going to pick up chicks!
Jonas used to be an alcoholic!
Bree is nowhere to be seen (and not even mentioned)!

Now, on to what will be AWESOME:
Daniel is going to be kidnapped!
We are going to hear a cell conversation that will go J:Where are you man? D: At the bowling alley... there's a creepy guy here, can you... J:Daniel? Daniel ?! Omigawd!
Bree will cry!

edit: You know what else is AWESOME? 205 posts! :D Seems like only yesterday I was celebrating 100...

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:11 am
by Chartreuse
I just had a thought. Okay, when there's a LOONNGGGG break with OpAphid, and then they start back up, doesn't that mean there's a new arc?

If the last one was the I in Aphid (infiltrate, in which they spy on daniel), then that would make this one the D in Aphid, right? Which was confirmed as DESTROY.

Now Daniel's shmoozing around the lion's den. Op knows exactly where he is. And we've just moved into destroy mode.

Oh, Daniel, this does not look good.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:14 am
by Missa ChoCho
Chartreuse wrote:I just had a thought. Okay, when there's a LOONNGGGG break with OpAphid, and then they start back up, doesn't that mean there's a new arc?

If the last one was the I in Aphid (infiltrate, in which they spy on daniel), then that would make this one the D in Aphid, right? Which was confirmed as DESTROY.

Now Daniel's shmoozing around the lion's den. Op knows exactly where he is. And we've just moved into destroy mode.

Oh, Daniel, this does not look good.
yea it sucks....seems like all guns are pointing at daniel.....

but why daniel..when bree doesnt seem to care for him that much??

Ugh questions......

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:15 am
by jenlight
alysaface wrote:
lack of plot movement? are you nuts?

some shiz is seriously about to go down in the next video.

oppy knows for sure the bowling alley they were at, he is going back to that very same bowling alley.


come on now ballsy =P
That's what I was thinking. Obviously it is no coincidence that Daniel is going back to the bowling alley right after Op finds out which one he'd been at. Yay!

So uhm, is Daniel supposed to be retarded? Nobody acts like that! How old is he supposed to be?

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:15 am
by nakita
I like how people are saying that Daniel is going into the lion's den. ... version=31;

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:18 am
by jenlight
kellylen wrote:the D/J vids everyone is like yay boys

then bree puts out a vid and everyone goes BITCHHH
Because Bree is annoying. She needs to stop whining. But Jonas is just funny. Daniel... well, he's "slow" or maybe "special."

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:18 am
by kellylen
he took a ride on the short bus?