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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:20 pm
by bethy
That product placement was perfectly fine...seems normal, even.

I was chuckling because of the UNITED movers truck in the background at the rest stop.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:35 pm
by colbertnationgirl
I liked it. Except now I want that gum... :?

pretty good

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:22 pm
by gogo
Aw, I justed posted about this product placement in some other chewing gum-related thread, but I really wanted to voice my support. I wasn't bothered, and I didn't think it was jarring or blatantly pushed into our faces. (Perhaps just subliminally fixed into our consumer-consciousness... as CNG rushes to the corner store for some Ice Breakers Sours (TM) gum...)

(Bethy- Perhaps this was a covert United movers truck promotion that they wanted to keep on the down-low...shhh!) :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:26 pm
by cbizzle44
i liked it!
not annoying at all
and it worked
i want some!
and if it helps the creators, i'll go out and buy some ice breakers sour gum right now

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:31 pm
by Lurker

I thought it was handled fine. It didn't come off as though the entire video was just about the Ice Breakers at all. There was still plenty of characterization and interaction, as well as some developments in the plot. That's the way to do it, I'd say.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:33 pm
by chershaytoute
Darn, I just got out of the car after a three hour drive... Do I have to go to the store right now!

(yeah, the first thing I do is unpack my laptop and check for an LG15 vid...and YAY!, there's a vid...and yeah, I'm probably gonna go buy gum, even though I don't even like sour gum...anything to support!! <Bree-nodding all over the place>)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:51 pm
by imogene2004
nicely done!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:11 pm
by kellylen
great going creators!


Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:50 pm
by Scrawnyfish
HAHA! Finally <3 I loved it. Now I need to go buy some!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:09 am
by ladysolitary85
Renegade wrote:Product placement, in general, if done too blatantly, is bad, but: If it's a one-time thing, the positive effect of improving the financial situation of the series outweighs the negative effect of having an obvious product placement in one episode.

I see it this way: It's better to have one episode with candy commercials and use it to generate income that ensures more episodes can be produced, than to decline the offer, go broke, and end the series.

Just integrate it into the plot. Make it an important lead to Daniel or The Order or something...that way, the guys can study it the whole episode long, mention the brand name a couple of times, and the plot still moves on.

Or it could be a message from Tachyon, hidden in the text on the wrapping. There're enough possibilities. As long as The Order's vans don't suddenly sport giant M&M commercials on them, all is well.

Creators, I would have to agree with this. If its a one time thing, go for it, whatever is going to help out with the videos.

Also, since your doing this, could you guys please show more videos revealing more about whats going on? We're all in the dark trying to figure out so much for so long, isn't it time for something to be revealed to us? Even if its small, we still want answers.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:37 am
by Renegade
They already went for it, and it was fine.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:23 am
by islandlove
i bought some ice breakers sour gum today! :D

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:42 am
by PolkadotConfederation
You guys did a great job of incorporating the product placement with the existing story! And I totally went out and bought Ice Breakers sour gum after that vid, so hey it's working! :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:49 am
by nowherepixie
Hah! Well it seems to work then :p

Seriously though I don't think it's that big a deal because, in 'real' video blogs people have brand labelled stuff around them all the time, my sister always has some designer name plastered across her chest, so it's realistic in a way.

May as well keep in with the realism and back a few quid out of it no?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:47 pm
by who_is_friend
Darn, I can't find any gum here, but I did find Icebreakers Sours Mints, which I did buy just because it was on LG15 (or so I thought). Wasn't bad either.