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Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:02 pm
Great video! Most of the character development/drama videos have been heavy-handed or unbelievable, but this one was entertaining and on the mark. The Creators really seem to have hit their stride lately - I hope that they can keep it up.

Daniel's really acting like a dipshit right now, though - kind of unfortunate, given that he's usually the most likeable and down-to-earth character in the series.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:03 pm
by chevyfudd
Missa ChoCho wrote:i didn't quite understand what Bree said to get Daniel's attention off of the Nancy Drew book.
She told him the ending.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:10 pm
by watching_watchers
TommyIsCancer wrote:Man, that was one of the funniest videos in a looong time. I loved every second of it. That was messed up though for Bree to ruin the book. Bad girl.

Let's see... Daniel went to a room by himself, Bree went for a walk by herself and Jonas left the house by himself too (I think.) If ever there was a time for Daniel to solve the puzzle on his own without anyone else knowing that time is NOW.

I'm starting to get afraid that Daniel will solve the puzzle and it will tell him that Jonas can't be trusted. Then Daniel is rushing to find Bree and get them out of there before Jonas comes back and Bree doesn't want to be believe him because she'll think he's paranoid because of his jealousy on Jonas!

Eeeeeee! So many adrenaline-rushing possibilities!
O.o uhm I think Tachy would have totally got rid of Jonas if he was bad while she was there.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:13 pm
by watching_watchers
TOSG wrote:Great video! Most of the character development/drama videos have been heavy-handed or unbelievable, but this one was entertaining and on the mark. The Creators really seem to have hit their stride lately - I hope that they can keep it up.

Daniel's really acting like a dipshit right now, though - kind of unfortunate, given that he's usually the most likeable and down-to-earth character in the series.
I don't think Daniel is being a dipshit. I think it is totally understandable for him to be upset. After all. He knew Bree first. He loved her first. He still obviously does. And now Jonas, someone he thought was a good friend of his or a "bro" is moving in on her, or so it seems to him and alot of us. && she seems to like him also. So I think he has good reasoning to be upset and such. Calling Jonas a piece of shit however, was uncalled for.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:16 pm
by Incognito
bree's going to come back, and DB and Jonas are going to be gone. they never take her when they get the chance, but they've already taken her friends.

btw the whole video was hilarious. loved it :D

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:18 pm
watching_watchers wrote: I don't think Daniel is being a dipshit. I think it is totally understandable for him to be upset. After all. He knew Bree first. He loved her first. He still obviously does. And now Jonas, someone he thought was a good friend of his or a "bro" is moving in on her, or so it seems to him and alot of us. && she seems to like him also. So I think he has good reasoning to be upset and such. Calling Jonas a piece of shit however, was uncalled for.
I could see that if Jonas were having sex with her, but they went hiking, and now Jonas has all of the sudden gone from his best friend to the scum of the earth. I'm not saying that it's not believable, but he's acting like a high school freshman right now.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:19 pm
by TommyIsCancer
watching_watchers wrote:O.o uhm I think Tachy would have totally got rid of Jonas if he was bad while she was there.
I tend to support the theory that Jonas isn't a bad guy but still... I think there has to be something behind why Daniel was the one who found the clue. I think it was planted in the car after they got to the cabin by Tachyon specifically for Daniel. There needs to be a reason why he's the only one aware of it. And now all three of them are alone?

My paranoia is at an all time high.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:27 pm
by _K_lynn
the next vid will be the boys making up in a little confrontation / fight. Thats generally how i have seen guys finish their arguments over women over my lifetime. haha.

And you think they all would have learned by now that it is never safe to do something alone.


Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:40 pm
by chevyfudd
I don't think Bree should go out alone, too risky. At least let the boys know. I think they will soon get over it too, guys always get over it. Anyway, I just hope they make up and start worrying about the order instead of who is in love with who. I don't need a soap opera, I just need some answers.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:55 pm
by Lurker
TOSG wrote:Great video! Most of the character development/drama videos have been heavy-handed or unbelievable, but this one was entertaining and on the mark. The Creators really seem to have hit their stride lately - I hope that they can keep it up.
Just wanted to agree with this and thank them for having a new video each day lately. If it had been three days between each when we knew they weren't supposed to be doing anything but sitting around a cabin it would have been really painful for us.

It was a great opportunity to get some character interaction (and maybe some development) in, and I'm glad they jumped on it. Also, good to see that in the meantime they didn't forget the overall plot and are still addressing it (the disc, the clue from Tach, etc.).

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:33 pm
by aideen
Ok, I haven't read the rest of thri thread yet, but, how come Bree and Jonas aren't asking about Daniels books, either for choice or how the hell he got them. They don't seem like the kind of books a holiday cabin would have, or that Jonas' family would leave behind, and definitely not the kind of books Daniel would grab and pack as they flee another watcher...

Oh, and Bree cna't come where Jonas is going? Where is he going?

And Bree is going off alone.

These three are stooopid :D No wonder I luvem so much

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:35 pm
by JacksAndDouches
ok since no one seems to get it

Bree = Nancy Drew
Daniel and Jonas = The Hardy Boys

THERE! I solved it for you!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:38 pm
by Lurker
aideen wrote:Ok, I haven't read the rest of thri thread yet, but, how come Bree and Jonas aren't asking about Daniels books, either for choice or how the hell he got them.
I assume they watched his latest video and already know.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:43 pm
by DogNamedZippo

hmm.. i mean


Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:44 pm
by Smelltheflowers
Am I the only one who was alarmed when Daniel yelled "Who are you?" at Bree as he was coming in from the cold?

I realize it's probably just me being paranoid and that Daniel meant "Who are you, a therapist?" or something along those lines.

I guess I'm just weary of any long term negative effects of his being taken by the Order. Who knows what that did to his mind and / or his memory. :(

Other than that though, I absolutely adored this video, particularly when Bree asked Daniel why he cared if she went hiking with Jonas alone and Daniel gave her that soulful 'because I care you for' look :)