Lorem Ipsum

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Lorem Ipsum

Post by romanceismusic »

Ok guys... So I sent the picture to one of my moms friends because i was curious. he is a translator for a few organizations and helps our local police force out with solving murders and such. he used a program to seperate the layers of the picture. he came up with 3 layers. after discarding the top and bottom layer, he was left with the middle words. he wasn't able to unblur the words so they were completely readable, but got them fairly readble. he said it didnt look like english. So then he inserted the middle layer into a program called Maclorem. its for mac comps only though...so if you have a mac and the program...i encourage you to check this out. anyway, he translated the text and came up with this:

"Ipsum diam minim dignissim sed blandit, odio ullamcorper ad iriuredolor? Ex ut ad nisl wisi delenit nonummy nulla autem quis aliquip laoreet. In nonummy feugiat qui commodo, dolore in eum augue enim te, et amet illum dignissim. Te odio qui, iriure in nisl luptatum dolore enim tation in ea suscipit dignissim dolore in molestie ullamcorper volutpat. Ut lobortis vulputate molestie eros hendrerit ullamcorper velit crisare erat ex duis? Autem ad iusto commodo exerci hendrerit wisi hendrerit, duis augue nulla ex. Vel quis nibh iriure enim iriuredolor, ut laoreet euismod veniam et luptatum dolor illum sed praesent?
Facilisis delenit dolore consequat, in dolore vulputate, sciurus facilisi tincidunt augue exerci. Volutpat consectetuer adipiscing blandit illum. Vero, wisi qui esse tation accumsan ipsum nulla commodo. Wisi euismod ullamcorper consequat et delenit nostrud facilisi ea, eu dolore molestie dolore."

he said this is called Lorem Ipsum. people use this for hummor and to blend in with english so others don't know what it says. This particular lorem ipsum is part latin. when you translater it.. from lorem ipsum you will see both languages. The real words will become english...the lorem ipsum words will remain the same. Also, lorem ipsum is often used as a filler text, usually taken from a latin story or poem. Designers use it as filler text, until an actual copy is inserted. To read more about lorem ipsum, check here: <a href=http://www.lipsum.com/> [lorem ipsum]</a>

I used an online free translator to try and translate the poem. This is what I got:

"Itself diam in the least degree dignissim but blandishments , to hate ullamcorper to iriuredolor? Out of when to nisl wisi delenit ninth nulla but anyone some laoreet. Upon ninth feugiat quae to make fit , pain upon he augue in fact you , and amet that dignissim. You to hate quae iriure upon nisl luptatum pain in fact tation upon this to raise up dignissim pain upon annoyance ullamcorper volutpat. When lobortis vulputate annoyance eros hendrerit ullamcorper skirmish wavy was out of duis? But to due forms to make fit to train hendrerit wisi hendrerit duis augue nulla out of. Or anyone nibh iriure in fact iriuredolor , when laoreet euismod grace and luptatum pain that but with a ready? Easy delenit pain according to reason , upon pain vulputate , discerning easy tincidunt augue to train. Volutpat consectetuer to come up to blandishments that. In truth wisi quae to be tation to add to a heap itself nulla to make fit. Wisi euismod ullamcorper according to reason and delenit our easy this , good pain annoyance pain."

Because the words were not completely readable, im not sure if this is correct. But I thought maybe we should look into it. It may be completey irrelevent. sorry if it is. but I thought it was interesting. (and i was curious)
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

what is this from?
Me and my key...same as it ever was.
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Post by sparrow »

which picture?
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Post by Luv2Luvem »

Which picture...the one with the blurry poem and the other writing on top?
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Post by Sfonzarelli »


OK, you lost me. A sign I should go to bed.
I've got a Morse Code anagram for you to decode, Cassie:

-.-. ..-. ..- -.- / ..- -.-- ---
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Post by romanceismusic »

YAH! the blurry poem with the stuff ontop and the holy bible underneath.

EDIT: sorry I didnt mention.... the program took out the breaks...so when he emailed it to me... I lost the line format. i tried to fix it but gave up.
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Post by toadlguy »

The technique you used was pretty cool to pull out the words - however I used to use Lorem Ipsum all the time years ago when I did graphic design - we bought sheets of it in different fonts (or our typsetter could generate it - but that was more expensive). You could cut it to whatever size of text you wanted. It provided the correct color and balance to make comps. I vaguely remember translating some and back then it was a mixture of real latin and fake (although since we cut it from sheets - it never made sense).

EDIT: Wait - I assumed you were talking about the words on top - not the blurry words - that was not Lorem Ipsum that was the poem.
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Post by romanceismusic »

im not sure exactly what words.... thats just what he said came from the blur of words. I was assuming the poem. but I could have been mistaken as we were speaking via email. I just figured i would throw it out there and leave it open. because the way things are going..anythings possible.
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Post by Anduviel »

Errr...*very confused*

I thought we already solved that picture...the poem I mean...
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Post by katz31 »

I thought it was from the scattering of letter-like "graffiti" all over the page. They looked like parts of letters that were cut apart or something.

I thought it was one of those pictures where you have to unfocus your eyes to get the two parts to line up and make a 3-D looking picture. I spent about 10-15 minutes staring at it with my eyes unfocused until I could barely see! lol
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Post by romanceismusic »

ummm we did solve the porm. i was just submitting something in relevence to what we found...as a possiblity. sorry for the confusion....i said that in my op though.
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Post by mimsy »

Wow. Lorem ipsum. You learn something new every day!

According to wikipedia:

The most common lorem ipsum text reads as follows:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Last edited by mimsy on Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SR »

romanceismusic wrote:ummm we did solve the porm. i was just submitting something in relevence to what we found...as a possiblity. sorry for the confusion....i said that in my op though.
It is quite confusing, can you tell us where excatly he found the words? or share his image?
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Post by romanceismusic »

SR wrote:
romanceismusic wrote:ummm we did solve the porm. i was just submitting something in relevence to what we found...as a possiblity. sorry for the confusion....i said that in my op though.
It is quite confusing, can you tell us where excatly he found the words? or share his image?
im really sorry for the confusion guys. that wasnt my intention. He just said "thats what it says" refering to the poem. then I asked him where.... and he said "on the picture" he was so vague. i emailed him again asking for the layers of the pictures. When (if) he replies...I will immediately post them.
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Post by SR »

Cool thanks!
Do you know what foreboding means?
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