How about a section for discussion of fan character vlogs?

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S is for Summer
Lonely Fan
Posts: 223
Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:15 pm

How about a section for discussion of fan character vlogs?

Post by S is for Summer »

This is the first in a series of steps we will be taking to enable fans to create their own charaters and storylines.
the ability to create and "admin" storylines with characters you and your friends create,
I love this idea. :) Can we have a forum section for related discussion?


Eep. I just realized that maybe it's intended that we discuss that stuff in the "assorted accounts and videos" section?

I guess this is me asking. :)

Alright, editing again, because I'm cool like that.

Since there seems to be so much focus on Cassie-variants, maybe we could keep the current assorted accounts and videos for Cassie-related assorted accounts and videos, as it seems to be used for pretty much right now, and then have another section with maybe headings for how-to discussion, and discussion of what's going on in other peoples' character vlogs?

Hope that makes sense. :)
Team Daniel!
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