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The Order racist? Neo-Nazi?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:35 pm
by LilyB
In the early 1980 there was a neo-Nazi group in the Northwest called "The Order" and they wanted to enact the Turner Diaries. They were big believers in racial purity. If am not mistaken, so far all the Order members have been white. (not that there has been a non-white presence in Lonelygirl15 so far, although that would be nice. I mean, come on, it is California. The least they could do is thrown in a token Asian or something.) Anyway, some of those Neo-Nazi movements were way into obtaining political and social power. Makes me wonder if the Order is somehow racially motivated and if there is a connection between them and The Order in the Northwest that was supposedly stamped out in a gunbattle with the Feds.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:48 pm
by robtomorrow
The answer is simply NO, the creators would not go there, The Order is a generic name. earlier in the series it was The Order of Denderah, that in turn was meant to be reminiscent of some of the off shoots of Freemasonry, particularly those spawned by Aleister Crowley, like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn or the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) (Order of the Temple of the East)

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:56 pm
by RoseCrowley
Just no.

Re: The Order racist? Neo-Nazi?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 4:01 pm
by colbertnationgirl
LilyB wrote:(not that there has been a non-white presence in Lonelygirl15 so far, although that would be nice. I mean, come on, it is California. The least they could do is thrown in a token Asian or something.)
Yousef is Arab.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 4:29 pm
by LilyB
What do you mean "they wouldn't go there."? I mean, afterall, they are villifying the Order. The Order is the "bad guys" and you can't get much worse than covert racist agendas.

True, Yousef, the ACTOR, is Arab, but his character is not decernably. There are no references to Daniel having any kind of an ethnic background to suggest that. Although I'm glad they cast him. I like it when race is not an issue amongst casting agencts when it comes to a part.

Actually, I think it would be pretty creative on the part of the creators- the idea that these groups sort of figured out that their brash violent confrontational style was not working so they tried another more subversive approach that has been more sucessful. I mean, look at the Scientologists. They keep their agenda and elements of their philosophy under wraps until they have people in the fold already and then it is easier to spoonfeed them the doctrine that would otherwise be difficult for people to take seriously. Why not in this situation? Besides, the Order is clearly a conglomeration of different groups so there is no reason to claim they couldn't have some kind of sinister affiliation with aryan intent.

And look at Landmark! A fairly begnin whitewash of Est. Organizations can come back in softer form.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 6:06 pm
by Killthesmiley
Seriously though, as great this is story wise, it would be the creators playing on a very very shaky ground.

Do you realize how many fans they would lose if this was the case. It would be the vast majority of them.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 6:27 pm
by LilyB
Really? Why? I guess I don't understand what is driving interest in the story if not the mystery of a power consipracy. That and some of the character driven aspects of the story.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 6:33 pm
by Killthesmiley
Well to give you an idea,

I remember when Bree said F*ck for the first time.

People were in an uproar!

Then ... more swears followed....and then more people left.

You see, for some reason, we have a lot of overly sensitive people amoungst us ... ok thats badly worded and I don't want to offend anyone by saying that, but I think you guys know what I mean.

If the creators played with such a controversial subject, then they are playing on very shaky grounds.

However I do think its a great story Idea, and I think it would be an awesome idea for NBC or Fox

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:43 pm
by LilyB
Ah, I see what your saying. Although I fail to undertand how a brainwashing cult is any less salatious.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:04 pm
by Sanjay
Kinda ironic that you're so vehemently against it people, Crowley was known for twisting Eastern religions and philosophy to his own ends, but was also an outspoken racist if i recall correctly, so you being so against it is kinda funny.

Racial purity and social darwinism were pretty popular ideas at the time of Crowley.


Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:23 am
by robtomorrow
Sanjay wrote:Kinda ironic that you're so vehemently against it people, Crowley was known for twisting Eastern religions and philosophy to his own ends, but was also an outspoken racist if i recall correctly, so you being so against it is kinda funny.

Racial purity and social darwinism were pretty popular ideas at the time of Crowley.

It's not that we are against it, and you are right about Crowley, he was a anti-Semite and a racist from what I have heard, but the idea that they would make the Order a white supremacist organization is just not something that the writers would do, for the reasons articulated by Killthesmileys above. It is Crowley the occultist not Crowley the racist that is relevant to the story.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 3:47 am
by irenedirks
LilyB wrote:

True, Yousef, the ACTOR, is Arab, but his character is not decernably. There are no references to Daniel having any kind of an ethnic background to suggest that. Although I'm glad they cast him. I like it when race is not an issue amongst casting agencts when it comes to a part.
I agree

I always hate it when shows so obviously throw in a black and a gay person just so no one will complain

come on!!! we have reached the 21 century!!! people should be more relaxed about races about now!!!