another_teenage_tragedy wrote:The Order has both Bree and Julie right? So if they have brainwashed Bree and are getting her to do the ceremony what do they need Julie for?
They just needed Julia to get to Bree. Julia was bait.
chershaytoute wrote:Every teenager needs a summer job...first one's usually one you get through a friend or family member...?
These days you got to be related to somebody, even your unemployment worker, or you might not see a bloody penny!
I prefer S.A.R.A.H. or SARAH.
Always have...even before our friend Sarah entered the picture. And, I love her, but Beastie belongs to someone else! Please don't touch P. Monkey!
hmm... that sounds plausible (if i spelled that right). but if she fades out of the story, and bree is rescued, then who will the Order go after, Julia again? or another new person?
these are the words that tear you apart. and these are the words that push you away.
another_teenage_tragedy wrote:hmm... that sounds plausible. but if she fades out of the story, and bree is rescued, then who will the Order go after, Julia again? or another new person?
I hope its Random Girl. We need some more mcpheever around here.
another_teenage_tragedy wrote:The Order has both Bree and Julie right? So if they have brainwashed Bree and are getting her to do the ceremony what do they need Julie for?
They just needed Julia to get to Bree. Julia was bait.
*Refrains from wanting to laugh in Bree's face and shout 'I TOLD YOU SO!'*
I totally agree. Bree was so blinkered (horse racing term before anyone asks) about Jules she would just not listen to reason about it.
So if Jules was the bait, was Nikki B the person to throw it out for her? (yeah, I may have watched that hymnofsome video once too many times. Had a good point though.)