So... now you're back...

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So... now you're back...

Post by anniid »

Bree! I know you're probably really ticked at Daniel and Jonas... and Sarah...
But they were really just trying to help!
You'll understand soon! (I think.)
I am really glad you are safe.
We missed you!
One day you'll know who I am. On that day, so will everyone else.
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Post by Skunkwaffle »

Actually I'd like to understand better. If you don't hate everyone and everything about this site now, could you maybe let us know what went on while you were gone?
Yeah, you got... stuck a fish in the face.

Post by Lurker »

Let's hope you don't hate everyone and everything here now. Or your friends for that matter. It's not like you told anyone what was up. Why do you feel you need to do the ceremony?
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Bree, all I hope for you right now, is a healthier place of mind.
We do love you, there are so many people that care about you. We all cheered Jonas, Daniel & Sarah on.
Give it may be upset now, but that will wear off.
We love you, and we were worried for you because we care.
I prefer S.A.R.A.H. or SARAH.
Always have...even before our friend Sarah entered the picture. And, I love her, but Beastie belongs to someone else! Please don't touch P. Monkey! :smt016

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Sing the eternal song....

Post by GenocideInMyMind »

You will never have TRUE FREE WILL until you have balanced your karmic energy.
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Post by HeartofSorrow »

SARAH is right Bree. Heck I was wishing Jonas would figure out the same riddle I gave to you so I could be right there with them trying to figure out how to get you back safe and sound. Heck I would even be bringing my sword and nunchaku to the party. Well the nunchaku at least since it is easier to conceal. Maybe I should get a knife. There were some nice ones I saw at the pawn shop, and maybe I can get them to sharpen on of them or I could go get it sharpen. I could always by something to sharpen them.


Not to be the best time to be thinking about that. Anyway what was I saying? Oh yeah we were worried about you Bree and I would have done anything to be there with them when they found you.
I don't mind being called by my username, but I wish for you to call me by my true name Eagle Who Flies On Golden Wings.
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