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Wyman Foundation?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:09 pm
by Haether
Taylor, I'm trying to help the guys out here and get more information on this foundation you mentioned in your latest vid. I'm not finding any Wyman Foundations in San Diego. Did I mishear you?

by the way, thanks for showing us the bar graph

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:14 pm
by tazman2087
Yes, taylor, please specify how the heck you spell that. Wyman? Wieman?
Wymann? Whymann? So many possibilities!

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:33 pm
by matsie

I found that about 10 minutes ago, Taylor. I hope it helps. I looked at the source code and there doesn't seem to be anything on the site other than what we see, which is a bummer.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:37 pm
by rayne100
I seem to recall alot of talk on the boards about rybosomes before and if I'mnot mistaken, the kind of rybosomes that were identified from Bree's Dad's book were hairpin Rybosimes that did not exist in humans, rather they were found mainly in plants.
On the Wyman Foundation website it mentions that they work primarily with plant genetics...
Do you think it may have a connection?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:39 pm
by Sam fan
Taylor... matsie's excellent find divulged a page that has this on it:
"The Wyman Foundation is one of eight National Cancer Institute-designated basic research centers in the U.S. and the only such center in the San Diego area."

What if the HoO is trying to find a cure for Cancer? WOuld it be worth sacrificing Bree for, if her blood could help many?

That's not a rhetorical question... the ends don't necessarily justify the means.

Maybe Bree was being injected with cancer cells as a test (her special diet, etc. -- but, if true, that would mean her father was not all that benevolent) and repeatedly didn't GET cancer, i.e. ribozomes in her blood create some sort of immunity to cancer??

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:46 pm
by tazman2087
Yeah the WF website isn't much help beyond telling you what it does. Not even a copyright at the bottom!

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:48 pm
by tazman2087
another thought: the symbol for WF is infinity. Maybe they are trying to cure aging. It's a long shot i know, but just speculation.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:00 pm
by Sam fan
tazman2087 wrote:another thought: the symbol for WF is infinity. Maybe they are trying to cure aging. It's a long shot i know, but just speculation.
That's a good thought tazman2087... some say that cancer result from genettc mutation of cells either from a carcinogen _or_ from aging, so it could all be connected.

Taylor, are there any institutes for cryogenics or longevity studies related to this Wyman place??

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:05 pm
by Aerrow
Well I was looking at the vids cause someone mentioned somewhere that Jonas's father worked for a foundation.. Well from one of their videos when they were at his aunts it was said that his parents were starting a foundation, and I watched from the cabin to there and also seen this..


the paper that his dad wrote, the last initial is W, Wyman? Idk, just seemed fishy, I'm going to post this same thing in Jonas's chat..

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:13 pm
by Haether
Sam fan wrote:Taylor... matsie's excellent find divulged a page that has this on it:
"The Wyman Foundation is one of eight National Cancer Institute-designated basic research centers in the U.S. and the only such center in the San Diego area."

What if the HoO is trying to find a cure for Cancer? WOuld it be worth sacrificing Bree for, if her blood could help many?

That's not a rhetorical question... the ends don't necessarily justify the means.

Maybe Bree was being injected with cancer cells as a test (her special diet, etc. -- but, if true, that would mean her father was not all that benevolent) and repeatedly didn't GET cancer, i.e. ribozomes in her blood create some sort of immunity to cancer??
ribozymes could be a treatment for cancer, and are being investigated for this purpose. Cancer is a genetic disease, and so ribozymes could stop "bad genes" from being expressed. The research is still early.
It would not be creating "immunity" to cancer.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:52 pm
by avibabyyx33
okay so im confused. The only Wyman Foundation I have found was in New York.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:56 pm
by Sam fan
Haether wrote: ribozymes could be a treatment for cancer, and are being investigated for this purpose. Cancer is a genetic disease, and so ribozymes could stop "bad genes" from being expressed. The research is still early.
It would not be creating "immunity" to cancer.
You mean that there is a genetic predisposition to cancer and that cancer cells multiply out of control when there is accumulation of genetic errors in the cells, I'm sure. :wink:

In th sense that someone could experience a multiplication of cancer cells that would be interrupted and stopped by the rhizome activity they would be effectively "immune" (and maybe that's "trait postive").

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:02 pm
by avibabyyx33
so i followed what the Aerrow said and i searched R. J. Wyman on google.

this is what i found

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:48 pm
by Aerrow
avibabyyx33 wrote:so i followed what the Aerrow said and i searched R. J. Wyman on google.

this is what i found
Nice work :wink: I read the first link and just started reading the 2nd.. Interesting stuff..

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:50 pm
by flychiqk
Sam Fan:

You mean that there is a genetic predisposition to cancer and that cancer cells multiply out of control when there is accumulation of genetic errors in the cells, I'm sure.

In th sense that someone could experience a multiplication of cancer cells that would be interrupted and stopped by the rhizome activity they would be effectively "immune" (and maybe that's "trait postive").

No...Neoplasm formation has to do with cellular growth factors and receptors. Cancer can be genetic ( via oncogenes) but can also be caused by the miscoding of DNA during cell replication.

The ribozymes could keep the Oncogenes( genes that contain info for maintiaining neoplasmic proliferation) from expressing themselves....Thereby allowing the cell(s) to go through natural apoptosis and die....which would be the normal process for such cells that are not performing as usual.

However....even in the light of this new website and the info provided by the graph....I am failing to see how this is actully helpful.