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impulse - "londonfiles_009" [07/02/07]

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:22 am
by impulse

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:44 am
by cainam
The Decimal code = newsweek, life 2.0, find the key-

The reversed audio sounds like it says...
Stay at south kensington flag? flat?. Wait for assistance.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:59 am
by stingray
Cain what a great name for a hit man!
Too bad he didn't make it very far into the story.
Looks like Kris is on the run! :shock:

Here are the codes from the end of the video.

110 101 119 115
119 101 101 107 44
32 108 105 102 101
32 50 46 48 44 32
102 105 110 100 32
116 104 101 32 107
101 121 46

"T bad uiiiiileog qm
apoargmjlj qlkjzvfdz
mb nbb vcehjbq yc
dhkshf hmiovz oeta
npnr'y ciaixlj gzsj.
Buhr dewt gw ksnfnhb
nh wuha ojfeogy."

Thanks for posting the reverse audio!


Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:01 am
by stingray
The numbers above convert to:

newsweek, life 2.0, find the key.

So, there must be a Vigenere key for the above text somewhere here: ... eek/page/0

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:07 am
by deagol
I get the same on the audio. The morse part is:

-.-. .- .. -. / .. ... / -.-. --- -- .. -. --.


For the cipher, Newsweek article: ... eek/page/0

Nothing jumped out at me as a key. Frequency analysis didn't help much either. I've been at it for 3 hours and I can't crack it. I must be missing something obvious.

A plaintext attack on the part that goes "npnr'y" which should stand for "that's" or "what's" or "didn't" (am I missing any?) leaves me with "uinyg" or "rinyg" or "khkef" for that part of the key. :|

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:14 am
by cainam
gah, was just about to post the morse darn it, your too quick deagol

Would i be wrong to assume that the key we are looking for begins with T or L, as these would correspond with the first letter of the cipher text being A or I?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:49 pm
by QtheC
I worked through all the steps above independently also, collecting the informaton here...

morse forward:
-.-. .- .. -. | .. ... | -.-. --- -- .. -. --.

audio reversed:
Stay outside* Kensington flat. Wait for assistance.
(the word "outside" is hard to hear and sounds like "outsolve" to me, so could be "at south" or something else)

they sent me this guy

ascii code:
110 101 119 115
119 101 101 107 44
32 108 105 102 101
32 50 46 48 44 32
102 105 110 100 32
116 104 101 32 107
101 121 46
newsweek, life 2.0, find the key.

encrypted text:
"T bad uiiiiileog qm apoargmjlj qlkjzvfdz mb nbb vcehjbq yc dhkshf hmiovz oeta npnr'y ciaixlj gzsj. Buhr dewt gw ksnfnhb nh wuha ojfeogy."

This could be a Vignere Autokey or possibly a Keyed Ceasar code (assuming shift of 0). In either case, a first letter of "T" seems a good choice for the key as it causes the first word of the message to be "A"

I have tried these keys:
the genetic code
synthetic biology
double helix

No luck, so returning to Google, I tried "newsweek life 2.0 key" and am looking for possible keys in the sites that come up.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:24 pm
by QtheC
I haven't been able to make anything of it, but for what it's worth, "key" does appear in the source for the newsweek article:

Code: Select all

<meta name="keywords" content="International edition">

Code: Select all

<label class="v4" accesskey="s" for="q">

Code: Select all

<A CLASS=subscribe HREF="">Subscribe to Newsweek &#151; Lowest Rate Available</A>

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:44 pm
by QtheC
deagol wrote:A plaintext attack on the part that goes "npnr'y" which should stand for "that's" or "what's" or "didn't" (am I missing any?) leaves me with "uinyg" or "rinyg" or "khkef" for that part of the key. :|
It's not capitalized, but it might be a possessive such as "cain's" ... which gives key "lpfeg"

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:11 pm
by stingray
I tried every word in Life 2.0 that starts with T or L :?
No Luck

The key must either be cryptic like lpfeg or somewhere other then Or, it could be something other then Vigenere Cipher.

As for "npnr'y", it could be mary's, tedd's, or root's.

I would figure the keys that go with these suggestions, but I don't know how you guys are doing that!

Good luck,

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:42 pm
by QtheC
stingray wrote:Vigenere Cipher.

As for "npnr'y", it could be mary's, tedd's, or root's.

I would figure the keys that go with these suggestions, but I don't know how you guys are doing that!

Good luck,
Using the Vigenere Cipher (with decipher selected) enter just "npnr'y" as the message, and then type in a key by trial and error one character at a time to force the translation desired. This will give a key or part of a key that works, but I do not think it gives the only possible key that works for the word depending on the letters in the full message. For instance, lpfeg translates "npnr'y" to "cain's" when "npnr'y" is by itself, but when "npnr'y" appears within the entire message then "lpfeg" still works, but so does "helpfeg"

It's probably necessary to do a more careful reverse engineering of the Vigenere to see all possibilities.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:58 pm
by stingray
I am working on the solution....
This is what I came up with


never mind QtheC posted the answer in his 3:24 post on the next page.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:09 pm
by QtheC

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:11 pm
by QtheC
hahaha ... look at the title on the article webpage:

"A new generation of scientific mavericks is not content to merely tinker with life's genetic code. They want to rewrite it from scratch."

so the pattern was "life's" ... now we just need to complete the key to get this from

"T bad uiiiiileog qm apoargmjlj qlkjzvfdz mb nbb vcehjbq yc dhkshf hmiovz oeta npnr'y ciaixlj gzsj. Buhr dewt gw ksnfnhb nh wuha ojfeogy."

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:13 pm
by stingray
That is what I found out, but wanted to get the answer before posting :)