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Bree's Ceremony Revealed Theory !
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:37 pm
by Ray
I found this interesting description on wikipedia :
The Ceremony of True Will
heres a passage from the text :
True Will is a term found within the mystical system of Thelema—established in 1904 with Aleister Crowley's writing of The Book of the Law—and is defined at times as a person's grand destiny in life and at other times as a moment to moment path of action that operates in perfect harmony with Nature. This Will does not spring from conscious intent, but from the interplay between the deepest Self and the entire Universe. Therefore, the enlightened Thelemite is one who is able to eliminate or bypass one's ego-created desires, conflicts, and habits, and tap directly into the Self/Universe nexus. Theoretically, at this point, the Thelemite acts in alignment with Nature, just as a stream flows downhill, with neither resistance nor "lust of result."
the bolded text is my doing, with the helper video she was taken somewhere woody and naturalisticly correct, and she made paths went forward backwards and side ways.
second section in red : SWIMMING episode, if you can actually see the subliminal passage, the water falls, current going downstream...... the small river going in a direction oposite to where they were standing meaning downwards.
I might be completely wrong but my hunch and the description of this *CEREMONY* which is actually an offical ceremony of the Thelemian Religion could prove to be right !
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:46 pm
by Farva
that would fit with the "Seripas" book I referenced in my recent cassie theory, which references ascending your "ego-self" to become "aligned with nature" so I have to say it is at least plausible.
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:29 pm
by lordgreystoke422
I really don't think so. That ceremony struck me as one that would be more appropriate for an older thelemite. Bree has never been able to significantly exercise her own free will and I think it would be hard for her to be able to take that next step.
To borrow a little from Stephen Covey's "7 habits of Highly Effective People" Quickly
He says there are 3 stages of relationship. Dependence-independence-interdependence. That ceremony struck me was one where the performer moves into an interdependence with nature. I do not see how someone such as Bree who has obviously been held in the Dependent stage could do it as she has never made it to the independent stage. Generally it's not really common for someone to be able to jump straight from dependence to interdependence without having first made it through independence.
As you can guess..I voted no.
ummmm....... guys
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:28 pm
by hollyster
If Bree wanted us to know this she would have told us already. This is none of our business. So in the nicest possible way please guys just butt out!
Re: ummmm....... guys
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:42 pm
by lordgreystoke422
hollyster wrote:If Bree wanted us to know this she would have told us already. This is none of our business. So in the nicest possible way please guys just butt out!
If it's none of our business then she shouldn't talk about her religion so much and post Vlogs.
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:58 pm
by hollyster
it's still none of our business. that's why she doesn't tell us about it!
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 6:04 pm
by Ray
hollyster wrote:it's still none of our business. that's why she doesn't tell us about it!
if it wasnt our business there woulnt be a RELIGION section in this forum would there rofl, I think you forgot that this story is scripted and though out, we as viewers are set out to unveil the mystery
plus she brings about her religous things on almost eery vlog so I,d say the butting out is on you my dear friend
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 6:56 pm
by hollyster
don't call me a "friend" much less a dear one. I'll mind my business if you mind yours!
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:01 pm
by Farva
duh we're supposed to guess. Your argument would be halfway valid if Bree wasn't a fictional character.
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:17 pm
by JerseyJohnny
hollyster wrote:don't call me a "friend" much less a dear one. I'll mind my business if you mind yours!
Wow, why are you such a defensive fucking c**t rag???
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:45 pm
by Mirage
Where's a moderator when you need one?
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:48 pm
by Sfonzarelli
JerseyJohnny wrote:hollyster wrote:don't call me a "friend" much less a dear one. I'll mind my business if you mind yours!
Wow, why are you such a defensive fucking c**t rag???
Wow, why are you such a misogynist pig incapable of writing anything not worthy of slow, painful torture inflicted on the person who wrote it?
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:46 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Hollyster...if you can't play nice...go a general rule..we are a pretty tight group that gets along. I attribute this to the fact that we are all pretty open minded, analytical thinkers..fairly tolerant of others with opposing views...well read...above average intelligence...respect each others strengths....complement each other..etc..
The regulars as a general rule don't tend to get into extended flame fests on each other... the fact that you came out the gates in your first posts with guns a blazing and a chip on your shoulder doesn't endear you to many..
Johnny, while for the most part I was on your ya REALLY have to resort to the C word right away..if at all in this venue? I have a potty mouth to the extreme..however..I don't feel a need to resort to simple cussing in this venue as I have a tremendous vocabulary..which extends into a few languages and I have SOO many other options to cut into someone a little..that..with the company we keep on this board will be appreciated by the other readers...even if it is lost on the dipstick I am directing it at.
Additionally such a vile, intense attack, which I am sure will soon be deleted could lead our usually lenient Mods to start to come down with a heavy fist on our use of off color language. As I see it right now..they let most of what we say slide as it's not the norm..and sometimes...a good cus word just works..however..if we start cursing each other, I see the Ogre that is censorship coming down upon all of us, all the time.. I as a confirmed potty mouth do not want to lose the ability to have the occasional off color remark float by. In the future please choose the slightly higher road and flame with a little more finesse..
Now let's all try and get along...because a house divided will fall..
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:28 am
by Morgan