When A Stranger Asks For Help...

Chat with the scientist. Just what does he know?

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When A Stranger Asks For Help...


Hey Spencer,

Here I am, just another person who wishes to say a few words to you.

I understand your unwillingness to get involved with people who come out of nowhere with hundreds to thousands of emails asking for you to help a few people you never met.

It is not easy with so much pressure suddenly put upon you, out of the blue. You are dealing with real grief, from the loss of your father. I am sorry for your loss.

I ask you though, just wondering. If you were out walking,and a little kid fell off their bike...if you were there, would you help them back up?

If you saw a couple of boys throwing a ball in the street, and they broke your neighbor's window. Would you tell your neighbor who did it?

I know these 2 examples do not compare to helping out 4 people you have never met. But, if you could just take a look at what they have, it could mean nothing to you because you know so much about science. But, for the 4 in question, it could mean a world of difference. I mean, they don't have much more than high school science to go off of. You have so much more knowledge and education!

I haven't known Jonas, Daniel, Sarah, Taylor, or even Bree very long. But I have learned a lot about them in the past few months. I have much experience with New Religious Movements. (Most people still refers to them as cults)

I grew up with a Father who is considered to be one of the top De-programmers in the underground. And a Mother who has made it her life mission to head up a group designed to "kidnap" fresh recruits in NRMs (families seek her out to help loved ones who have recently joined an NRM)

I grew up around this stuff, everyday. I have much to offer my new-found friends in ways of NRMs. But, I cannot help them with the science. I was so happy they found you, especially since your Father may have actually met our friend Bree.

Currently, I am helping young pregnant women who have no idea what to do with themselves. We prepare then with knowledge and skills to step back out on 2 feet once they are ready. I personally train them on job readiness. Others focus on stress management, anger management, etc. And we live together as a group in one house of many. I always have the urge to help, it is my nature. I am not paid. But I am fed and housed for my work.

I understand it isn't so easy for some. As for you.

Aren't you even a little bit curious to what your Dad was doing just before he left this world? I know it is still so fresh and so real, but maybe this project could help with the closure you need to heal.

I am a pretty easy going person. Love to make friends. I hope I have not offended you. Please, if you ever feel the need to talk...feel free to contact me.

I prefer S.A.R.A.H. or SARAH.
Always have...even before our friend Sarah entered the picture. And, I love her, but Beastie belongs to someone else! Please don't touch P. Monkey! :smt016

My videos: http://one.revver.com/account/show/SARAHgirl81
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