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[Puzzle] Interpretation of "Where"

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:17 am
by annapanna
Since the poem is solved, maybe we should start here a discussion about the meaning?!

Solution is:

Inside the gate you will defend
the doe-eyed moppet’s only friend
The picture has not yet commenced
so depicts a rose in soil fenced
The garden where the killer wined
Still holds the cup for you to find

So, we are looking for a place/maybe a garden with a "fenced rose" in soil where the killer - wait! wouldn't that be: whined?! Actually, at this point I am not sure about the "solution" - what about you guys out there?!? As this is not my mothertongue I have no clue what to make of "wined"....

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:22 am
by sc
"wined" easily refers to drinking/serving wine, as in "wined and dined" meaning to woo using dinner and drinks.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:25 am
by annapanna
Thank you, sc!
Would that refer to Frank and his half bottle of Jack?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:26 am
by annapanna
spiff5000 wrote:
SivartAlappes wrote:
SivartAlappes wrote:ok, so if we're going with "to serapis codes in soil fenced" as that pesky line...

Then the next clue must be scratched into the dirt at a fenced in garden. a fenced in PUBLIC garden.
um, guys? found a site that lists major public gardens in cali. I looked maily for Los Angels. Found one called Arboretum of Los Angels County located at 301 N. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA
looked through pics of the place, and found this one... with fenced in soil:

probably not even worth checking, but *shrugs*
Between "To Die As Corpses In Soil Fenced" (clearly referring to graves) and "The Garden Where The Killer Wined" sounds like we should be looking for a cemetary!

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:27 am
by annapanna
jetblack wrote:
hairball wrote:The garden where the killer wined
Still holds the cup for you to find

I think thats significant. To me that sounds like she had a cup somewhere[dead drop] in a park/cemetary somewhere.
This could be interpreted as the cup being the body of the killer's victim (ie Cassie) which is still somewhere in the park.

Or perhaps the cup simply means the prize.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:28 am
by annapanna
Olympus321 wrote:i think the cup is more literal... inside it might contain a bible page.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:34 am
by sc
dammit... i've often done some interpretations on these poems, but i hold the belief that it doesn't really matter whether we interpret them correctly... it doesn't seem to hold a bearing as to whether we get the next clue... that being said...

So that line could mean that there is/will be a drop in a park (bc who "wines" in a cemetary except teenagers with nowhere else to drink?!?) where the killer has been? SO the killer is? and he's been where?

ok, i suck. i've said it, no one else has to... blah

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:51 am
by raptorsoul
Okay, let's assume that we are looking for a cemetary...


This seems to say to me that there is something just inside the gate, perhaps a telltale landmark, that is being described as the doe-eyed moppet's only friend. Maybe a statue or something?


Inside the cemetary is a plot or section of land that surrounds a rose garden.


Inside this garden where the killer drank (was the killer the one whi killed Cassie?) is a literal or symbolic cup that we must locate.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:51 am
by annapanna
Don't worry, sc, and yes, I think too, that in case we don't figure it out (or get the wrong idea), it doesn't really matter, well, if it is important, we will get another clue, right?


Who is the doe-eyed moppet?
Probably Bree, right?

Who is the doe-eyed moppet's only friend?
There was Cassie, but she stopped calling (Bree says, because of her religion, but Bree lies, if we believe Cassie, so perhaps because she died? But would she still be her friend then?)
Bree refered to Daniel as her "only friend" but in todays video, she basically took that back... Is he still her friend?
What about her helper, is she her friend, maybe her only one?

What is the meaning of the rose?
A beautiful woman/girl?
Btw: Alister Crowley wrote a poem called "The Rose and the Cross"
and his wifes name was Rose!

What is meant by "garden"?

The cup: another drop?
Somebody mention earlier in another thread that by cup Cassie could speak of a womans body or a vase

So, any ideas?!?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:54 am
by sc
yeah, yeah... cup/chalise=woman/womb... i'm damn sure that is not what this poem is refering to... i wouldn't want any group of online gamers trying to "find" my womb... it's an actual cup- maybe not a cup exactly, but an object, something literal

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:11 am
by toadlguy
Hi guys - I've been away for a bit - and it looks like the puzzles are SOLVED!. I was the one that said this must be a cemetary - based on a mistranslation of line 4 (mostly). I am not sure we should stick with that interpretation much anymore - lot's of things have gates. (Although there is a Rose Hill Cemetary in Azuzus).

All that being said - I think the key will be in interpreting lines 3 and 4:

The picture has not yet commenced,
so depicts a rose in soil fenced.

This (if interpreted directly) means that the picture only depicts a rose because it has not yet commenced?

Does this mean that the picture now depicts a rose - but will soon depict something else?

How does a picture commence? Change?

Maybe it means that a picture depicts something (a rose) that has not yet commenced.

It would appear we need to find a picture of a rose, however.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:19 am
by annapanna
well, this will not help, but thinking of a fenced rose, "the little prince" comes into my mind.... yeah, not darkness, no myths, so: just forget it...

Re: [Puzzle] Interpretation of "Where"

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:28 am
by wintermute
annapanna wrote:Still holds the cup for you to find
Is this important? Did we miss a drop?


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:30 am
by sc
thinking the same thing... i don't think we missed a drop... it more implies it's been there the whole time, we're just now getting the message to go find it, and we'll soon get more clues as to where this place is.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:41 am
by SivartAlappes
It's either going to be in LA (where the lonelygirl vids were) or Azusa (where Frank is).

out of curiosity... "The garden where the killer wined"... could that be a restraunt (Olive Garden comes to mind)