Traveler2: CU, why aren't you listening to me? Check my blog if you want to know who I am.
mourningbe: "I am the second traveller."
GatorMeegs: SMP - Frank's new blog post!
Cu_Roi: um...i should shower
aBearInAZ: hey Cu, there's a traveler looking for you..
Cu_Roi: i'll be back on
Kai1: cu is stinky
Cu_Roi: i shot lots of footage
NillaWafer: Yeah he's stinky.
GatorMeegs: Cu...don't leave!
Kristine23: Cu, Franks askign for you
Cu_Roi: frank?
Traveler2: Yes,
Cu_Roi: who's frank?
Traveler2: I am.
CDegeyter: Franks blog was just updated
Traveler2: I am not a goat.
Cu_Roi: really?
TWJaniak1: The blog says so
bubbajay42: yeah, Traveler2 is Frank
Cu_Roi goes to look
TWJaniak1: Blog says he is the second traveler
NillaWafer: Hoyyyy
Cu_Roi: well you have a namesake now
Cu_Roi: and he is a goat
bubbajay42: how are you Frank?
Chessboard: Yes, Frank, how are you?
chorazin: Howdy Frank!
Cu_Roi: so how are you?
NillaWafer: And the plot thickens.
Traveler2: Did you look under a pile of rocks east of the cable car?
Cu_Roi: there are lots of rock oiles out there
Cu_Roi: i would have to say millons
Cu_Roi: but i guess i didn't check the right one
Cu_Roi: I even had 3 helpers
Cu_Roi: what is going on?
TWJaniak1: Okay, Frank... we're listening
Cu_Roi: wow there's alot of you around
Traveler2: If you walk across the bridge, into the "nowhere" side, there should be a pile of rocks there. I eat lunch there all the time and look at the bridge and the water.
Cu_Roi: i checked
Cu_Roi: I tried to figure out where you took the pictures from
Traveler2: I still don't know if any of you are real. But I am acting like you are. I have been going through my computer, and there are lots of pictures I don't remember taking. One of them is from my lunch spot. And my hands are killing me.
Nos: Are you hurt, Frank?
Cu_Roi: are mine
Traveler2: No, Nos. Thanks for asking.
Nos: I over worry. It's a failing.
Cu_Roi: also I should wash myself incase i brush any of the poison oak...or whatever
Traveler2: Oh, and in case some of you don't recognize me, perhaps it woudlnvbe hetter if i type likle this FUC K YOU AL;LQ@!!!!!!!!!@!!!!
Cu_Roi: the bridge btw
Traveler2: Kidding.
Cu_Roi: so is the tunnel
Noava22: we gathered as much.
Cu_Roi: well
Cu_Roi: the cave
Nos: Be sure, Frank, to update your blog after this, so we know it was really you, if you can.
Cu_Roi: hehe
Cu_Roi: sorry frank
Cu_Roi: i didn't find it
Cu_Roi: but i can try again
Nilla_gone: Don't go alone this time Cu
Cu_Roi: well tachnically i didn't
Traveler2: Nos, check my blog now.
Nos: *laughs* Thank you, Frank
Nilla_gone: Well if we go really early
Nilla_gone: I can go.
Cu_Roi: i make friends every where i go
Nilla_gone: I don't have to pick up the kids until 2:30
Cu_Roi: no not now that we know about the pile
Nos: Frank, would it be possible to share some of these pictures you found on your computer with us?
Nilla_gone: Frank, I just wanted to introduce myself. My anme is Nila, I've lived in Azusa all my life, which is kinda funny considering this
TWJaniak1: Perhpas post them on your blog?
Cu_Roi: btw frank don't be sorry
Cu_Roi: it was a blast
Traveler2: Nilla, come on by the Super 8 sometime. We'll have a drink.
Nilla_gone: He met a goat Frank, and named it after you!
Traveler2: Everything from A to Z in the USA.
Nilla_gone: Oh man I've stayed in that place...are you's kinda creepy IMO.
Noava22: the western inn across the street is worse
Noava22: walked through there last night, too
Nilla_gone: But they have smily faces on their sign! They can't be that bad! lol
Nilla_gone: Did you go to AHS Frank?
Traveler2: I'm a member of the Super 8 CLub. SO I get treated pretty good, ifyaknnowwhatimean.
Traveler2: I have decided to fight the voice.
Noava22: what has led you to this conclusion, may i ask?
Nos: Why have you, Frank?
Nilla_gone: Interesting...
Traveler2: I'm not sure it's on my side.
Noava22: ok, fair enough.
NillaWafer: Well, that's def. something we don't know either.
Cu_Roi: hey frank these guys can take it from here...i didn't sleep last night and rushed out to the bridge as soon as i could
Noava22: are you conscious of the video that was released that directed us to the bridge?
Nos: Get some sleep, Cu.
Cu_Roi: so i'm gonna go
Nos: We'll keep you update man
Traveler2: Is anyone headed out there tomorrow?
NillaWafer: I have to work at 2:30...
Noava22: best i can do is tonight. maybe.
Nos: Yes, I believe Cu is going to go again, and perhaps you Nilla?
Noava22: probably not.
Nos: Noa, not tonight...Might be dangerous
NillaWafer: Maybe....
NillaWafer: Yeah Los Angeles Nat. Forest != good place to be at night
NillaWafer: Why don't you come with us Frank?
Traveler2: Do NOT go to the E. Fork at night. I don't even do that, and I have gun.
Nos: Thank you for saying that, Frank.
TWJaniak1: Frank, you say you think the voice is not on your side? Why do you believe this?
Traveler2: Maybe I'll see you there.
Noava22: Frank...I've got a really random question
Noava22: but, do you like Jameson's? or are you solely a Jack Daniels man?
Noava22: ok that question is neither here nor there - but what has this voice been telling you as of late?
Nos: Frank, if you don't mind answering a question, do you have a name for the voice yet?
Nos: Frank, are you there?