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The Blood Ritual - L Ron Hubbard - a Scientology Connection

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 7:07 pm
by camo1000
Right - I realised that in one of the video's there was a clue - and i don't think anyone has tapped into it. In 'The Order of Denderah' Daniel says he googled Hathor and Alester Crowley together. So i decided to do this myself.

I got a few articles talking about a secretive ceremony which was invented by L Ron Hubbard (the founder of Scientology) called simply The Blood Ritual which was an invocation of Hathor. And nvolved the mixing of blood.

L Ron hung around a bit with Aleister Crowley, hence how i found this.

So here's some questions?

(1) Could Bree's super-secret religion infact be Scientology? (One of the most secretive religions there is)
(2) Was the ceremony 'The Blood Ritual'?


Re: The Blood Ritual - L Ron Hubbard - a Scientology Connect

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:17 pm
by Sfonzarelli
camo1000 wrote:L Ron hung around a bit with Aleister Crowley, hence how i found this.
(1) Could Bree's super-secret religion infact be Scientology? (One of the most secretive religions there is)

1. I don't think Crowley and Hubbard were ever in the same room together. Hubbard and Jack Parsons were friends at one point (Jack Parsons was awesome, btw) before Hubbard screwed him over.
2. Bree's religion can't be Scientology, at least not what is known about orthodox Scientology. Bree would not have been selected for a ceremony, she would have risen in the ranks of the organizations by attending various classes and workshops in which she'd have to invest money to get into. There would be no references to things like Egyptian gods because Scientologists think the gods of other religions are residue from alien brainwashing. There would be no shrine to Crowley and no unicursal hexigrams on this site because Hubbard denounced hermetic occultism when he put his awesome little scam into action, claiming he was a government agent sent to monitor Parson's evil black magic, or something stupid and made up like that. She would not be doing yoga and learning Enochian, (Scientologists would probably say that the angels who John Dee was channeling didn't really exist and were just the psychic residue of ghost aliens) she would be fiddling with an e-meter and geting "audited".
3. Scientology is not the most secretive religion there is. If it was really that secret, you would have never heard of it. Just like....

...nevermind, nothing.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:28 am
by Kasdeja
How many times do we have to delve into the Scientology theory? :roll: