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Bree's Parents?!

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:37 am
by stealtheshow
Me again. =]
Just wondering, did anyone pick up that in Daniels latest video, he was walking about how nice Bree's parents were, and if they knew exactly what was happening, that they would stop what was going on?
Does anyone think that the twist could be, Bree's parents really do know what's happening, and were the ones that asked Lucy to follow Daniel.
Cause they stopped Bree from seeing Daniel, after she sneaked out with him, and went to a party with him; they may have thought he was a bad influence, and may stop Bree focussing on her religion.
So perhaps Bree's parents are behind a lot of it.. Or maybe Bree's parents, aren't actually her parents.. but that's another theory.
Anyway, the plot could head that Bree talks to her parents, or Daniel does.. or both of them, whatever, and they freak out..?

Also, they must know that the ceremony Bree had earlier was a fake, seeing as she is still meeting with Lucy and getting shots..

What do you all think?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:41 am
by Kasdeja
I'm not sure about her parents...from everything we know so far, they don't really know what the ceremony entails, either.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:42 am
by DontHaveAClue
I don't know. From what I read these days on the forum, Bree's father eats babies, and Bree's mother put people to die like dogs. And how do we kill dogs? We give them shots. Who's getting shots right now? Bree! I don't know what to think anymore..... But my advice: if you want to stay mentally sane, do not read this forum!!!! Just Don't!

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:44 am
by AutoPilate
Mentally sane? :lol:

Might be too late for you, mate. :P

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:48 am
by DontHaveAClue
AutoPilate wrote: Might be too late for you, mate. :P
I know...I know..... :cry: :shock: :cry: :lol: :shock: :lol: :oops: :shock: :evil: :P :o :) :shock: :evil: :wink: :cry: :lol: :P :D :?:

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:36 pm
by stealtheshow
Kasdeja wrote:I'm not sure about her parents...from everything we know so far, they don't really know what the ceremony entails, either.
they supposedly don't know.

It wouldn't be suprising if Bree lied about that too.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:34 am
by amandaschlicher
I'm trying to figure out why in the world any father would give his teenage daughter injections without knowing EXACTLY what it was. Maybe he doesn't know, maybe he knows and isn't telling. The only explanation is that they are either brainwashed, or just as terrified of "the group" as everyone else if they don't follow protocol... even so far as injecting their only daughter with mystery drugs.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:39 am
by Broken Kid
amandaschlicher wrote:I'm trying to figure out why in the world any father would give his teenage daughter injections without knowing EXACTLY what it was. Maybe he doesn't know, maybe he knows and isn't telling. The only explanation is that they are either brainwashed, or just as terrified of "the group" as everyone else if they don't follow protocol... even so far as injecting their only daughter with mystery drugs.
My guess is he knows what it is, and it isn't inherently harmful. The problem is, what's the purpose of the stuff? If he tells her what it is, she's bound to ask "why?", and maybe that's what he's not prepared to answer. (For example, if he's injecting her with fertility drugs because the ceremony involves her impregnation, the drugs themselves aren't necessarily harmful, but she probably wouldn't be happy with the explanation.)

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:37 am
by Kasdeja
stealtheshow wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:I'm not sure about her parents...from everything we know so far, they don't really know what the ceremony entails, either.
they supposedly don't know.

It wouldn't be suprising if Bree lied about that too.
Bree is horrible about lying. It's more like, Bree has been lied to herself.