Liber Quintus. ab ignaris.

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To Aperon Zoe
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Liber Quintus. ab ignaris.

Post by To Aperon Zoe »

hic difficilis docebitis. videre eissac poteratis. quis temperet a lacrimis? ne desperemus. ipse populos duxi.
For those of you who choose to continue in your ignorant state,
Qui enim poterit aut corporis firmitate aut fortunae stabilitate confidere? Atqui nisi stabili et fixo et permanente bono beatus esse nemo potest. Quid ergo eius modi istorum est? ut mihi Laconis illud dictum in hos cadere videatur, qui glorianti cuidam mercatori, quod multas navis in omnem oram maritimam dimisisset, 'Non sane optabilis quidem ista' inquit 'rudentibus apta fortuna.' An dubium est quin nihil sit habendum in eo genere, quo vita beata compleatur, si id possit amitti? Nihil enim interarescere, nihil extingui, nihil cadere debet eorum, in quibus vita beata consistit. Nam qui timebit ne quid ex is deperdat, beatus esse non poterit.
your crimes will be absolved on account of the former.
Volumus enim eum, qui beatus sit, tutum esse, inexpugnabilem, saeptum atque munitum, non ut parvo metu praeditus sit, sed ut nullo. Ut enim innocens is dicitur, non qui leviter nocet, sed qui nihil nocet, sic sine metu is habendus est, non qui parva metuit, sed qui omnino metu vacat. Quae est enim alia fortitudo nisi animi adfectio cum in adeundo periculo et in labore ac dolore patiens, tum procul ab omni metu? Atque haec certe non ita se haberent, nisi omne bonum in una honestate consisteret.
In truth, you shall find wisdom.
Qui autem illam maxume optatam et expetitam securitatem—securitatem autem nunc appello vacuitatem aegritudinis, in qua vita beata posita est—habere quisquam potest, cui aut adsit aut adesse possit multitudo malorum? Qui autem poterit esse celsus et erectus et ea, quae homini accidere possunt, omnia parva ducens, qualem sapientem esse volumus, nisi omnia sibi in se posita censebit? An Lacedaemonii Philippo minitante per litteras se omnia quae conarentur prohibiturum quaesiverunt, num se esset etiam mori prohibiturus: vir is, quem quaerimus, non multo facilius tali animo reperietur quam civitas universa? Quid? ad hanc fortitudinem, de qua loquimur, temperantia adiuncta, quae sit moderatrix omnium commotionum, quid potest ad beate vivendum deesse ei, quem fortitudo ab aegritudine et a metu vindicet, temperantia cum a libidine avocet, tum insolenti alacritate gestire non sinat? Haec efficere virtutem ostenderem, nisi superioribus diebus essent esplicata.
What you seek, in wisdom.
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Post by Kasdeja »

:shock: What?
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Post by wintermute »

Kasdeja wrote::shock: What?
I think they were just calling you a sexy penguin :D

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Yay! :o
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Re: Liber Quintus. ab ignaris.

Post by Broken Kid »

To Aperon Zoe wrote:For those of you who choose to continue in your ignorant state,
your crimes will be absolved on account of the former.
In truth, you shall find wisdom.
What you seek, in wisdom.
Yay! Wisdom's fun! I likes me some wisdom!
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Post by AutoPilate »

Utere lactucis et mollibus utere malvis:
Nam faciem durum, Phoebe, cacantis habes.
Why was there BACON IN THE SOAP?!
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Post by AutoPilate »

Martial wrote:Utere lactucis et mollibus utere malvis:
Nam faciem durum, Phoebe, cacantis habes.
Martial wrote:"Eat lettuce and soft apples:
For you, Phoebus, have the harsh face of a defecating man."

- Epigrams, Book III, No. 89
Why was there BACON IN THE SOAP?!
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Re: Liber Quintus. ab ignaris.

Post by Sheikh Gomelez »

To Aperon Zoe wrote:Qui enim poterit aut corporis firmitate aut fortunae stabilitate confidere? Atqui nisi stabili et fixo et permanente bono beatus esse nemo potest. Quid ergo eius modi istorum est? ut mihi Laconis illud dictum in hos cadere videatur, qui glorianti cuidam mercatori, quod multas navis in omnem oram maritimam dimisisset, 'Non sane optabilis quidem ista' inquit 'rudentibus apta fortuna.' An dubium est quin nihil sit habendum in eo genere, quo vita beata compleatur, si id possit amitti? Nihil enim interarescere, nihil extingui, nihil cadere debet eorum, in quibus vita beata consistit. Nam qui timebit ne quid ex is deperdat, beatus esse non poterit.

Volumus enim eum, qui beatus sit, tutum esse, inexpugnabilem, saeptum atque munitum, non ut parvo metu praeditus sit, sed ut nullo. Ut enim innocens is dicitur, non qui leviter nocet, sed qui nihil nocet, sic sine metu is habendus est, non qui parva metuit, sed qui omnino metu vacat. Quae est enim alia fortitudo nisi animi adfectio cum in adeundo periculo et in labore ac dolore patiens, tum procul ab omni metu? Atque haec certe non ita se haberent, nisi omne bonum in una honestate consisteret.

Qui autem illam maxume optatam et expetitam securitatem—securitatem autem nunc appello vacuitatem aegritudinis, in qua vita beata posita est—habere quisquam potest, cui aut adsit aut adesse possit multitudo malorum? Qui autem poterit esse celsus et erectus et ea, quae homini accidere possunt, omnia parva ducens, qualem sapientem esse volumus, nisi omnia sibi in se posita censebit? An Lacedaemonii Philippo minitante per litteras se omnia quae conarentur prohibiturum quaesiverunt, num se esset etiam mori prohibiturus: vir is, quem quaerimus, non multo facilius tali animo reperietur quam civitas universa? Quid? ad hanc fortitudinem, de qua loquimur, temperantia adiuncta, quae sit moderatrix omnium commotionum, quid potest ad beate vivendum deesse ei, quem fortitudo ab aegritudine et a metu vindicet, temperantia cum a libidine avocet, tum insolenti alacritate gestire non sinat? Haec efficere virtutem ostenderem, nisi superioribus diebus essent esplicata.
[H]ow can he depend on having a sound body, or that his fortune shall continue? But no one can be happy without an immovable, fixed, and permanent good. What, then, is this opinion of theirs? So that I think that saying of the Spartan may be applied to them, who, on some merchant’s boasting before him that he had despatched ships to every maritime coast, replied that a fortune which depended on ropes was not very desirable. Can there be any doubt that whatever may be lost cannot be properly classed in the number of those things which complete a happy life? for of all that constitutes a happy life, nothing will admit of withering, or growing old, or wearing out, or decaying; for whoever is apprehensive of any loss of these things cannot be happy: the happy man should be safe, well fenced, well fortified, out of the reach of all annoyance, not like a man under trifling apprehensions, but free from all such. As he is not called innocent who but slightly offends, but he who offends not at all, so it is he alone who is to be considered without fear who is free from all fear, not he who is but in little fear. For what else is courage but an affection of mind that is ready to undergo perils, and patient in the endurance of pain and labor without any alloy of fear? Now, this certainly could not be the case if there were anything else good but what depended on honesty alone. But how can any one be in possession of that desirable and much-coveted security (for I now call a freedom from anxiety a security, on which freedom a happy life depends) who has, or may have, a multitude of evils attending him? How can he be brave and undaunted, and hold everything as trifles which can befall a man? for so a wise man should do, unless he be one who thinks that everything depends on himself. Could the Lacedæmonians without this, when Philip threatened to prevent all their attempts, have asked him if he could prevent their killing themselves? Is it not easier, then, to find one man of such a spirit as we are inquiring after, than to meet with a whole city of such men? Now, if to this courage I am speaking of we add temperance, that it may govern all our feelings and agitations, what can be wanting to complete his happiness who is secured by his courage from uneasiness and fear, and is prevented from immoderate desires and immoderate insolence of joy by temperance? I could easily show that virtue is able to produce these effects, but that I have explained on the foregoing days.
-Cicero, Tusculan Disputations
Last edited by Sheikh Gomelez on Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tenser, said the Tensor.
Tenser, said the Tensor.
Tension, apprehension,
And dissension have begun.
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Post by wintermute »

I liked my translation better :P

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Post by Sheikh Gomelez »

For our "friend":

...resonant ululatibus aedes
femineis, versusque dolor dat terga timori.

To put this a very different way: Should we praise your use of quotation from a dead language or tremble before it? Or would you like a bit of both?

Want a cracker?

Tenser, said the Tensor.
Tenser, said the Tensor.
Tension, apprehension,
And dissension have begun.
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Post by Kasdeja »

I want a cracker...
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Post by Broken Kid »

Kasdeja wrote:I want a cracker...
Crackers for everyone!
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Post by Kasdeja »

Yay! :o
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