LGPedia Appreciation Week (10/29 - 11/04)

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LGPedia Appreciation Week (10/29 - 11/04)

Post by twjaniak »

Hello, faithful and devoted members of the LG15 community. That time has come again where we have to ask for your support. Now before you get all up in arms thinking we're about to grill your for your hard earned cash, rest assured that nothing could be farther from the truth. What I am going to ask from you though is for your support with the LGPedia: the great repository of all things LG15 related.

Wouldn't be great if the answers to any questions you may have about Bree, Owen, or even OpAphid could be found in one easy-to-use, highly cross-referenced source of information? Well... that is exactly what you get from the LGPedia. If you can't find what you're looking for, you can start a new page with what little you do know. In a few days, that seed of a page that you planted may grow into to a towering tree of knowledge as various users water it by contributing what they know about the topic.

To this end, I declare October 29th to November 4th 2006 to be LGPedia Appreciation Week. I implore each of you to visit the LGPedia and promote its growth by adding new pages of LG15 facts; expand upon incomplete pages that you may find; or streamline pages that are in need of reorganization.

Don't worry about breaking things; any edits can be easily reverted. To begin, just visit the LGPedia, read the guidelines, and have fun.

By the way, these very forums do not have an LGPedia page. Why don't you try your hand at making one?

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Post by jc_gypsy7 »

Thanks for letting us know.. I just added my two cents :P
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Post by admin »

Thanks for rallying the troops!
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