[SPEC] Analyzing the clues [DROP] 11/4/06

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[SPEC] Analyzing the clues [DROP] 11/4/06

Post by Sad Panda »

I thought maybe we should put all of the actual clues in one thread and the theories about them in another. The other thread is getting a little confusing for me.

Also, it'd be a good place to put IRL theories.

Speaking of which ....

[EDITED for consistency ... and for stuff I think is particulary interesting]

[13:54] <shifty_J> Well, it could mean good purity immediately. stat=asap
[13:54] <shifty_J> GoodPurityStat.s
[13:54] <evaB> I think it's GoodPurityStat.s
[13:54] <shifty_J> was the file
[13:54] <prephim> how did it get named .s??
[13:55] <acidfingers> no, I think it was changed to that when it got uploaded
[13:55] <Luv2LuvEm> thats what I though stat.s
[13:55] <evaB> people are assuminh "status"
[13:55] <evaB> assuming
[13:55] <prephim> not assuming - archetype told us it was status
[13:55] <prephim> not assuming - archetype told us it was status
[13:55] <prephim> I confirmed with him
[13:55] <prephim> it was on the card as GoodPurityStatus
[13:55] <shifty_J> oh
[13:55] <acidfingers> yeah, I'm pretty sure it was an extension-less file with the name GoodPurityStatus
[13:55] <Luv2LuvEm> well goodpuritystatus=PURSUITS GOT TODAY
[13:56] <evaB> oh, then where did the .s come from?
[13:56] <acidfingers> not sure
[13:56] <ParanoidPnda> .... With the Thumbs Up also to take into consideration?
[13:56] <ParanoidPnda> Maybe the message Tach wants to pass on is that she done something REALLY good.
[13:56] <acidfingers> I think the thumbs up is in reference to hitch hiking
[13:56] <Luv2LuvEm> or TO STUDY IT AS A GROUP
[13:57] <ParanoidPnda> Oh, Geesh.
[13:57] <Scalare> I think the thumbs up is a reference to reading the bookmark from bottom to top
[13:57] <Scalare> as said on the postcard too
[13:58] <SurrealisticPill> of lucy's function in the order?
[13:58] <SurrealisticPill> to prepare bree for the ceremony?
[13:59] <Scalare> I'd like to think so, yes.
[13:59] <SurrealisticPill> so tach may have been alerting m&d that bree is in danger
[14:00] <SurrealisticPill> that she will be a viginal sacrifice in the ceremony?

[14:14] <Scalare> I'm still for the explanation that GoodPurityStatus is some way of telling us that the message is GPS coordinates.
[14:14] <SurrealisticPill> i think maybe the order is planning some kind of evil war (based on 39, 4-9), and they gain power from the ceremony
[14:15] <evaB> i like it, pill
[14:15] <ParanoidPnda> Scalare ... why would that worry Op?
[14:15] <ParanoidPnda> Or, at least concern her?
[14:15] <ParanoidPnda> I mean, wouldn't she WANT those coordinates?
[14:15] <ParanoidPnda> Unless ... they're coodinates to HER facility or something?
[14:15] <evaB> hmmm.
[14:15] <ParanoidPnda> Oh, dooood. Maybe that's it. That's why she asked "Who else knows about this?"
[14:15] <horcruxes> okay i have yet to read the verses brb.
[14:15] <Scalare> yeah I think they are coordinates that are important to OP that she doesn't want out in the open.
[14:15] <ParanoidPnda> Cel: "The whole forum"
[14:16] <ParanoidPnda> Op: "Oh, dear."
[14:16] <evaB> if the numbers were coordinates, why would she need to include the book of law?
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Post by Sad Panda »

Okay, I guess either everyone's sleeping or I didn't post the thing right.

Either way, I'll just reply to myself until either someone chimes up or deletes the post. ;)

Anyhoo, some theories of mine in my noggin ...

When LordCel said told Op about the theory that GoodPurityStatus = GPS, Op kind FREEEAKKKKEDDDDD out. Well, in a classy, dignified way.

I think maybe, somewhere in this drop ... is the GPS coordinates of something or someone that Op doesn't want us to see?
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Post by LesterG »

the gps coordinates may very well lead us to the "ipod opera's" HQ

-just a thought
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Post by evaB »

Sorry, Panda, where did LordCel tell Op about the GPS theory? I thought she just freaked out when he told her the name...
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Post by Sad Panda »

No, you're right .... she only gets upset about the name, I suppose. But I think I've heard it elsewhere. AND someone said that Op confirmed it in another email.

If I find that post, I'll edit.

Post by covedweller »

I posted this in the emails from Op thread also. But her reply reads like it was written by someone who is freaking out a little. The grammar was off and it wasn't as well written as most of her replies. I got a similar reply, so I am thinking that none of us have picked up on it yet?

But who does she mean when she says "tip him off?" Who is "him?" Not Tachyon's partner, since if that was the message to pass along, he would be the one passing it along and not receiving it.

LordGreystoke? :lol:

Maybe Tachyon was offended that he called OpAphid the C word at the end of that last video. Sisterhood of women and all, they have to stick up for each other!
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Analysis of the text:

Post by Sad Panda »

I am going to analyze the text as if I were Tachy ... what would she think about these verses? Why would they be important for her cause?

Transcript is from Landron, who got it from the actual copy of the book recovered:


The word of Sin is Restriction.

It seems that one of The Book of Law's main tenents has to do with free will, perhaps to excess. Another very popular phrase in the Book is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

To restrict oneself from what they want is, in fact, to sin.

O man ! refuse not thy wife, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! Hell.

... I don't know, honestly. I do know that this is the other main tenent of The Book of Law, which is that love IS the law. It seems contradictory that, in one hand, there seems to be an empasis on action without regard for other people, yet at the same time an empasis on Love. Of course, the Book's interpretation of Love is questionable.

Tacky is confused by this verse, too, it seems ... She put a big ol' question mark beside it.

32/24 - Behold ! these be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be hermits.

Remember what Oppy says:
"Some things are secret for a reason. There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way."

This seems to match up with what Oppy (and Bree) say about the Order perfectly, these secrets are very precious and are VERY well guarded. Must be some good stuff.

Now think not to find them in the forest or on the mountain; but in the beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large limbs, and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about them; there shall ye find them.

This passage seems to be directly alluding to OpAphid itself (not the order, persay).

Remember, The Order is very, very large. It probably has all sorts of different 'branches.' It also seems that the communication that goes on between these branches is kept to a minimum, as evidenced by how little Tach found during her time within the ranks of The Order. Also, when Bree saw the footage of the fake ceremony, she seemed very distured when she realized that she didn't know one of them.

I think we can assume that the members of OpAphid ARE the keepers of the secrets? With this assumption in mind, I find it interesting that this passage refers to women directly, and sexy women indirectly. Every woman associated with the order that WE have seen in all the videos in the LG15 series have been (argueably) very attractive and very young. Perhaps OpAphid (at least the higher ranks) is composed ENTIRELY of women? Hence why "sister" went on the trip and "brother" stayed behind?

And if this is the case, perhaps Bree's ceremony is to initiate her into OpAphid. THIS is why OpAphid is so upset about Daniel ... he is directly messing with thier plans.

Also, kindly note (I didn't come up with this, I heard it from Eva" that Bree's alter has a purple fabric of some sort on it. Is that a sign?

Ye shall see them at rule, at victorious armies, at all the joy; and there shall be in them a joy a million times greater than this. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one another with burning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride, in the day of your wrath.

... I don't know. Let me get back to youl.

34/51 - Purple beyond purple: it is the light higher than eyesight. (note: this page was dog-eared, unknown if that's important or they were just saving their place)

I do not think this is direclty related to UV rays or anything. I just think that, once again, it is confirming that purple is the color of the ones who protect the secrets.

*NOTE: Page 39-40 was found folded in half when we found the drop*
39/4 - Choose ye an island!
5 - Fortify it!
6 - Dung it about with enginery of war!
7 - I will give you a war-engine.
8 - With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you.
9 - Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them ! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house.

Since there were two important arrows pointing to this passage (the page was folded and these passages have the > by them), clearly it was very significant for Tach.

What I think this describes (to Tach) is the physical location that OpAphid (the keepers of the secrets) do what they do. Perhaps it is not a literal island, but an island in the sense that they do NOT liason with those who are not thier brethren. In other words, they try to keep a low profile.

Again, for a book that talks a lot about love, this passage isn't very sugary. What "war-engine" is going to smite the peoples? God only knows, but it certainly sounds bad.

Again, at the end, it literally mentions a "secret house."

40/12 - Sacrifice cattle, little and big: after a child.
40/13 - But not now.

Clearly, Tach is concerned about someone getting sacrificed, mainly a child. Possibly Bree? Why does Tachy seem to think that Bree is going to be sacrificed? What proof does she have?

41/24... - The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.

Of the moon, montly = menstrual cycle. Ewwww.
Again, the blood of a child .. Brees blood? What is Bree being sacrificed for?

Blood rituals are very common in thelmatic magic rituatls, as is Sex magic. I'm sure neither would be very appealing to Bree, or Tachy for that matter.

47/47 - This bood shall be translated into all tongues: but always with the original in the writing of the Beast; for in the chance shape of these are mysteries that no Beast shall devine. Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key: then this circle squared is its failure is a key also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child & that strangely. Let him not seek after this, for thereby alone can he fall from it.

From what I can gather, most people who practice Thelema do not believe he is talking about real blood here. I would like to do more research on this passage and get back to you guys.

What I do find interesting is the part about the mysteries that no beast shall devine. Another refrence to a child.

48/55! - Let Mary inviolate (Meaning: unbroken, free from injury) be torn upon wheels: for her sake let all chaste women be utterly despised among you!

Well, its hard to see this any other way than let the bad, bad virgin be "torn" ... another allusion to a sex act where Bree will be raped?


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
This is probably the most famous verse in the whole book. Again, free will/hedonism (depending how you look at it)

The study of this Book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy after the first reading. Whosoever disregards this does so at his own risk and peril. Theses are most dire.

What kind of religion doesn't want thier followers to study it? Or destroy its holy teachings? Clearly, Tachy did not heed this warning and studied this book quite a bit (Landron said the book looked worn, not new)

Those who discuss the contents of this Book are to be shunned by all, as centres of pestilence. All questions of the Law are to be decided only by appeal to my writings, each for himself.

Shun the non-believer indeed!

There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
Love is the law, love under will.

Again, the two main tenants of The Book

The priest of the princes,

I think Wikki does a really good job of explaining this part right here:

Thats all I have for now ... would love feedback!

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Dog ears

Post by ladron121 »

So, going through The Book of the Law I noticed that some pages were dog-eared. Since they were pages that were already listed on the bookmark, didn't think much of it. However, in the interest of full disclosure:

Page 33-34 - folded at the lower right corner, toward page 34, corner points toward the word "modest". This is a small, uniform triangle fold, about an inch tall;

Page 43-44 - folded at the upper right corner, toward page 44, corner points toward the word "There". This is a large fold, goes 3/4 of the way down the page, a couple inches tall;

Page 47-48 - folded at the upper right corner, toward page 47, corner points toward the word "the". It is similar to the fold on page 33-34, not so uniform a bit further down the side of the page;

Page 49-50 - folded at the upper right corner, toward page 50, corner points to nothing, covers the title of the pagem The Comment. It is similar to the fold on page 43-44, just points a different way.

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Re: Analysis of the text:

Post by tiltingwindward »

Sad Panda wrote: Ye shall see them at rule, at victorious armies, at all the joy; and there shall be in them a joy a million times greater than this. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one another with burning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride, in the day of your wrath.
I think this is Tach's analysis of what's going on within the Order (or a kind of tongue-in-cheek commentary on how the Order operates). Factional fighting among the great, with the low (common) members of the Order getting trampled without concern. What happens to small people when they get in the Order's way? They are eliminated.
SadPanda wrote: *NOTE: Page 39-40 was found folded in half when we found the drop*
39/4 - Choose ye an island!
5 - Fortify it!
6 - Dung it about with enginery of war!
7 - I will give you a war-engine.
8 - With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you.
9 - Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them ! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house.
I think that rather than talking about the Order's exact location, Tach is warning about what OpA's next move might be. Imagine that OpA is in a factional contest with another faction in the Order, or even with some group outside the Order. This passage warns that OpA/the Order is gearing up for a full scale war, with weaponry that the intended recipients of Tach's message are unprepared for.
SadPanda wrote: 40/12 - Sacrifice cattle, little and big: after a child.
40/13 - But not now.

41/24... - The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.
I agree...this seems to be a reference to the ceremony Bree was going to go through with--especially since there was all that emphasis on purity. Bree needs to be a virgin? And maybe the time of the ceremony isn't set because she also has to be menstruating?
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Post by tiltingwindward »

In respons to Ladron's dogeared pages...

...all of the dogeared pages are represented on the numbered bookmark List, (except 44) and all of them are in the left-hand column (except 47, which is in both). I think this might be a hint that the first column is page number.
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Post by Luv2Luvem »

tiltingwindward wrote:In respons to Ladron's dogeared pages...

...all of the dogeared pages are represented on the numbered bookmark List, (except 44) and all of them are in the left-hand column (except 47, which is in both). I think this might be a hint that the first column is page number.
Good observation! And the left hand? It could be a word, a letter or a whole verse. Just my opinion, but have we checked this out?
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Post by tiltingwindward »

Luv2Luvem wrote:
tiltingwindward wrote:In respons to Ladron's dogeared pages...

...all of the dogeared pages are represented on the numbered bookmark List, (except 44) and all of them are in the left-hand column (except 47, which is in both). I think this might be a hint that the first column is page number.
Good observation! And the left hand? It could be a word, a letter or a whole verse. Just my opinion, but have we checked this out?

I've looked at the option of the right hand column being a word. This is what I got (slash words for instances with hyphenated words, which I counted as one, then two, and no word inserted for 50):

In/the a fifth in thine heart and the kisses and find wisdom...and/with Fates!
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Re: Analysis of the text:

Post by Sad Panda »

tiltingwindward wrote: I agree...this seems to be a reference to the ceremony Bree was going to go through with--especially since there was all that emphasis on purity. Bree needs to be a virgin? And maybe the time of the ceremony isn't set because she also has to be menstruating?
It appears to be a requirement, yes. There has been speculation that this is the reason she is getting the shots, to regulate her cycle.

I don't know if I believe that (the same can be done simply by taking the pill), but its interesting none the less.
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Post by BubbleYum211 »

Okay so I have two things to point out/say... I dont know how this will be taken so feel free to leave any say what you will about this post. First off, I dont necassarily believe that GoodPurityStatus is meant to be read as GPS... It could be that that is just the way they type, for example I myself save files onto my computer with all the names in the file capitalized... like, red roses are red would come out to be RedRosesAreRed... does that make sense? Also with the folded down pages, they could just be folded down in a "random" way for refrence when the book mark was written, it doesnt mean that they were pointed down to specifically point to a word or a sentance... Or I could just be rambling and all of this was proven wrong already... Who knows? LOL, anyhow, back to lurking until some other random comment pops into my head. :D

Post by covedweller »

GPS worked out for decrypting Tachyon's latest message. So apparently it was tied in!
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